Pero Metkovic
177 min readApr 3, 2021


The tissue and organs of a pig are quite similar to a human. Cancer attacks both man and pig. I believe that pigs originated somewhere near the border of the human race

Area of the human race formation.

A, A’, A”… The central area of the human race formation.

B, B’, B”… The second layer of the human race formation.

C, C’, C”… The zone in which human-like animals originated.

In this sketch we can see the formation of human races with animals, which originated in similar conditions. In this way we can understand identities in between humans and some animal species. If there is any natural or cosmic impact on humans, it can also affect some animals like pigs.

Cancer is a disease of humans and pigs. For certain astronomical reasons, humans and pigs will get cancer.

We can get the flu for reasons unknown to us. Our body will start to suffer from high fever, cough, runny nose, headache etc. The mucous membrane in our trachea, mouth and nasal cavity will become inflamed. This kind of encounter with the disease we can call “Factor A”.

We can get cancer for reasons unknown to us. Our body will become weak, the temperature will rise, we will have a headache. Certain parts of our body will become inflamed. This type of disease we can call “Factor A ‘.

Both factors have similarities. Influenza is less dangerous than cancer. We can stop the flu to some extent with existing drugs. We don’t have medicine that can stop cancer. Whatever medication we have is not enough to stop the cancer.

Can the burning of fossil fuels cause cancer? Is fuel combustion another impact on the human body, among many others?

This effect will affect the human body like everyone else. Breathing burnt fuel will cause the possibility of disease.

Fuel combustion gases will enter our body, through the lungs. They will affect our organs, which will weaken. Such organs will become suitable for the development of cancer. Cancer is actually a living transformation of our organs. The organ affected by the cancer will continue to live even though it transforms into a new disease form.

We can take a wart as an example. It is not such a dangerous growth on our skin.

Due to certain effects on our body, we will get warts on our skin. The wart looks like a separate growth on our skin.

Skin growths, warts.

A — Skin wart.

B- The root of the skin wart.

By existing logic, warts should not exist on our skin. However our body created skin warts, due to external influences. In fact, nipples are a creation of the astronomical season, which affects our body. Inhaling burnt fossil fuels will weaken our body, and will become suitable for various disease creations.

Organs, such as blood, blood vessels and others, that will affect the creation of skin warts, we can call the “Body Center”. Our “Body Center” will participate in the creation of warts on our skin.

Body Center

A — Body Center.

B, B’, B”… Warts

C, C’, C”… Skin ulcers.

D, D’, D”… Stains

Here we can look at some skin anomalies. The “Body Center” “A” is in fact our blood, which will reach our tissue everywhere. “B”, “C” and “D” are different anomalies, which will form on our skin. Due to the different effects on our body, the “Body Center” will create anomalies on our organs, like (B, C, D) etc.

I have written before about astronomical and weather influences. Here I will say something about the inhalation of air, mixed with exhaust gases.

Cancer in our body can occur due to inhalation of gases. In fact, the “Body Center” will create an anomaly called cancer. We have previously seen anomalies, created on the skin under astronomical influence. In this case, our body created cancer instead of skin anomalies. Inhaling car exhaust fumes has created cancer in our body.

What is this really about? Inhaling car exhaust damages our body. The “Body Center “, i.e. the blood will spread the elements of the gases throughout the body, together with the food and elements that the body needs. In this way, the “Body Center” will damage the body, which will become suitable for the spread of cancer. A similar thing will happen if we work in the chemical industry.

We have no prevention against cancer in the case of gas, but to go live in the so-called “Clean Area”. We can live in such areas, where there is no industry or exhaust emissions. In this case, we will not be exposed to the inhalation of flue gases.

Cancer formations use the human body, which they transform into their disease creations. A wart for example is our deformed skin. In this case, the cancer tissue was formed by deforming our organ, i.e. skin. Imagine our whole skin turning into warts. What would it be like to have nipples from one to five centimeters long. We do not know what the future will bring us.

If we burn the nipple, it will disappear. That doesn’t mean it won’t reappear in the same place. The wart has its roots up to the “Body Center”.

If we operated on the tumor, it does not mean that it has disappeared. Its roots are still alive, reaching as far as the “Body Center”. What new creation will “Body Center” create in that place?

Here we have touched on the question of what is carcinogenic and what is not. Which tumor is carcinogenic and which is not?

All the growths on our body are actually modifications of our existing organs. They arise under certain external influences, like astronomical seasons and sun radiation. There is no difference between a cancerous and a non-cancerous growth. Cancer is a condition of our body, which can turn any of our organs into a carcinogen or not. This means that all of these growths or deformities can become carcinogenic depending on our body. So our body determines what will be carcinogenic and what will not. If our body is weak, corroded and irresistible, some of these growths will become carcinogenic. It is similar with other diseases of our organs, which can become carcinogenic or not.

Blood structure.

A, A’, A“… Blood fluid

B, B’, B”… Blood cells

C, C’, C”… Burnt gas particles.

In this sketch we can see gas particles in the blood. These particles will become part of our blood. They will bind to all the elements of the blood. In this way, the particles will reach all the organs, which are fed by the blood.

We need to accept the following: Life exists on the basis of air breathing. Life does not exist on the basis of gas respiration. This means that life does not exist on the basis of breathing air mixed with gas.

“Inhaling exhaust fumes will turn our organs into carcinogens.”

Instead of healthy blood, the organs will receive blood mixed with gas particles. Mostly the gas in our body will damage our organs, which will lose its resistance to cancer. In other words, our body will participate in the formation of cancer in the organs concerned.

We may wonder, what is the reason that warts have appeared on our skin. Were they caused by weather anomalies? Were they created for astronomical reasons? Are the sun’s rays the reason? We may wonder if the warts were caused by breathing car exhaust fumes? Will they become carcinogenic? Breathing out car exhaust will damage our organs, which will become unresponsive to implementing cancer.

Astronomy i.e. mostly solar radiation creates cancer and our body makes it. Strong and healthy bodies will avoid carcinogenicity, while weak and irresistible ones will get sick.

Deformed blood cells.

A, A’, A“… Blood fluid.

B, B’, B” … Blood elements still undamaged by gas.

C, C’, C“… Blood elements deformed due to exhaust gas particles.

Blood particle deformation.

B — Mass of blood particle.

C — Blood particle deformation due to exhaust gas.

In this sketch we can see how the exhaust gas particle became part of the blood particle.

The blood particles belong to the “Body Center”. If they are deformed, they will create a harmful supply to our organs. In fact the blood supply to the organs with food will no longer be healthy. This supply of food to the organs through the blood can be harmful and cause carcinogenic formations. The exhaust fumes of the cars, which we inhale will reach the blood and travel to the organs along with the necessary food, which the blood delivers.

Let’s look at this sentence: “If we eliminate the cause of the problem, the problem will disappear.” I think this sentence may be involved in cancer treatment. Here are some examples, which can explain the said sentence.

One man smokes too much and he coughs a lot. In this case, cigarettes are the reason for the cough. If this man stops smoking, he will stop coughing.

A man who drank alcohol damaged his car several times. He had to stop drinking alcohol to avoid damaging the car. In this case, alcohol was the cause of his problems.

The student found a well-paid job. At the same time he was preparing one exam. He worked during the day and studied at night. The student did not pass the exam. In this case, the reason was a well-paid job.

“If we remove the cause of the disease, we will stop the disease.”

This actually means that if we remove a sick man from the place where he inhales gas, into some clean and gas free area, we can save his life. His body can overcome cancer and cure it. It all depends on what stage the cancer is. We have mentioned here the effect of breathing burnt fuel, which can cause cancer.

Here are a few influences that influence the formation of cancer. The influence of astronomical bodies primarily the Sun, whose radiation creates all diseases on the Earth. I believe that the Moon also influences the creation of diseases on the Earth in a smaller form than Sun. I claim that the Moon has its own light and radiation, which we receive. Other celestial bodies are far away to significantly affect the Earth.

Solar radiation, and the astronomical relationship between the Earth and the Sun is the primary creator of disease on Earth. Lunar radiation, as well as radiation from other celestial bodies, can also be counted among the primary creators of disease on earth, although their effect is almost insignificant compared to the Sun. Secondary creators of diseases on earth can be meteorological circumstances, such as cold, rain and humidity. Tertiary creators of cancer are those that damage the human body such as drugs, alcohol, the chemical industry, exhaust fumes, stress, etc.

A skin wart is a good example for studying cancer. It is usually not dangerous but why it formed on our skin. “Body Center” created it. A wart is an unusual growth on our skin.

Here we come to the point of whether a wart is dangerous or not. Will it become carcinogenic, or can it be easily removed without danger to our body. If a body organ is labeled malignant, it means that the person has cancer, which will spread and probably kill him.

The answer may be as follows: I have consumed a lot of alcohol. I took drugs frequently. I worked in the chemical industry for a long time. I inhaled the exhaust fumes of the cars. We can find countless similar answers,

Here we have seen the danger of cancer for our organs. A harmless tumor becomes malignant. The cancer will spread by the tumor as well as the organ nearby. What is the reason that the tumor and the organ on which it is located have become malignant? It could have been an ordinary, harmless tumor.

Is the “The cause of cancer” the air pollution in our surroundings? Air pollution due to burnt motor fuel is one of the reasons, but there are many other reasons. “The cause of cancer” is the weakness of the body due to another disease. Alcohol can weaken the body’s defenses and pave the way for the spread of cancer. Drugs are dangerous in the same way. Enormous cigarette smoking can weaken the body’s defense system and allow cancer to spread.

Here we come to the term “Body Strength” or “Body Weakness”. “Weak “Body” can easily create cancer. This means that our body is the factor that will create cancer.

Here we also came to the conclusion, that not every body will create cancer. Strong and healthy bodies will not create cancer so easily, but we must consider the “The cause of cancer”. Healthier bodies will also create cancer if the “The cause of cancer” has not disappeared. If we don’t stop inhaling air polluted by car exhaust, we won’t stop the cancer.

Here we come to the volume of pollution, that is, to the percentage of air pollution by gas. The higher the pollution, the more our body will suffer. In this way, our body will become weak and suitable for cancer.

If we compare two people, who are genetically similar. Man (A) does not drink or take drugs. He lives a healthy life. He does some common sports in addition to his job. Man (B) drinks alcohol and takes drugs. He lives an unhealthy life.

They are both exposed to car exhaust fumes. Who will get cancer first? I believe man (B).

We have come to the notion of immunity. What is immunity actually? Immunity means health. Every healthy body has immunity i.e. disease resistance.

A body that is weakened by drugs and alcohol has no immunity. Drugs and alcohol affect the organs of our body, such as nerves, blood circulation, etc., and weaken them. Such a body will lose immunity and may get cancer.

The organ, which is affected by the cancer will change its appearance and shape. That organ will lose its function.

The best medicine for cancer is one that increases the body’s immunity. Can such medicine stop the cancer and its spread in the body.

Here we can go back to the common skin ulcer, which can explain a lot to us. An ulcer will use human tissue for its existence.

Skin ulcers are a part of our tissues. Due to certain astronomical influences our “Body Center” has created a skin ulcer on our skin and the tissue beneath it. Skin ulcer uses our tissue for its existence, similar to cancer.

Skin Ulcer

A — The tip of the ulcer with a hole in it.

B — Purulent sac of ulcer.

C — Swelling of skin tissues.

D — Swelling of the tissue under the skin.

Here we can talk about the astronomical season in which a skin ulcer occurs. Solar radiation is a major astronomical factor. The moon does not have strong enough radiation energy, nor do other celestial bodies.

In this case, we can attach a skin ulcer to our organs, such as hands, fingers or some other parts of our body. A purulent sac (B) on a skin ulcer is part of our body. Our subcutaneous tissue is used to form it. At some point under external influence, our body will create a skin ulcer, or some other growth, that is compatible with the influence.

Every cancer is created through our body. If any of our organs do not function properly it can get cancer. Cancer is a deformation of our organ, in fact a new form of that organ.

Effects on the human body.

A, A’, A”… Meteorological influences.

B, B’, B”… Celestial influences.

Z, Z’, Z”… Points at our body.

X, X’, X”… Body results caused by meteorological influences.

Y, Y’, Y”… Body results caused by cellestial influences.

In the sketch we see the meteorological impacts (A) on our body. They affect or change the structure of our organs. Celestial influences (Y) will affect our organs, and change them in their own way.

In this case our body is under the influence of celestial influences like the sun and the moon. Other celestial bodies are too far away to have any significant impact on us.

Impacts on the human body, changed after a certain period of time.

In this drawing we see that the shapes of our body organs X, X ‘, X “and Y, Y’, Y” have changed due to the variety of influences.

Our blood is the center of body activities. Blood carries its composition throughout the body. It reaches all our organs. Blood content is most important. It directly affects our organs.

Alcohol, drugs, gas inhalations, etc. we can call “Factor A”. If we permanently ingest “Factor A” into our organs, we will destroy them.

Influence of “Factor A” on our organ (Sketch 1).

A — An organ

B — Blood vessel

C, C’, C” — “Factor A”

If we permanently inhale gas from the car’s exhaust, it will enter our bloodstream. The blood will bring it to our organ (A). Gas particles will damage the organ (A).

Influence of “Factor A” on our organ after a certain period of time (Sketch 2).

A — An organ after a period of six months.

B — Blood vessel

C, C’, C” — “Factor A”

In this sketch we can see that our organ (A) is dotted due to the permanent intake of gas i.e. “Factor A”. The organ is already damaged. Our first action is to stop “Factor A”. In this case, “Factor A” is the exhaust of the cars.

In this sketch we see that the forms of the organs of our body x, x ‘, x “and y, y’, y” have changed due to the variety of influences. Our blood is the center of activity of our body. Blood spreads its contents throughout the body. It reaches all the organs of our body.

Blood composition is very important. It directly affects our organs when the disease develops. Alcohol, drugs, inhalation of gases, chemicals, some foods like sugar, etc., we can call “Factor A”. If we permanently pump “Factor A” into our organs, we will make them sick.

Sketch 3. Injury of an organ by “Factor A”.

A — The organ of our body is already sick.

B — Bloode vessel.

C , C’, C” — Factor A

In this sketch we can see that “Factor A” has already injured this organ. The man is dying. He can no longer be cured.

According to this sketch we can say the following: “If we stop the cause of the disease, we can cure the patient.” That means we can save that man i.e. his diseased organ.

We need to determine the cause of the cancer. Exhaust of cars and other vehicles, drugs, alcohol, smoking etc. All these elements enter our blood, i.e. “Center X”, which will distribute them to the organs of our body.

In previous drawings we can see how “Factor X” damaged one organ. In other words, it created cancer of that organ.

In sketch 1, the organ was healthy. In Sketch 2, the organ began to develop cancer. In Sketch 3, the organ is already severely affected by cancer.

“Our body can heal a diseased organ and stop the disease.” The meaning of this sentence I will call “Procedure A”. This means that our body with its medical power can heal our organs. The body needs a period of time to perform this task i.e. healing.

Curve of “Desease X”.

X1, X2, X3… Time periods.

Y1, Y2, Y3… The severity of the disease.

A, A’, A” … Disease severity points.

In this sketch we can explain “Procedure A”. It shows the beginning of the “disease” at point (A), its increase at point (A ‘), its maximum strength at point (A “), then its decline at point (A’”) and its end at point (A”” ). The duration of “Desease X” was from point X1 to point X5. “Disease X” was strongest in the section after point X3.

This curve is actually the curve of “Desease X”. A similar curve will demonstrate the reaction of our body.

The body’s reaction to “Procedure X” to our disease “Desease X”.

X1, X2, X3… Time periods.

Y1, Y2, Y3… The severity of the disease.

R, R’, R” … Reactions to disease severity points.

“Procedure X” is actually a defense against disease through the reaction of our body.

How does our body react to disease? Which elements of our body treat disease based on “Procedure X”. We came to “Center X” again, actually our blood.

“Our blood heals our body.”

Blood heals the injured organ.

A — Injured organ.

B — Blood vessel.

D, D’, D”… Substances in the blood that treat a diseased organ.

In this drawing we see organ (A), which is diseased. D, D ‘, D “are blood substances that treat the diseased organ. Blood vessels regularly bring blood to the organs, which nourishes and heals them at the same time. If “Center X” is not strong enough to fight organ disease, the man will die.

The blood supply can save the patient. Here we come to a new concept, or the cause of the disease, which we can call “Factor B”. “Factor B” is actually the cause of the disease. This is the most important element in explaining the onset of the disease. Why did someone get sick?

If we inhale car exhaust permanently we can get cancer. In this case, “Factor B” is the inhalation of burnt oil gases. In this case, our defense system has weakened due to the inhalation of burnt oil gases. In this way we can determine the different “Factor B” for the diseases we get. When researching diseases, we must always start from the position that our body is weakened by something, such as inhalation of burnt oil gases, chemical and oil industry, alcohol, drugs, old age, other diseases that have weakened our body, etc.

“Medicine doesnot heal, the body heals us.”

Let’s look at what will happen to “Cold” disease for example. From when we catch a cold, until the disease is over, a few days will pass.

Period of illness.

X1, X2, X3… Days of illness period.

YA — Point on the X axis, the onset of the disease.

YB — The disease intensifies at point X2, the second day of illness.

YC — Maximum severity of disease at point X3, third day.

YD — Decrease in disease strength at point X4, fourth day.

YE — Termination of disease at point X5, fifth day.

Here we can see the period or process of the disease. The ilness will start at position X1. It was actually what we felt in our body. What actually happened before position X1, when we still couldnot feel the disease? When did the disease start?

At position X1 the disease parameters (YA) are equal to zero. It is actually the first day of illness.

At position X2, in fact on the second day, the disease had already strengthened by size (YB). Disease parameters such as body temperature, cough, runny nose, etc. are increased.

At position X3, on the third day, the disease increased by a value (YC), which is its maximum value. After that point, the disease will begin to subside.

At position X4, the disease value is reduced to (YD).

At position X5 the disease is over.Its value (YE) is zero.

In this case, the body managed to overcome the disease.

“The human body defeats disease, not medicine.”

If a certain disease occurs in the human body, bodily resistance will be activated. This will start to react as soon as the disease starts.

Diseased organ.

A — Diseased organ.

B, B’, B” — Diseased tissue of our organ.

This sketch shows the diseased organ. Points B, B ‘, B “are points on diseased organ tissue. In this case, the organ can be saved. We must first stop “Factor B,” or the cause of the disease. For example “Factor B” could be breathing burnt oil from cars. In this case we need to move the patient to a cleaner area, where he will no longer inhale gas.

Now we can start treating the patient. In this case, “Factor B” is stopped. The body heals the organ.

If a man goes to live in the same place after treatment, he can damage his organ again due to “Factor B”. He should avoid living in a such place.

We need to understand how dangerous gas is to us. We should live in so-called gas free or clean zones.

Here we can consider the impact of alcohol on us. If we drink alcohol extensively, our organ (A) can get sick. In this case, alcohol is “Factor B”.

The patient should be stopped to drink alcohol. He will be treated with regular pain medicine. The body will treat cancer by its mechanisms.

If the patient drinks again after healing, he will destroy the organ. In this case he should stop drinking alcohol forever.

The drugs works similarly. If someone takes drugs he can get cancer. The diseased organ will become weak and can easily take on cancer. In this case, the treatment should be similar to cancer caused by alcohol.

Here I have described some extensive effects on the human body, such as gas, alcohol, drugs etc. In all these cases, the organs of the body will become ill, in other words, they will become suitable for cancer.

We can mention people with cancer even though they don’t inhale gas, drink alcohol, or take drugs. Here we can mention meteorological and celestial influences, which can also afflict good bodies. These effects can easily cause cancer.

“Cancer is a parasite, which affects the diseased organ.”

We have come to the question of what will be “Factor B” that will produce cancer of a particular organ. We have seen that burned gas, alcohol, drugs etc create cancer. In fact, these factors create a disease of a certain organ in our body. Still, that organ does not have to become cancerous.

“What is the factor, which will turn the diseased organ into a cancer”

We can call this factor “Factor C”.This means that a particular reason will affect the onset of cancer of a particular organ in the human body.

“Factor C” is a certain celestial influence created due to the astronomical relationship of the Earth and the Sun. It is determined by the celestial season, which will cause cancer in our organs. In other words, cancer of the diseased organ occurs due to such an astronomical season.

Here I want to mention the”Treatment Mechanism” of the body. What is it really?

Treatment Mechanism.

X1, X2, X3… Time division of the period of illness.

XM — Timestamp of maximum disease intensity.

Y1, Y2, Y3… Disease intensity division.

YM — Maximum disease intensity.

V1, V2, V3… Disease intensity values.

VM — Maximum value of disease intensity.

A, A1, A2…. Areas of action of the body’s healing mechanism.

This sketch explains the “Treatment Mehanism” of the body. Said mechanism will start operating in zone “A”.In zone “A1” it will strengthen, then even stronger in zone A2. The mechanism will be strongest in the “A3” zone. In the next zone “A4” will start to decline.

This mechanism is controlled by our nerves. Nerves will involve our body, individual tissues, organs and other elements to overcome disease.

Whether the body will beat the disease depends on many factors. The first important factor is whether the body is healthy. In other words, how much the body is damaged by some disease, alcohol, drugs, etc. On the other hand, the astronomical effect of the disease is important. That means how strong the astronomical intensity is, which causes a disease, say cancer.

Here we come to the notion of “Astronomical Intensity of Disease.” This intensity is related to certain areas of the earth. Due to astronomical reasons, i.e. relationship of the Earth and the Sun, the intensity of the disease is different by zones on the Earth surface. In a certain zone, for example in North America, the disease is more intense than, say, in Italy. Even healthy and resilient people also get sick in areas of high intensity of a particular disease.

Astronomical intesity zones.

A, A1, A2 … Zones of the strongest astronomical intensity of the disease.

B, B1, B2 … Zones of moderate astronomical disease intensity.

C, C1, C2 … Zones of lower astronomical disease intensity.

In this sketch we can see the effect of the astronomical intensity of the disease. Intensity acts differently in different areas of the Earth’s surface. For example, in the zones (A, A1, A2) most people will get sick. In zones (C, C1, C2) the disease will be weakest.

Cancer is actually a disease of the organs. For example, cancer of the liver, lungs, etc.

Certain external effects such as the burned gas we inhale will enter our bloodstream and injure our organs. Thus, the diseased organ can get cancer more easily. I want to say that cancer occurs primarily for astronomical reasons, in fact “Factor C” has a celestial cause.

Here we can try to explain man in relation to celestial space. The influence of the celestial space, in fact mainly the Sun, will cause different movements in our bodies. Celestial space can kill us with a disease like cancer. It all depends on how compatible our body is towards it. According to this “Factor C” is mainly related to the astronomical causes of the disease.

Our blood can say a lot about us and it is like a book where everything is written. Whatever we eat, drink or inhale goes into our blood. The daily condition of our body will affect our blood. Every disease we have will manifest on our blood. Such blood will reach our organs and feed them. Such blood will heal or disease our organs in relation to what it carries within itself.


Celestial influence on man.

A, A’, A”… People who will not get cancer.

B, B’, B”… People who can get cancer, or can avoid it.

C, C’, C”… People who will get cancer.

In this sketch we can see the cosmic impact on humans. People in group (A, A ‘, A “) will not get cancer. People in the group (B, B ‘, B “) can get cancer. People in the group (C, C ‘, C “) will get cancer.

All of these people will get cosmic influence, but their bodies will react differently. They are in the same zone on Earth, close to each other, but some of them will avoid space impact.

A man, who was healthy through life, if he did not have cancer, he would die of old age. This means that his organs are no longer functioning properly, and cosmic influence will kill him.

In this exposition, I would not be talking about meteo influence, which can kill a man. I can compare the meteo impact to a wolf. A hungry wolf can kill a man to eat him. Meteo impact like snow, ice etc can kill a man .

Cosmic influence can definitely kill a man. No matter how healthy someone is during his life, yet his organs are not strong enough to fight the “Celestial Factors”.

A man can live in a good house. He can dress nicely, eat good food, but “Space Factors” will kill him.

“Why do Space Factors kill people?”

Can we find an answer to this question? We will say that a man is old, his organs are weakened, etc., but why is a man old, why are his organs weak?

Can we include the “Elixir of Life” here? What exactly is it?

Can we find such protection, which can protect us from the “Celestial Influence”, which kills us. Can we stop old age and stay young for a long time?

Reasons and influences on humans, animals, as well as other living world, we can classify into certain groups.

Group 1 will cover all the different reasons and influences that can make us sick. These are the so-called “Occasional Diseases”. For example, if we are stung by a bee, we can get sick. If we are stung by a snake, we can die. If we fall into the cold water of a lake or sea in winter, we will get sick, get pneumonia and die.

Group 2 will include meteorological reasons. Here we can mention diseases caused by meteorological reasons. We can mention bronchitis, asthma, rheumatism etc.

Group 3 includes “Celestial Diseases”. This is the most important group, which includes celestial influences or causes of disease. Celestial influences will affect us for astronomical reasons, mainly because of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun. I believe that the Moon is still affecting us, while other celestial bodies are very far away.

Celestial influence changes our appearance. It changes our body and our organs. The universe affects us which causes diseases in our body.

We live in the cancer season. This means that the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon creates a season of cancer on Earth.

I have previously written about immunity, as the body’s resistance to disease. I mentioned, that a man who drinks or takes drugs can easily get cancer. Such people will destroy the immunity of their bodies. If we live in an area where cars emit a lot of gas, we will damage our immunity. The same can happen to us if we work in the chemical or gas industry.

“A man who loses immunity will get cancer.”

This sentence can be a guide, how to understand cancer. In other words, “Factor X” is always present. It affects us all but who will get cancer.

Our genes are so different. Some races or groups of people, say tribes, are more immune than others. Anyway “Factor X” of cancer touches us all. It is in connection with our bodies all the time.

Cancer treatment can be achieved by medicine, which will raise our immunity. Medicine that will strengthen our body can help treat cancer.

Accordingly the body receives a celestial influence with “Factor X”, which can cause various diseases, depending on how our body will react.

Spectrum of “Factor X”.

A — Flue 1

A1 — Flue 2

A2 — Flue 3

B — Cancer1

B1 — Cancer 2

B2 — Cancer 3

D, D1, D2 … sickness D

C, C1, C2 …. Sickness C

In the sketch, “Factor X” is marked with a circle. Our body receives the effects of all these diseases with solar radiation. Other celestial radiations like the moon and stars do not affect us to the same extent. ( A, A1, A2) are three different elements of “Factor X” that create the flu. (B, B1, B2) are three different elements of “Factor X” that will cause cancer. (C, C1, C2) are three different radiations, of “Factor X” which will cause “C” disease. (D, D1, D2) are three different radiations of “Factor X” that will cause “D” disease.

In fact “Factor X” are the missing elements we need for our survival. These elements are parts of the celestial radiation.

We can explain this if we say that unfavorable solar radiation, which causes diseases is missing “Factor X”. In other words, “Factor X” is that radiation, which misses the impact of those radiation elements that are beneficial to our health. “Factor X” we can only imagine but we cannot identify it. It is part of the daily radiation of the sun, which we experience. In other words, we feel the way the sun shines on us.

We can say that this year “Factor X” of cancer is more favorable than the last one. Everything in the Sun’s radiation to which we can add the Moon’s and other celestial radiation that can cause disease can be marked with the advantage or disadvantage of “Factor X” of the disease in question. “Factor X” is a broad term, denoting anomalies of celestial radiation, which affect us, creating us diseases.

According to this, cancer is a space disease. Celestial radiation that lacks “Factor X” will form cancer. In fact our body will react to celestial radiation and create cancer in us. In other words, cosmic radiation without “Factor X” will create cancer in our bodies. Therefore, we can call a particular time of year favorable or bad in relation to cancer.

Here we can conclude that our body produces cancer. Our body’s metabolism responds daily to cosmic radiation. Our body will without faborable cosmic radiation i.e. with a weak “Factor X” cause anomalies and diseases.

Our body will form a cancer disease, as it lacks the favorable “Factor X” due to such celestial radiation. We laymen can say, whatever disease we get, it creates our body under certain influences.

The disease is caused by “Flue 1” from a previous drawing..

X — Our tissue.

Y, Y’, Y”… The configuration of our tissue due to the disease “Flue 1”.

The disease is caused by cancer.

X — Our tissue.

Y, Y’, Y” … The configuration of our tissue due to the disease of Cancer.

In these two drawings we can see how the tissue of our body has changed due to disease. This is just an example to explain how our body creates diseases under external influences.

Now that we know how diseases arise we can treat them more easily. Every disease has arisen through the mechanisms of our body.

If we receive “Factor X” in the spectrum of celestial emissions, it does not mean that all people will get cancer. In fact, we will all receive celestial radiation, but depending on our bodies, only some of us will get cancer.

According to this, “Factor X” explains that part of the Celestial emission spectrum, which affects the formation of a particular disease or more of them. So we can say “Factor X” of cancer, or rheumatism, etc. Let’s say that “factor X” cancer can be favorable or severe, in other words it could be statistically recorded.

Depending on the body’s immunity, such cancer will develop. This means that cancer will only attack certain people, even though we all receive such “Factor X”. This means that our body is the creator of the disease under the influence of an external subject i.e. “Factor X”. Cancer will be as it is formed by our body regardless of the influence of “Factor X”. The primary creator of the disease is the human body and “Factor X” is just the impact on it.

Some races and genes are more resistant than others. They are less likely to get cancer or some other disease than others.

In fact our body will create cancer due to the reception of the spectrum of celestial emission of such “Factor X”. It will receive such emission that will form cancer in our body.

Whatever unusual we see on our body is formed by it. Warts, moles, sores, puffs, etc. are formed by our body.

Let’s look at it this way. The skin is an organ of our body. A wart is something unusual on our skin that is actually a disease. Our body created it for the reason of “Factor X”.

In this case, our body gets cosmic influence or “Factor X”. Because of that, it created warts on our skin.

Who will get cancer? Which body will create cancer? We all receive a celestial influence or “Factor X”. Our bodies are trying to resist it.

We can mention immunity here. Is that the only way we can fight cancer? Are there psychological reasons that cancer cannot bypass?

Let’s say someone is healthy, but he has done bad things in life. What is his psyche like? Could that be the reason he gets cancer?

We can call this the onset of cancer due to mental problems. A man who is mentally weak cannot control his physical activities.

If you do bad things in life, you will hurt your psyche. Your body will not be able to overcome external influences like the body of a healthy person.

Accordingly we can label two factors, which affect the formation of disease in our body. One factor is the celestial influences, in fact “Celestial Factor”. The second factor is the strength and resilience of our body, which we can call “Body Factor”.

“Celestial Factor” shows us what type of emission affects our body. It is actually the astronomical relationship of Earth and Sun as well as other celestial bodies. It shows what the celestial emission will be like.

In fact we cannot define celestial emission because our knowledge is not enough. In other words we do not know what kind of emission and impact we are receiving. To the best of our knowledge, we cannot analyze “Celestial Factor”.

On the other hand, our “Body Factor” can be easily understood. We know we live in “Cancer Season”. What is our body like? Can it withstand celestial influences. Is our body damaged by the gas we breathe? Is it damaged by alcohol or drugs? How will it react to celestial emission? Is it strong enough to counter the cancer season?

In ancient times, astrologers could say something about “Celestial Factor”. They used celestial bodies to calculate the time periods and severity of the disease.

Now we can only say something about our body. Is it healthy enough to fight implementation of cancer or some other similar disease. Presently it all depends on our body. Can the body fight and overcome the power of cancer implementation?

A segment of the human healthy body.

A segment of the human body implemented with cancer.

A, A1, A2… Cancer implementations.

This means that our body produces cancer. What do we need to stop the implementation of cancer? What does our body lack to stop this?

In other words our body will create cancer due to the reason of our “Body Factor”, which is not complete or it is missing some elements that stop the implementation of cancer. This means that our body is not sufficiently resistant to the implementation of cancer. Complete “Body Factor” means a healthy and resilient body.

We have indicated here that weakened bodies will get cancer more easily, no matter how strong “Space Intensity” is. If the “Space Intensity” increases, then those stronger bodies will also get cancer.

What is “Space Intensity”. Here I mainly consider the sun as the main source of cosmic radiation. In my book “Formation of Planet”, I published that the moon and planets are also sources of energy i.e. radiation. The sun is the main source of “Celestial Radiation” while the moon and other bodies are weaker.

Curves of celestial radiation power.

A — Low “Space Intensity” curve.

B — The curve of stronger “Space Intensity”.

C — The curve of the strongest “Space Intensity”.

X, X1, X2… Time periods.

Y, Y1, Y2… Measures of “Space Intensity” strength.

In this picture we see the diversity of “Space Intensity” which affects people with different “Body Factor”.The area below the “A” curve will affect those people whose bodies have a weak “Body Factor”. This is the lowest intensity of radiation, which cannot harm more resistant people.The area below curve “B” will affect people whose bodies have an average “Body Factor”. The area below the “C” curve will affect people whose bodies have a very good “Body Factor”. According to this, the stronger “Space Intesity”, the greater the risk of people getting sick.

This applies not only to cancer but also to all “Space Diseases”. If “Space Intesity” is very large then it can kill completely healthy people.

“Space Intensity” we can neither feel nor measure. For now, we cannot mark it in any way. We can only assume it.

All other factors can be taken into account except “Space Intesity”. For example, the effect of the cold on the flu, when more people get sick in winter than in summer.

Only through astronomy, we could learn something about “Space Intesity”. Current astronomy does not know such calculations or anything like that.

Here we can mention several factors that will weaken our immunity. The exhaust fumes of cars, alcohol, drugs, the chemical and oil industries will weaken our body’s immunity and allow cancer to spread in it. It has been proven that in villages where there are no cars, industries, etc., the cancer rate is very low.

We have come here to the compatibility of the body to the impact of cancer. We can say that there are bodies compatible with cancer and bodies less compatible with it. I believe that cancer will affect a compatible body more easily than the others. This can be seen in areas of gases or the effects of chemicals. We can see a healthy man, a strong athlete to get cancer. In contrast, other people are less likely to develop cancer. Their genes and race will help them bypass the impact of cancer.

Here I mention “Gas Zone”. In such areas, healthy people can easily get cancer. Whether it is fuel combustion gases or the chemical industry, such zones are dangerous. In such “Gas Zones” that gas should be measured, and these zones should be marked so that people avoid them.

Cancer bacteria are called metastases. They occur in areas of cancer action. They are a sign of a stronger effect of cancer on a certain area of our tissue.

The main function of the human body is to keep the organs in healthy shape. Gases, alcohol and the like damage human organs. Such organs are easily affected by cancer. Celestial impact will determine the shape and strength of the cancer.

Medicine treats various growths such as warts, moles, tumors, etc., as possible carcinogens or non-carcinogens. Our body creates these growths due to celestial influence. Each of these growths can become malignant but does not have to. It all depends on our body and the extent of the disease. These two factors determine that the tumor becomes malignant.

We need to distinguish growths from malignancies. These are two different manifestations of our body. The growths on the skin occur as a reaction of our body to cosmic influence, in fact the radiation of celestial bodies. Malignancy occurs mainly due to the “Body Factor”, i.e. weak body resistance. This does not have to be the rule. It all depends on the “Space Intensity” of the disease, so even healthy people can experience malignant growths or tumors.

If we take a certain medicine for a long time, it can cause cancer. This kind of medicine can cause malignancy of a certain organ of ours.

Our psyche under stress can create cancer. Such a condition of our nervous system can cause malignancy of some of our organs.

If our body is healthy and resilient, it will resist disease. The body will do anything to overcome the disease and save the cancer-affected organ. On the other hand, if the disease is severe, the body cannot stop it. Skin warts, moles and similar growths will probably never become malignant because they do not have a large enough scope of the disease.

According to this, the extent and size of cancer determine malignancy. Therefore, there are no malignant and non-malignant growths. During the disease, non-malignant growths can become malignant.


Whatever we eat, drink or inhale our blood will bring to the organs of our body. Inhaling car exhaust CO2 and monoxides, gases from the oil, gas and chemical industries or consuming drugs and alcohol will get into our blood, which will bring all this to our organs.

Our organs cannot withstand the harmful effects of the aforementioned substances. Since we are living in the cancer season, our organs will weaken and get cancer because of these substances.

Spread of cancer in the organ.

A — Blood supply to the organ.

B, B’, B” — Diseased tissue.

C,C’,C” — Healthy tissue.

In this drawing we will see how the cancer will spread in an organ. This will turn healthy tissue (C, C ‘, C “…) into malignant (B, B’, B” …). Metastases will appear in the affected tissue.

All these diseases are affected by two components,”Celestial Effect” and “Earth Effect”. “Celestial Effect” will create a cancer season in relation to Universe and “Earth Effect” will create cancer in humans. If there is no astronomical cancer season, people will get another disease according to astronomical season.

We can mention “Cancer Zones” here, which actually means “Pollution Zones ”. Oil, gas and chemical industries may be included in such zones. Areas of cities with heavy traffic can be included to

“ Pollution Zones”. Non-industrial areas, as well as those without traffic, can be called “Cancer Clean Zones”. If a patient wants to cure cancer, he must move to the Cancer Clean Zone.

Whatever we inhale, drink or eat will come into our blood. Our blood will bring it to our organs. Some of our organs will weaken for these reasons.This means that cancer will appear in one of our weaken organs. If we want to stop cancer at an early stage, then we need to stop the “Earth Effect,” i.e., drugs, alcohol, pollution, and so on. In addition, we need to transfer the patient to the “Cancer Clean Zone”.

We can’t cure cancer if we don’t stop the “Earth Effect”. We need to determine the cause of the cancer i.e. “Earth Effect”.Then we can take treatment of the patient.

We can treat the patient with conventional medicine to strengthen his immunity. The “Earth Effect” consists of several factors that damage our body. These are gases, alcohol, drugs, etc. In addition to these factors, a bad mental state can weaken the body and open the way for cancer.

In January 2020, the “Corona Virus” disease appeared in Wuhan, China. The disease was named after the shape of the virus, which looked like a crown. About twenty people died suddenly. Eight hundred people fell ill. At the same time, several cases were observed in USA.

Medicine believes that the Covid 19 is contagious and that it is transmitted from person to person. Covid 19 is actually the flu like all the previous ones. Covid 19 is in fact a Celestial disease, caused by the relationship between earth and the sun. The human body is the creator of viruses, which multiply and exist on the mucous membrane.

Since China is the first country in the east, earth rotates towards it. This means that the disease will spread from China to the west. People will get Covid 19 because of the new astronomical relationship mainly between earth and the sun. I believe that the moon also influences changes on earth, albeit to a lesser extent than the sun. I believe that the moon radiates its own energy of light, similar to that of the sun.

The astronomical reason for getting sick from Covid 19 means that humans have lost something they once had, during the earth’s previous position relative to the sun. This loss that causes people to suffer from Covid 19, we can call “Factor C”.“Factor C” is lost so that people can function normally. With the loss of this astronomical factor, people will get Covid 19.

Covid 19 spreading.

A, A’, A“… People who have no indication of Covid 19 disease.

B, B’, B“… People who have indications for Covid 19.

I want to say in this explanation that Covid 19 is actually the name of the disease. According to my writing, I believe that viruses are contained in our body. On various inflammations in our body, viruses multiply and increase. In addition, viruses are constantly present in our body.

Here we can look at the of Covid 19 spreading.

The first day of Covid 19 spreading.

A, A’, A”… People who have no indication of Covid 19 disease.

B, B’, B“… People who have indications for Covid 19.

In this drawing we can see the effect of Covid 19 after the first day spreading. People who have an indication of Covid 19 are marked with (B, B ‘, B “…), while people marked with (A, A’, A” …) have no indication of this disease.

Indications of Covid 19 after seven days of spread.

A, A’, A”… People who have no indication of Covid 19 disease.

B, B’, B“… People who have indications for Covid 19.

This sketch shows that even more people became ill with Covid 19. In this case, we can determine the zone of the strongest impact of the disease. Here we can mention parallels as limiters of the Covid 19 impact zone.

Zones of extreme attack by Covid 19 disease.

A — Extreme attack zone from Covid 19 disease .

L — Parallel to the extreme attack of Covid 19.

E — Equator.

We see here that Covid 19 will act in the belt (A). If one moves to the southern hemisphere or further north he can avoid the influence of Covid 19.

This occurs in the winter in the northern hemisphere. A zone similar to this occurs during the winter in the southern hemisphere.

In this way we can determine the zones of Covid 19.

Zones of cancer prevalence.

A1, A2, A3 — Zones of dense cancer.

B1,B2, B3 — Rarely spread cancer zone.

C1,C2,C3 — Cancer zone of even rarer spread.

If we label zone A1 as 50 percent of people have cancer, then zone A2 will be 48 percent, zone A3, 46 percent etc. In this way, we can mark the prevalence of cancer worldwide and the age of patients.

In Dubrovnik, Croatia, the St. Blaise celebration is set for early February. It seems that in the past, people suffered from throat diseases at this time of year.

The months of flu are usually January, February and March. These are the coldest months of the year. Astronomy is the creator of all diseases, including Covid 19. How many people die each year from the flu depends on astronomy. “Earth Factor”, the cold will kill more people in winter than in summer. The heat favors the body’s resistance to disease.

My explanation for viruses is that they belong to the body. Viruses change shape and characteristics in relation to astronomy and terrestrial influences. On inflammations of the mucous membrane, viruses multiply, which are existentially bound to the body. They exist in the human body as different groupings. On mucosal inflammations they expand and may change characteristics.

The variability of the appearance of a particular virus.

This drawing shows the variability of the virus due to various factors, as well as the intensity of the inflammation itself. The forms of the virus (A and A’) are identical, while the variations (B, C, and D) create different influences. We can call this virus the “A” virus, which will take the forms of “B”, “C” and “D” as variations of the basic appearance.

Viruses are a good indicator of what is going on in the body. Changes in their shape can identify diseases.

The theory of tissue cells originates from ancient Greece. Cancer tissue is actually diseased body tissue, which has turned into a diseased substance. In fact, healthy tissue has become larger and more distorted and has changed shape and size. In fact, it is the same tissue that the cancer has deformed. Cancer does not have its own tissue but develops in existing human tissue deforming it.

Healthy and diseased tissue.

A -Healthy tissue.

B — Diseased tissue.

On this drawing we can see healthy tissue (A) and enlarged, diseased tissue (B). This means that the tissue changes into a diseased form by itself.

What is the reason for such action of the body? This means that the body has lost something and deformed into a new shape. In fact, it has lost its own protection against disease.

We can take blood into account. In fact our body is a sponge. Whatever blood brings into our body, that tissue absorbs.

Whatever we breathe will come into our tissue. Our food and drink will come in a sponge of tissue.

If we breathe gases like CO2 and monoxides, they will get into our blood. The blood will carry them to our organs. The components of these gases will damage the tissue of individual organs. After a certain time, the organ will lose its function and become ill.

I believe that drugs and alcohol can damage our organs, which can succumb to cancer. Cigarettes, coffee and the like are less dangerous.

If we want to treat a cancer patient, we must first move him to a no gas area, actually to a place where he cannot inhale gas. It is similar with drugs and alcohol, which he has to give up. If the patient stays in “Non Cancer Area” for some time, he will begin to recover.

If we compare the population of Croatia and China, we will see that one sick man in Croatia corresponds to three hundred sick people in China. If one patient dies from the flu in Croatia, it is as if three hundred people die in China.

The most important driver of our body is the blood, which flows to all parts of our body. If we inhale carbon dioxide and monoxide, they will get into our blood. The blood will bring the ingredients of these gases into our organs and they can damage them. If the doctor finds that one of our organs is ill, he will not say that it is due to the exhaust fumes of the cars. In fact, the doctor does not know the real reason for the disease of our organ.That is our reality. We damaged our organ by inhaling car exhaust fumes. Such an organ will easily get cancer, because it is already damaged and irresistible.

We all have cancer, even though we are not aware of it. In other words, our body is constantly subjected to cancer. The question is whether our organs are durable, i.e. how they cope with cancer.

On the other hand, there is a constant astronomical process, which affects us. What kind of cancer does astronomy create and what is its intensity.

Blood is our “Body Center”. It is the maintainer and controller of our body. The composition of the blood can nourish or injure our body.

Many cities around the world have too high a concentration of CO2 and monoxide due to car exhaust. This means that the purity of the inhaled air is at the limit. Unfortunately no one cares about that. In cases of high concentrations of carbon dioxide and monoxide in cities, traffic should be reduced.

In Dubrovnik, Croatia, the Feast of St. Vlaho is celebrated in early February. Saint Vlaho is the protector of throat diseases. This celebration is celebrated during the period of the strongest flu.

Depending on the person, the flu will behave differently. Some people have congenital bronchitis and are very susceptible to colds. Their body will feel the changes this way. Other bodies may experience rheumatism, or some other difficulty.

In fact, astronomy is manifested here, i.e. the relationship of Earth and Sun. Therefore, our body will manifest diversity in disease.

In fact, we all constantly receive the astronomical influence, which creates the flu. Our bodies are resistant, so the flu does not manifest itself. Our body is constantly receiving astronomical influence, mainly from the sun and moon, which is the creator of all diseases.

Astronomical influence intensity curve.

6,7,8… Mark for months during the year.

A, B, C — Flu intensity.

On this curve we see an increase in the intensity of the flu during the winter. Why is that so? During the winter, our bodies are cold and more dangerous to get sick.

With common flu, the astronomical impact was more or less constant. Covid 19 shows growth, or doubling the intensity of the disease over the course of a year.

Here we can understand that heat helps us, and cold makes us sick and kills us. Although we feel comfortable in our warm home in winter, the flu catches us and makes us sick.

Flu intensity circle.

A — Summer

B — Autumn

C — Winter

D — Spring

Meteorology can also affect the strengthening of the flu. On the Croatian southern coast, in winter during the south wind “Jugo”, the flu will strengthen, while during the north wind “Bura” will weaken.

Flu curve through the year.

A — Constant celestial influence on the human body.

B — Meteorological impact on the human body.

Here is shown the constant cosmic influence on the human body (A), and the additional meteorological, that is, the influence of cold on the human body (B).

In the case of Covid 19, the permanent, cosmic impact is size (A). An additional effect of cold is size (B).

The drawing shows a large influence of cold (B) in relation to the celestial influence (A). During the winter and cold, many more people get sick and die than in the summer.


This season, the Covid 19 flu is stronger than usual. It was first observed in Wuhan, China.

Influenza is a seasonal disease that is associated with winter and cold. The earth rotates to the east, i.e. towards China. In front of China is Pacific Ocean.

Wuhan has a special name, which can be associated with the flu.


Wu is “Vuk” in Croatian language, which annoys the wolf.

“Han” is a house.

Wuhan means wolf house. This means that in history, the flu has been rampant in this area. Such a flu started in Wuhan and spread to an area like this now.

The flu is a product of cold weather and astronomy. The earth is not always in the same relation to the sun. Therefore, the sun will not always illuminate earth in the same way. The diversity of the earth’s illumination will affect the flu. Depending on how the earth is illuminated by the sun, diseases will arise. This time the “Wuhan Flu” was created.

“Wuhan Flu” will reappear after a long period of time. Maybe after three hundred years. I believe that some specific repetitions occur every three hundred years.

Wuhan Flue.

A — Wuhan Flue.

B — Wuhan Flue.

C- Wuhan Flue.

W — Area of Wuhan.

After some time, Wuhan in China will no longer be the center of Covid 19. This means that the center of the flu will be located in various areas of the earth, due to the astronomical relationship between the sun and the earth. The intensity of the flu changes over time periods of say a year in relation to astronomy.

Variable flu points on an annual basis .

A — the strongest flue (Wufan).

B, C, D — Weaker flues.

E, E’, E” — Territory of China.

Position (A) of the strongest flu, which occurred in Wuhan, China, may recur after 300 years. I sense this period of recurrence of astronomical events. In fact the precessions and oscillations of the earth are astronomically unknown.

Influenza center transfer.

A — Flue center in Wuhan.

A, A’, A” — transfer of flue center.

B — The flue center after seven years.

Here we see the transfer of the flu center from position (A) in Wuhan to (A ‘, A “, A’”) etc. In fact, the intensity of the flu changes during its transfer.

After Wuhan in China, Bergamo in Italy was attacked. There is a geographical connection between these two areas, because they lie on approximate parallels.

The flu has been known for centuries. I believe people were moving further north or south because of the flu.

Influenza is a celestial disease like cancer and so on. Influenza acts in winter in northern latitudes. Air pollution in China increased the flu, which was stronger than usual. In other words, human bodies were weakened by pollution. Such bodies were not resistant enough to withstand the flu. In any case, the flu was strong enough to kill large numbers of people.

This way we can link flu and cancer. The cold will increase the intensity of the flu, which we have. Our body will create the flu, i.e. its intensity and characteristics. People will experience various forms of flu from the weakest to severe illnesses.

Influenza is in fact a reaction of the human body to astronomical changes, mainly the relationship between the earth and the sun. The cold of the winter period supports and strengthens the flu.


The viruses of our body are not dangerous to another human being, although medicine thinks so. If viruses pass from our body to another body, they will die there. Viruses, which live on our body, can only exist there. They cannot live on another living being. Viruses from our body are not dangerous to other people. They will die immediately on another body.

Our body is full of viruses. Billions of these tiny individuals live in us.

Medicine believes that viruses from our body can be transmitted to another body, and cause disease there. I do not agree with this. An ancient Greek philosopher believed that all diseases arise in the human stomach, because countless viruses and bacteria live there.

Duplicate viruses.

A, A’, A”… Disease viruses.

B, B’, B”… Body viruses.

Duplicate viruses are shown here in the drawing. Viruses (A) are those of disease. Viruses (B) are those of our body.

The variety of virus forms is created by astronomy, as it creates the intensity and characteristics of the flu. At all times, astronomy affects our body as well as the viruses in it.

Accordingly, our body will form forms of the virus in relation to the astronomy of that period. At the same time, “Covid 19” will change characteristics, such as intensity, area of action, etc.

Flu zones.

E — Equator

A1 — Pacific Area.

A2 — Zone of China.

A3 — Zone of Iran.

A4 — European Zone.

A5 — US Zone.

B, B’ — Medium latitudes.

In my book “Formation of Planet” I posted that the earth changes axis during the year by 23.5 degrees. In this way, the seasons are formed, such as summer when the earth is most convex to the sun and winter when the earth is most hidden from the sun. In the same book, I claim that the Earth does not revolve around the sun. The northern hemisphere is illuminated by the sun in summer, while the southern is illuminated in winter.

Earth’s luminosity curve over the course of a year.

N — North

A — Earth brightness curve.

D — The angle of maximum inclination of the earth of 23.5 degrees.

During the summer in the northern and southern hemispheres, the earth is most convex towards the sun. We can compare this sketch to cancer zones. Most flu works during the cold, winter period.

Flu curve through the year.


B — Pacific Ocean

C — China

D — Iran

E — Europe

F — Atlantic

d, d1, d2 — Flue intesity

This drawing shows the amplitude of the flu over a year. Values (d, d1, d2) are the highest flu intensity. High intensity of influenza in winter in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere, declining in summer. A similar thing is happening in the southern hemisphere.

Influenza zones in the northern hemisphere in winter.

E, W — Equator

E’, W’ — The slope of the equator to the south.

E”, W” — The slope of the equator to the north.

N, S — North — South axe.

N’, S’ — North — South axe slope in winter.

N“ — S“ — North — South axe slope in summer.

A — Pacific Ocean and China

A1 — Iran

A2 — Europe

A3 — Atlantic

Influenza zones (A, A1, A2 …) follow N — S axial precessions.

There is no medicine for Covid 19, the strongest flu. Antibiotics are not strong enough to overcome this disease. If too much mucus secretion blocks the lungs, the patient will die. He will no longer be able to breathe, and his heart will not endure. In fact, the patient was killed by his own mucus, which clogged the narrow tubes of his lungs.

We can compare the flu to a skin ulcer. There was a skin ulcer in my childhood. Now it no longer exists due to changes in astronomy.

A skin ulcer is a good example of how sickness arising, strengthens, matures and finishes. There is no medicine that can stop skin ulcer before it matures. Then the doctor can cut and clean it, which is not necessary because it will be squeezed alone.

( I ) The emergence and maturation of the skin ulcers.

A, A1, A2… The phase of opening skin ulcers.

B — Body of skin ulcer.

1, 2, 3… Stages of growth and maturation of skin ulcers.

We can compare the Covid 19 in our body with skin ulcer.

( II) The emergence and maturation of Covid 19.

d, d1, d2 … Amplitude of the flu.

C — Maximum flu amplitude.

1, 2, 3… Stages of flue.

Figure (I) shows the stages of skin cancer, as it appears, grows and ends. Dots (1, 2, 3 …) indicate the time duration of skin ulcer disease.

Drawing (II) is identical but denotes influenza or Covid 19. Each flu will have its beginning, rise and fall. In point (1) the flu will start, while in point (6) it will end. Its greatest ascent (dX) is at point C. Dots (1,2,3 …) indicate the length of the flu.

A patient who crosses point C should survive. It all depends on how durable his body is. During the 2019/2020 flu season, influenza A viruses and Covid 19 viruses could be seen. These viruses differed in form. These two flu did not have the same intensity of illness and killing. Covid 19 then infected and killed many more people than influenza A.

Influenza A and Covid 19 viruses.

A — Virus of flue A.

B — Virus of Covid 19.

Exchange of influenza (A) and Covid 19.

A — Flue A.

A’ — Flue Covid 19.

Before Covid 19 hit Europe, in January, medicine announced the appearance of the influenza (A) virus in Croatia. In January 2019, flu A first appeared. It was not so dangerous. A few thousand people fell ill, but there were no deaths. Next came Covid 19, which killed many sick people.

Covid 19 is much stronger and more dangerous than influenza A or any other flu that has afflicted people in the area. In fact, this is about astronomy, mostly the relationship between the sun and the earth, when two or more phases of the flu alternate in one area.

Timing of flu A and Covid 19.

A, B, C, D — Zones of flu

A — China

B — Iran

C — Europe


E — Equator

S — Sun

Before Covid 19, influenza A appeared in Croatia. Influenza A did not have the same intensity as Covid 19.

Covid 19 actually started in the USA. Four cases of this disease have been observed there. After that, in January 2019, Covid 19 expanded to the town of Wuhan in China.

After the common flu A and B came Covid 19, which killed so many people in the world. Pollution in China and the rest of the world has increased human deaths from Covid disease 19.

Increased morbidity and mortality from Covid 19 influenza due to pollution.

A — The flu curve.

B — Influenza-intensified curve due to pollution.

C — The area between the curves is the increase in influenza disease due to pollution.

d1, d2, d3 — Flu intensity intensities.

In this drawing we can see an increase in flu due to pollution. This means that viruses d1, d2, d3 will be augmented by an additional value of pollution.

Influenza intensity segment increased due to pollution.

d1, d2 — Influenza intensity values.

d — The strongest value of flu intensity.

X — Increasing the value of influenza intensity due to pollution.

In this drawing we see an increase in the value of influenza intensity due to pollution. This means that if we breathe polluted air, we will experience a higher intensity of the disease than normal. Therefore, polluted air will create more flu illnesses and deaths than clean one. In fact, pollution damages the organs of our body, which become more susceptible to influenza. Due to air pollution, flu, cancer and other diseases easily take over our body.

Flu intensity circle in the area of polluted air.

A — Regular intensity of a flu.

B — Additional intensity of influenza due to air pollution.

Pollution will intensify the intensity of the flu which will cause more sick and dead. We can draw a circle similar to this one for cancer.

Cancer intensity in the area of polluted air.

A — Usual intensity of cancer.

B — Increasing the intensity of cancer due to air pollution.

In this drawing we see how cancer disease (A) will increase due to air pollution (B).


Medicine believes that Covid 19 disease is caused by viruses. I want to explain it in another way.

Throughout history in Croatia, there has been a proverb that the March sun can make a person sick. This means that the sun’s rays this month can have a bad effect on humans and create the flu.

During the winter, the body is exposed to cold, which is not steady. The weather depends on the north wind “Bura” and the south “Silok”, which alternate. Wind “Bura” brings cold air, and “Silok” heat and rain.

Disease curve.

1, 2, 3… Time periods.

d1, d2, d3… Intensity of disease.

dx — Maximum disease intensity.

This is the general curve of every disease. Points ( 1, 2, 3 …) at the line (X) are time periods.

Values of (d1, d2, d3…) indicate disease intensity. A value of (dx)indicates the maximum intensity of the disease.

Each disease can be shown on a curve similar to this one. The disease can be shown for a period of several days or longer for example for one year. In fact, doctors can draw a curve based on their experience with the disease, or according to their assessment.

In the case of Covid 19, our nerves make the body sick. In fact, they are detectors of the excitement of our body due to this disease. The nerves will spread information throughout our body. Most likely, the mucous membranes of our airways will become inflamed.

This is a case of flu, asthma, bronchitis, etc. In other cases, other organs will be affected, depending on the patient’s body. The mucous membrane is a very sensitive organ.

Here we can talk about the effect of solar radiation on our body, which will cause the flu. In the winter, there are two effects, cold and solar radiation. However, we can also get a cold in the middle of summer, which is identical to the flu.

According to this, in winter there are two effects that affect the incidence of influenza. The effect of weather can be added to the earth effects. Winter cold is a danger that weakens our body. There are many earthly effects that weaken our body and open the way for the flu. We can mention alcohol, drugs, gas pollution and the like.

Every human body is different, so the disease will manifest in different ways. The flu will affect those parts of the body to which the person is sensitive.

Regarding t he drawing of “Disease Curve”, the doctor can draw it according to his assessment in relation to the intensity of the disease.His experience and assessment are sufficient for this drawing.

The days when the astronomical relationship between Earth and the sun changes are in the months of May and November. Covid 19 began in China in late December. In fact Covid 19 started in USA in early December, where four cases were identified.

In the northern hemisphere, from December to March is the winter season. In my book “Formation Of Planet” I explained that Earth does not circulate around the sun. Its shaft changes inclination over the course of a year. In the summer season the northern hemisphere will lean to the south. The southern hemisphere will lean to the north in winter.

In this way, the northern hemisphere will be warm and inclined towards Sun. The southern hemisphere will be lit by sun in the same way during the southern summer. Winter and cold are strong factors in the development of influenza. The flu will be more intense in winter than in summer.

Changes in solar radiation on Earth’s zones .

A, A’, A” — Summer in the northern hemisphere.

B, B’, B” — Summer in the southern hemisphere.

In this sketch we see the impact of solar radiation on earth. Figure (I) shows the summer area in the northern hemisphere (A, A ‘, A “). Figure (II) shows the summer area in the southern hemisphere (B, B ‘, B “).

To understand malaria, we can compare it to the flu. Influenza is a seasonal disease, which means a disease of the winter period in the northern or southern hemisphere. Malaria is a disease of hot and rainy areas.

Most malaria occurs in the tropics. Medicine claims that mosquitoes transmit malaria, which I do not agree with.

Once, in the South of France, I saw a mosquito attack on a man. I was a sailor at the time. That was in the evening when the man from our ship was walking. So many mosquitoes stung him that his body temperature rose sharply. The doctor came on board and examined him. The next day he was already healed.

Mosquitoes could cause a disease like this, which I described here. We can compare this to wasp and bee stings.

Malaria is a seasonal disease of hot tropical regions. We can call this disease “Tropical Influenza”.

The human body is exposed to various influences, such as celestial, meteorological and the like. In the case of malaria we have a celestial and tropical impact on our body. A certain solar spectrum shapes the astronomical effect, which creates malaria disease. Tropical heat tires the body and opens the way for malaria. This state of the body, which is influenced by tropical and celestial effects, we can call “Ilness State”.

“Illness State” can show how earthly and how heavenly the effect is. The terrestrial effect such as tropical heat, rain, etc. can be a percentage of say 40% and the celestial effect 60%.

“Illness State” can show how earthly and how heavenly the effect is. The earthly effect such as tropical heat, rain, alcohol, etc. can be a percentage of say 40% and the celestial effect 60%.

If we compare this to Covid 19, which attacked Bergamo, Italy, in the winter of 2019, we will see that the celestial effect was enormous. We can say that in Bergamo the earthly effect was 5 to 10% and the celestial more than 90%. A similar thing happens with malaria, which changes strength in relation to astronomy, in fact in the relationship of earth and the sun.

If we are in the tropics, not everyone will get malaria. Here come several factors to consider, both earthly and heavenly. The celestial factor acts from area to area. The disease will not affect the entire wide area.the

The celestial effect of malaria will affect all people in a particular zone. How much someone will succumb to the disease depends on several earthly and celestial factor.

Influenza “Covid 19” occurs in a similar way, and will act in a specific area. In this zone, people will get sick differently, although they are all exposed to the celestial effect, which creates the disease.

This was the case of Bergamo in Italy, where many people fell ill and died from “Covid 19”. Athletes in good condition, as well as other people among them, fell ill and died there.

When Earth comes to a certain position towards the sun, the disease “Covid 19” occurs. In Bergamo we saw that the surrounding areas were not as dangerous as that city, where this disease were killing everyone, the elderly, children, athletes, etc. Italian areas around Bergamo were less dangerous than this city.

Throughout history there have been many dangerous flu and other celestial diseases, such as “Spanish Flue”, plague, leprosy, AIDS, sars etc. All these diseases were created by astronomy.

There have been diseases with a strong intensity of disease and killing people, in addition to the weaker ones, which killed much less or not at all. We can refer to the common cold or runny nose, which many people have in the winter and sometimes in the summer.

In Croatian Slavonia, many people suffer from ragweed pollen. Here we can try to answer, how much of this disease belongs to the pollen of ragweed, and how much to the astronomical influence.

Influence of the plant ragweed.

A -A common cold caused by astronomical influence.

B — Influence of the plant ragweed.

This circle in the drawing represents a set of diseases, common cold (A) and inflammations caused by ragweed pollen (B).

We can compare spring sneezing to cancer. This means that the mucous membrane is in such a ago.we isolated ourselves in some way, we would not feel the sneezing caused by pollen, which is very irritating to the nostrils. If we come in contact with ragweed or some other flower, we will feel sneezing.

Not every human being will feel the effects of ragweed pollen equally. Depending on his sensitivity to dust and pollen, he will experience different variants of this inflammation.

According to this we can call our mucosa in a “state of sneezing”. If we sneeze, our mucosa will swell and become inflamed.

On the other hand, we have “Cancer State”, which means that we are in “Cancer Season”. Our organs are exposed to such cosmic influences, which can cause cancer.

If we inhale car exhaust, drink alcohol or take drugs some of our organs will weaken and we can easily get cancer. We need to be in the appropriate “Cancer State” first.

A few years ago, several people in my area contracted stomach cancer and died. At that time, there was a “Cancer State” of stomach cancer in this area.

If we compare cancer with the flu, we can see the following in the graph:

Cancer chart.

A — 1000 years ago.

A1–800 years ago.

A2–600 years ago.

A3–400 years ago.

A4–200 years ago.

B1, B2 — Intesity of Cancer.

Bx — Maximum intesity of cancer.

This chart imagined the intesity of cancer through the past. The points (A, A1, A2… ) are marks of time periods through the past. In this way we can imagine the diverdity of cancer intesities in the past. The values on this chart are not real but fictional.

Flu chart for the last 100 years.

A1–80 years ago.

A2–60 years ago.

A3–40 years ago.

A4–20 years ago.

B1 — Low intesity of flu.

B2 — High intesity of flu.

Bx — Maximum intesity of flu.

This drawing shows an imaginary graph of the flu in the last 100 years. The flu will change in intensity over a period of 100 years in different ways. Points(A1, A2, A3…) indicate time periods within 100 years. Points (B1, B2) are signs of flu intensity.

This kind of graph can show any disease we know of. The severity and characteristics of these and similar diseases are variable over time. At points Bx, the intensity of the disease is strongest.

Our rheumatic pains depend on astronomy, in fact on the relationship between the sun and the earth. Rheumatism is changeable for astronomical reasons and the disease alternates in our body.

Our body is subject to the constant influence of astronomy, or the relationship between the sun and the earth. Rheumatism with its variability is a good indicator of astronomical influences on us. Strengthening and reducing the pain of our rheumatic diseases proves astronomical influences on us.

  • *******************

If we leave a piece of raw meat for a few hours, on the table in the summer when it is hot, billions of microorganisms and tiny creatures will appear on it. Suppose the meat was not frozen, but fresh. This means that the larvae of these tiny creatures lived in the flesh of the animal while it was alive. We can’t imagine how many tiny creatures will emerge on the surface of that meat on the table.

Had the vet tested that animal before slaughter, he would most likely have found it healthy. Then why did meat create so many viruses, microorganisms and the like? All these tiny creatures like microorganisms, viruses, etc., live in our body.

Our mucous membrane is very thin skin, which is easily inflamed. Viruses multiply on inflammation.

This explanation shows that viruses are not primary in the case of disease. Their reproduction and increase is actually a consequence of the disease.

Circle of disease.

A. Astronomical effect (relationship between the sun and the earth).

B. The reaction of our body i.e. the nervous system.

C. Inflammation of a specific organ or mucosa.

D. Viruses and microorganisms.

Here we can divide the disease, for example Covid 19, into several segments (A, B, C, D). Sector (A) shows solar radiation, which affects our body and creates disease. Sector (B) indicates the reaction of our body. Our nerves will respond to the astronomical influence of the sun. In case of Covid 19 disease the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will become inflamed, sector ©. Sector (D) shows an increase in viruses and microorganisms on the inflamed mucosa.

Medicine believes that viruses transmit and create disease, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In fact our body creates disease using the nervous system and the tangle of muscles. This reaction of the body creates inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways, inflammation of the lungs and possibly death. According to this explanation, viruses and microorganisms are only a consequence of diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

If we take out one small stone from the sea, which is overgrown with seagrass and leave it in the sun for a day, many microorganisms will appear on that stone. This proves to us that the connection of living matter of seagrass and air will create tiny creatures. Can we talk here about the new life created on biological mass with the help of air.

I used to explain a similar thing with a piece of meat left in the sun. The explanation could be that the embryos of future microorganisms and tiny creatures live in the meat. Eventually, worms will appear on the meat. Do their larvae also live in the meat. It would be illogical to say that the larvae of microorganisms or small creatures that will appear in the air, live in seaweed.

Biological substances will create all these tiny creations, which are the product of the disease in question, that is, the specifics of the inflammation or disease. Bacteria are a feature of severe inflammation, tissue suppuration or similar diseases.

Viruses and bacteria are the product of diseases, which are typical for a certain disease. They are produced by human tissue affected by the disease in question. They are good signs of the disease, which show the specifics of certain diseases.

The inflamed mucous membrane is diseased and purulent, and it is the creator of viruses and bacteria, which take on the appearance and form of the disease in question. There is a flu chart labeled alphabetically as A, B, C… in relation to the appearance of the virus. According to this, every flu creates viruses in relation to the disease, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membrane.

I believe that in the flu chart there was a ball virus that denoted a specific flu, as well as all other forms of viruses that were given new names.This means that no new viruses such as Corona ball virus and others, which are mentioned today, were created.

The body’s fight is a major factor in treating the disease. The medicine we take is only a secondary factor.

In the case of cancer, I have already stated that certain human organs are weakened due to inhaling gases such as CO2, monoxides, etc., and taking alcohol and drugs. In order for us to treat the patient, we first need to remove him from all the mentioned influences. This means that if a patient’s organs are affected by car exhaust, he can no longer live in that area. He has to move to a gas-free zone, where his body will take action to heal him.

Country governments should build hospitals to treat cancer in “Gas Free” areas. There, combustion gases should be minimal or non-existent. Only in such institutions, we can treat cancer patients.

We should understand the cancer season, i.e. the period when solar radiation creates certain types of this disease.

The onset of cancer.

A — Reason / Astronomy, The relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

B — Body reaction / Nerves

C — Disease of some of our organs.

D — Viruses and microorganisms that develop on the disease.

We can compare this drawing with the previous one, where Covid 19 is explained. Sector (A) is an astronomical influence, which can create cancer. Sector (B) is a reaction of the body, which will cause disease of a particular organ ©. Such organ disease will manifest as cancer. Sector (D) shows the occurrence and reproduction of microorganisms, viruses and metastases.

In this case sector (B) i.e. body reaction or nerves will affect a particular organ. Such a disease will become cancer of the organ in question. That organ is already damaged by pollution, so the cancer will easily overcome it.

The flu develops in a similar way. Sector (B) or nerves will react to the winter cold and afflict the airway mucosa. This is a common reaction to cold or winter humidity. A larger form of influenza, i.e. more widespread and deadly refers to the reaction of sector (B), i.e. nerves to the astronomical situations of the relationship between the sun and the earth.

There is food that strengthens resistance, i.e. the body’s immunity to disease, such as garlic, onions, lemons and other spicy foods. The ingredients of these foods enter the bloodstream and help make the disease harder to implement. These foods can help with some degree of illness. As diseases intensify, they are no longer effective.

In medicine there are no gradients of disease, i.e. signs of disease strength e.g. flu intensity. The next medicine against the flu is antibiotics. They can treat the flu to a certain strength gradient. Covid 19 is so powerful that none of this medicine helps.

Many people and even some medical staff do not believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine. What can we do against a strong flu like Covid 19?

We cannot hide from the sun’s radiation. It will reach us wherever we are.

According to existing media reports, the most exposed group of people are people aged 45 to 50. Which of us will show symptoms of Covid 19.

First, our respiratory mucosa becomes inflamed. Then certain amounts of mucus will appear on the inflammation. Viruses can be found on mucus samples.

Why don’t all people get sick? Some of us get inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways and others do not.

I believe one of the reasons is genes. Some people get the flu easily, while others do not. I also believe that some stronger bodies can fight this disease more easily.

Covid 19 makes an entire family sick, while everyone in the apartment next door is healthy. I saw this during this illness in my area. This means that the sunlight of a certain area is the cause of the disease.

It seems that Cocid 19 does not affect certain types of people, with regard to their genetics. On the other hand, the intensity of the influence of astronomy is the most important. Maybe with stronger astronomical intensity, these people would get sick too. Something similar happened in Bergamo, Italy, where all people fell ill in turn, regardless of age, fitness, genes, etc. In fact, the point is in the power of astronomical influence on people in a particular area of the earth.

The diversity of solar radiation.

A, B, C, D… — Sectors of solar radiation diversity.

If we show solar radiation with a circle, then we will notice the diversity of radiation (A, B, C …). Solar radiation affects the formation of disease in humans and animals on earth.

People will feel this astronomical or solar influence differently. Some people will catch colds, flu, headaches, while others will get rheumatism and the like.

I claim that some people experience madness in the same way, i.e. in certain astronomical seasons. Here we have seen that at a certain astronomical change i.e. variation of solar radiation people will get sick differently.

This diversity in variations of astronomy will create different diseases in humans. In this way we can classify people into different groups.

All these variations depend on the sun, that is, how the sun’s rays affect us. This way we can only have a runny nose, cough or other previously mentioned diseases..

Sector B — Reaction of the body.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

B1, B2, B3… Different reactions of the body.

In this drawing I want to show the reactions of the body (B1, B2, B3…). Sector (A) is the cause of the disease. Any variation in sector (A) will create diversity in sector (B).

Sector A — Cause of the disease.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

In this sketch we see different causes of illness. Here we can accept the diversity of solar radiation.

A1 = S1

A2 = S2

A3 = S3

A1, A2, A3 … Causes of diseases

S1, S2, S3 … Variety of solar radiation.

Here we see that the sun’s rays (S1, S2, S3 …) will create different causes of disease. Thus the cause of the disease (A1) will create a reaction of the body (B1). (A2) will create (B2) etc.

Sector C — Diseases.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

C1, C2, C3, C4 — Variations of the diseases.

In this sketch we see variations of the disease (C1, C2, C3 …). So headlight A1 will create C1, A2 will create C2, etc.

Diversity diseases will be created from differences in the cause of the diseases ( Sector A)

Sector D — Microorganisms, viruses, etc.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

D1, D2, D3, D4 — Variety of microorganisms, viruses, etc.

In this sketch we can see the diversity of microorganisms, viruses, etc. The cause of disease A1 will create viruses D1, A2 will create viruses D2, etc.

We can divide people according to their genetics, i.e., how they will react to existing astronomy, that is, the relationship between the sun and the earth.

Group A: People who are susceptible to airway inflammation. They will get sick of the respiratory tract and will get cough, runny nose, bronchitis, asthma and the like.

Group B: People who are susceptible to rheumatism. Rheumatism will affect certain parts of their bodies.

Group C: People who are sensitive to headaches. They will experience frequent headaches during these astronomical periods.

Group D: People who are susceptible to mental illness. They will experience such diseases in certain astronomical periods.

Group E: People who are susceptible to stomach disease. Their stomach and intestines will be affected by this disease.

In addition to this, there are many other organs and parts of the human body that can become ill during such astronomical periods. It means that astronomical changes affect people differently.

According to this, the astronomical situation A1 will create bronchitis, asthma, etc. in people of group A. People in group B will have rheumatism, and people in group C will have frequent headaches, etc.

If astronomical situation A2 occurs, people in group A will have tracheal inflammation and cough. People in group B will have rheumatism in the back, etc.

A / C sectors connectivity.

A, B, C, D — Sectors of the disease circle.

A1, A2, A3… Variety of solar radiation.

C1, C2, C3… Diseases caused by the diversity of solar radiation.

In this drawing we can see the connection of these two sectors. We can observe this in people of group “A”. Variation “A1” will prouyrokuju disease “C1”, e.g. cough. Variation “A2” will cause disease “C2”, e.g. runny nose. Variation in “A3” will cause “C3” disease, such as the flu.

C / D sectors connectivity.

A, B, C, D — Sectors of the disease circle.

C1, C2, C3… Diseases caused by the diversity of solar radiation.

D1, D2, D3… Diversity of viruses in relation to diseases.

In this drawing we can see the connection between sectors C and D. The diversity of disease creations in sector C will affect virus forms in sector D.

A/ B sectors connectivity.

In this drawing we can see the connection between sectors A and B. Variation of the sun’s rays “A1” will cause the body’s reaction to “B1”. Variation of the sun’s rays “A2” will cause the body’s reaction to be “B2”.

What will happen if we receive “A1” radiation? Group “A” will get bronchitis, cough or flu. Group “B” will get rheumatism. Group “C” will get a headache.

The astronomical season plays a big role here, which will affect the form of the disease. Thus, in a given season, many people will suffer from rheumatism instead of bronchitis.

Even if some people belong to the same group, it does not mean that they will get sick. They may feel a small part of the disease or stay completely healthy.

Such similar relationships could be established for cancer. In a group similar to this one it would be seen that not all people will get cancer equally.

Of course, the astronomical season of cancer determines the form and characteristics of the disease. Thus, cancer will be human-to-human variable in characteristics and intensity.

I believe that a man who has congenital bronchitis has a natural immunity to other diseases. According to this, a man who has a congenital disease, say according to the previous table A, B, C …, he has innate immunity to other diseases. I believe his body has some protection during the fight against the disease.

Bronchitis is a specific reflection of a particular body. Some other body would suffer from rheumatism instead of bronchitis. A man who has bronchitis will have less rheumatism than another. The connection between the body and disease can be seen here. In fact, some bodies are structurally susceptible to bronchitis while others are susceptible to rheumatism.

If a certain astronomical season, i.e. solar radiation, causes disease to humans, it will not cause disease to animals and the rest of the biological world. In Croatia, it has happened that some species of shellfish have been dying in recent years, in fact some where at the beginning of Covid 19 in december 2019. The profession believes this happened due to sea pollution, while I believe the reason is astronomical. In Croatia at that time there was Influenza A / B, while Covid 19 had not yet been identified.

In this case, the astronomical season affected shells, not just humans. A similar thing happened earlier with oysters. The profession attributes all this to the pollution of the sea, which in my opinion is incorrect.

Occasional bee deaths occurred during Covid 19. I think we can attribute this to the astronomical season as well.

From the beginning of Covid 19, I noticed that some bushes in the park had resin-covered leaves. I saw a similar thing on plum leaves. In these cases we can see the connection of Covid 19 with the animal and biological world.

In the event that parasites of micro dimensions appear on a particular organ of our body, they will cause inflammation of the skin in the area of their action. Viruses will act in the same area.

Action of parasites and viruses.

A1, A2, A3… Micro parasites.

B1, B2, B3 … Viruses

If parasites appear on our skin (A) or some other organ, they will use our tissue for their existence. Viruses (B) will appear in the same area. Parasites will cause inflammation in our tissue, which will be inhabited by viruses.


Effect of solar radiation (1).

A, B, C, D — Segments of the disease circle.

A1 — Cause of disease / Solar radiation.

B1 — Manifestation of the body.

C1 — Inflammation of certain parts of the body.

D1 — Multiplication of the virus on inflamed parts of the body.

In the drawing we see four segments of the disease circle. (A1) Reason of disease. Specific solar radiation that will create the disease. (B1) Manifestation of the body. This means that the nerves and other elements of the body will react and create inflammation of certain organs. (C1) Inflammation of certain parts of the body, i.e. certain mucous membranes. (D1) Multiplication of the virus on inflamed mucous membranes.

In this way we can determine some types of people, who will react differently to solar radiation. Following this case we can identify certain groups of people, who will react to section (A1), which is part of segment (A). These people will react differently to the same radiation (A1).

Alpha 1

Alpha 2

Alpha 3

Alpha 4

We will now see how a group of people (Alpha 1) will react. They will get inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways. The group (Alpha 2) will get rheumatism. Group (Alpha 3) will get a headache. Group (Alpha 4) will get stomach inflammation.

What will happen if the sun emits radiation (A2).

Effect of solar radiation (2).

A, B, C, D — Segments of the disease circle.

A2 — The cause of the disease — Sun radiation (A2).

B2 — Manifestation of the body.

C2 — Inflammation or disease of a part of the body.

D2 — Form of viruses on inflammation.

Beta 1

Beta 2

Beta 3

Beta 4

In this case, the people in the group (Beta 1) will get airway inflammation. People of group (Beta 2) will get rheumatism. People in the group (Beta 3) will get headaches. People in the group (Beta 4) will get stomach inflammation.

We cannot determine the impact of solar radiation because we do not have such instruments. We can only determine the effect of the body. In fact, a certain amount of solar radiation is missing something that our body needs.

In this way, we can determine the groups of people who will suffer differently from solar radiation. We can identify them with the labels suggested here.

These are just suggestions on how to divide people into certain groups in relation to the astronomical influence of solar radiation. We must take into account other influences, such as weather changes, the impact of pollen, dust, etc.

According to these explanations and statistics, it is possible to classify different types of people.

Gamma 1

Gamma 2

Gamma 3

Gamma 4

(Gamma 1) is the kind of man who will get airway disease. (Gamma 2) is the type of man who will suffer from rheumatism. (Gamma 3) is the type of man who will suffer from headaches. (Gamma 4) is the type of man who will suffer from abdominal diseases.

The next division will be from the intensity of the disease. Intensity can be divided from 1 to 10. This means that a group of people (Gamma 1) will have a mark (i1), which means about 10 percent of the possible intensity. The power of disease (Gamma 1 — i1) means that this type of man (Gamma 1) has the intensity of disease (i1).

I have said before that we cannot determine the types of radiation. We can only see how many people will get sick or die in a certain period of time. in this way we can recognize the intensity and effect of solar radiation on humans.

In addition to this we can recognize diseases, for example the flu is different from the plague, or leprosy, etc. Each of these diseases was created under different astronomical conditions, i.e. different solar radiation on humans.

Intensity of astronomical disease throughout the year in a particular area.

X — Period of ilness.

Y — Intesity of ilness.

In this drawing we can see the effect of solar radiation through the year, which will cause certain diseases. (XA) shows the lowest intensity of the disease as a mild cold. (XB) shows the greatest intensity of the disease.

Axis (X) indicates a period of illness every two months (2,4,6…). The (Y) axis shows the intensity of the disease. In addition to this we need to indicate the type of disease. Therefore, for each disease we need to draw a separate graph.

So far, this graph can show us the following:

1. Cold XA, intesity 0,4

2. Cold XA, intesity 0,5

3. Flue XB, intesity 2,0

4. Flue XB, intesity 1,9

The intensity of the disease can be determined by the period of the disease, exertion, and other medical characteristics.

Disease intensity graph.

X — Period of ilness.

Y — Intesity of ilness.

This graph shows the “Intensity of the Disease” according to period (X) and temperature (Y). (XP) is the point of the highest temperature on the (X) axis. (YT) shows the value of the highest temperature.

Here we determined the intensity of the disease by period and temperature. According to this we can check the intensity of colds, sneezes, asthma and flu.

The graph can also be drawn at the doctor’s discretion, instead of a body temperature that is variable, some other parameters of disease integrity can be used. The doctor can determine the parameters of the intensity of the disease based on the severity of the cough, shortness of breath, torture of the patient, etc. and draw a curve of the disease.

Curves could be formed in relation to respiratory diseases and the like. Each of these disease variants would have its own typical curve. These disease curves could be sketched in advance, and the doctor would only supplement them by entering the disease intensity on the ordinate and the period on the abscissa. In this way, each type of respiratory disease would have its own drawings of curves, such as asthma, colds, sneezes, flu, etc.

Here we have encountered a variety of sensitivities of individual people to certain celestial influences, which will form diseases. In addition to the variety of effects of solar radiation on different human groups, there are also astronomical differences.

In the first case, the same solar radiation will cause different variations of respiratory diseases, or other diseases compared to human groups. Certain same solar radiation will cause a variety of respiratory diseases, headaches, rheumatism, etc. We can call this the “Human Factor” disease, where one will get asthma and the other bronchitis or just a cold.

In the second case, we can talk about the “Astronomical Effect” of respiratory and other diseases, where each disease will be different from the previous one. All new diseases caused by astronomy, i.e. solar radiation will be different from the previous ones. Diseases will vary in intensity, which will be weaker or stronger. Periods of illness will vary in duration. in addition, the diseases will differ in structure, i.e. if someone had asthma in the previous “Radiation Period,” he will now have a cough and headache.

We actually get sick all the time under the influence of solar radiation, even though we are not aware of it. Depending on the “Astronomical Factor”, our body constantly reacts to different intensities of the disease. Often the intensities of the disease are so low that we feel very comfortable and healthy. In other words, we never stop being sick, even though the intensity of the disease is mild and negligible.

We can go back to the case where a man falls into a cold sea or river in winter, and dies after a while. In this case, the cold water was the cause of the disease, which we can determine.

A similar thing can happen when someone gets wet in the winter and catches a cold. It was a little cold outside. The man was without warm clothes.

On the Croatian coast, when the south wind “Jugo” blows, many people catch colds and get sick. In this case, the south wind is the cause of the disease.

We can identify these effects of cold. Sometimes we catch a cold without these mentioned influences. Where can we look for a reason?

I am trying to explain these cases. People will catch a cold without being able to determine the reason. We can estimate this with the number of sick people. Contrary to medicine, which claims that such diseases are caused by viruses, I assume astronomical reasons.

Measuring colds throughout the year.

08,10,12 … Months through the year.

y1, y2, y3… Thousands or millions of sick people.

dy1 — Minimal morbidity of people .

dy2 — Maximum morbidity of people.

With this diagram, we can determine how many people will suffer from respiratory diseases in a certain period of time. Values like (dy1, dy2) and others show us that solar radiation affects us, and creates colds and other respiratory diseases. These values indicate diseases caused by solar radiation, and increased by weather and other earth factors.

The minimum value (dy1) serves us as an orientation of the relationship between solar radiation and earth factors over a period of one year. We can say that this minimum value of the disease is not increased by earth factors, but it was caused by the influence of solar radiation.

The difference between the minimum and maximum size of the disease in a certain period of time shows the “Earth Factor”. These are cold, rain, wind, etc., as well as the “Human Factor”, ie alcohol, drugs, chemical industry, gases, etc. We cannot explicitly claim this, because astronomy is changeable, and we cannot say exactly what was created in this graph by astronomical influence and what by earthly reasons.

The minimum value of the disease caused by solar radiation in a certain period of time.

06, 08, 10 … Months in a year.

y1, y2, y3 … Disease intensity values.

dy1 — The minimum value of the disease in June.

Dy1’ — The minimum value of the disease in June next year.

In this drawing the value (dy1) is about 0.6 of the ilness intensity. This is an indicator of the disease last year. This year the value (dz1) is about 0.8 of the disease intensity. This means that the sun’s influence is stronger, compared to the disease.

These astronomical values, which create diseases, can be called “Solar Radiation” and determined by measure (R 0.6–0.8). The astronomical influence that causes the disease can be called “Radiation” (R).

Measured value of solar radiation (R).

06, 08, 10 … Months through the year.

Y1, Y2, Y3 … Disease intensity values.

dy1 = R1

dy1' = R2

In this drawing, on the axis (X) we can see the time period in months (02, 04, 06 … (Y1, Y2, Y3…) are disease intensity values. Here we equate (dy1) with (R1) and (dy1’) with (R2), in fact with sun radiation values. In this way we obtained new values (R, R1 …) or the intensity of solar radiation.

Measures of solar radiation.

The axis (X) shows the months during the year (6, 7, 8…)

The axis (Y) shows the radiation in the values (R1, R2, R3 …)

In this sketch we can see an increase in solar radiation. (R) indicates the specific radiation generated by the sun. R1 has a value 0,6 R. R2 has a value 1,0 R. R3 has a value 1,2 R. We cannot identify this type of radiation, but we can call it (RA), which means “ Radiation Alpha”.

This means that any disease caused by (R A) we can label as: cold (RA1), sneeze (RA2), asthma (RA3), influenza (RA4), etc. We can label cancer in a similar way as: lung cancer RC1, stomach cancer RC2 etc. In this way we can label all astronomical diseases.

Diseases depend on the relationship between the earth and the sun for a year. We can compare some periods from one year to another.

For example we can compare January, February and March from this year to next, or one month as January from this year to next.

This is a kind of research into the intensity of the disease in the future, and I think it can be applied. Let us not forget that in the past there was a lot of such research, which is related to astrology. Unfortunately, the church opposed astrology, so a lot was destroyed.

Either way Covid 19 strengthened after its first year, 2019. In China it killed about 0.0003% of people, Iran 0.009%, Italy 0.06%, USA 0.03%, Brazil 0.01%.

In the summer of 2020, Covid 19 moved to the southern hemisphere. Brazil is the most populous country there. That is why a lot of people died in Brazil.

The curve of Covid 19 killer after 2019.

A1, A2, A3… The number of people killed with Covid 19.

B1, B2, B3… This includes the southern hemisphere.

On this curve we see how many people have died in the world since December 2019. Points (A1, A2, A3 …) are the monthly values of human deaths due to Covid 19. Point (AX) is the highest value of people dying from disease, Covid 19.

Points (B1, B2, B3 …) include southern flu or Covid 19, which usually begins in early June. The southern hemisphere has a smaller population than the northern and Covid 19 kills fewer people there.

Medicine believes that the cause of cancer is the chemical industry, alcohol, drugs, certain foods, etc. All this is incorrect.

All these reasons actually affect the human body. This means that the human body becomes weak and irresistible to disease. In fact, such a body will lose immunity against cancer and other diseases.

If we measure the amount of cancer in an area where there is a lot of traffic, which emits exhaust fumes, the human body will lose its resistance to disease in general. This means that carbon dioxide and monoxide make our body weaker as we inhale them.

I mentioned before, whatever we breathe, eat or drink it will come into our blood, which is the “Central Organ”. The blood will supply our organs with such supplements in it. Some of our organs will suffer. Cancer can be easily implemented in such organs.

The loss of organ function we call cancer. In fact the organ takes on its diseased form. The organ can change its shape and become larger.

What actually the organ lost? It lost good or helthy bloode. The organs cannot function with the bloode contaminated with gases and other harmfull matters.

The certain our organ will fall sick due to bed bloode. Such an organ will commence dying. It will change its structure and become larger. Its shape will change. Later the organ will loose its function. Such transformation of an organ we call cancer.

Cancer curve to the past.

500, 1000, 1500… Years in the past.

Y0, Y1, Y2… Intensity of cancer.

D1, d2, d3… Values of cancer intencity.

X1, X2, X3 … Periods of cancer intesity.

On the sketch at axe (X) there is a period of two thousand years back. The intesity of cancer is shown at axy (Y). The intesity can be shown in numbers of dead or ill men from cancer. Periods (X1, X2, X3) show the difference in intensity through the periods in past.

This curve is not real. We could draw such curve for last fifty to sixty years if we had an information of the number of ill or dead men from cancer.

Alcohol, drugs, exaust gases, carbon dioxide, monokside etc will damage our organs. It means the organs will loose their function.

Deformation of an organ due to cancer.

A — Healthy organ.

B — Deformed organ due to cancer.

On this sketch we see how an organ deformes due to cancer. If an organ does not receive the clean bloode it will deform. In the other words if an organ receive bloode polluted by gases, alcohol or drugs, it will deform.

Regarding Covid 19, doctors take a sample of slime in the nose cavity. The viruses of Covid 19 are mainly situted in bronhials of lungs. Doctors cannot take a sample from there. Anyhaw we can accept that viruses have same shape if they exist in lungs or in nose cavity.

Medicine beleives that viruses transfer from man to man, like a new sort of them. Actualy the viruses exist permanently in human’s bodies. They only change their shapes under astronomical influence. Every new flue comes with different shapes of viruses. That is way we had flues named as ‘’Flue A’’, ‘’Flue B’’ etc.

The sun rise at the east. So far all diseases come from the east. Dependently where a disease starts, it will come from the east.

Covid 19 firstly showed in USA in december 2020. First four cases were detected there. In december same flue increased in China, where it was named ‘’Corona’’. I beleive that so called ‘Corona’’ belonged to the previous marks of flues like A, B, C and so on. Doctors in China named it ‘’Corona’’ according the shape of the virus which was spherical.

The viruses which are linked to a flue mostly have irregular shapes. Their shapes look like filled up balls but they are so much irregular. In certain cases the viruses may take spheric shapes.

I want to prove that the viruses belong to our body. They change their shape due to astronomical influence which causes different flues. This way different flues correspond to the viruses of certain shapes.

Viruses belong to our bodies. Normaly they change shapes under the influence of astronomy, mainly the sun. Every flue is different than the other one. It can be seen through their characteristics. For example the caracteristic of strenght shows that intesities of the flues are much different. There are light flues which we oftenly get. We call them colds but they are actualy flues.

So far our body makes the flues or colds oftenly. Some of them are so low intesity that we hardly can feel them.

Our body is influenced by astronomical and Earth factors like coldness, gasses, alcohol, drugs etc. It is permanentlly fighting against these impacts. The fight of our body we can indentify like easy colds, flues, increase of temperature etc.

In between USA and China is an large extent of Pacific Ocean. Noremaly there has not been found any signs of Covid 19.

Summer at north hemisphere.

S — Sun rays.

N/S — North — south axe.

E-QV — Equator

A, A1, A2… The zones of the most influence of Covid 19.

During summer at north hemisphere Covid 19 will act as per sketch. Covid 19 will act northerly, where is colder. It is winter at southern hemisphere. Covid19 will act at middle latitudes.

Summer at south hemisphere.

S — Sun rays.

N/S — North — south axe.

E- Q — Equator

A, A1, A2… The zones of the most influence of Covid 19.

During summer at southern hemisphere Covid 19 will act more southly. At north hemisphere it will act mainly at middle latitudes. Actualy such enlightening of the sun will cause these differences.

Zones of various sun enlightening.

A, A1, A2… The zone of the most sun enlightening.

B, B1, B2… The zone of lesser sun enlightening.

C, C1, C2… The zone of the least sun enlightening.

At this sketch we see zones of various sun enlightening. The zone ‘’A’’ is the most enlightened in relation to the zones ‘’B’’ and ‘’C’’. Accordingly the most Covid 19 cases should rise in the zone ‘’A’’.

We can expect the most Covid 19 in the most enlightened area ‘’A’’. Actualy the sun enlightening is not main reason for ilness. The reason is special effect of the sun rays that we can call ‘’Rays X’’.

What are actualy ‘’Rays X’’. They are such rays that will cause sickness in our body.

At previous sketch we saw zone ‘’A’’, like a zone most covered with sun rays. It does not mean that such zone is the most danger for ilness. The zone ‘’B’’ can be more danger.

We can see the light of the sun rays. We can feel the heat at our skeen, but ‘’Rays X ‘’ we cannot define.

The zones of ‘’Rays X’’

A — Sun rays.

X — Sun rays X.

On the sketch we can see ‘’Zone A’’ of the sun rays and ‘’Zone X’’ where ‘’Sun Rays X“ are efficient.

I beleive that that an angle of the sun rays between earth and the sun can cause ‘’Rays X’’. Such rays cause flue and other diseases to us.

These rays will cause different diseases on earth. All the deseases which were on earth were caused by ‘’Rays X’’. So far the variations in ‘’Rays X’’ will cause the differences in diseases.

We can compare this with Covid 19 which affected Wuhan in China. The zone of Wuhan we can call ‘’Zone X’’.

This means that the sun rays are only killing in ‘’Zone X’’. The areas around ‘’Zone X’’ are less influenced by the flue. Here we can talk about the angles of sun rays that hit earth are different.


The shape of viruses show a lot. They change their look according different astronomical influences.

In january 2020, in Croatia it was reported the flue a’’A’’and ‘’B’’. Their viruses had irregular shapes.

The viruses of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’.

A, A’, A’’… The plan view of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’ viruses.

B — The space shape of viruses of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’.

On the sketch (A, A’, A’’) we can see the irregular shape of viruses of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’. At the sketch ‘’B’ it is shown the space shape of the same viruses.

The viruses of ‘’Covid 19'’

A, A’, A’’… The plan view of the Covid 19 viruses.

B — The space view of Covid 19 viruses.

On this sketch we see the difference in shape between Covid 19 and the flue A/B viruses. The shape of a virus is influenced by Astronomy. The changes in the sun radiation will cause different shapes of viruses.

The curve of Covid 19 which was killing in the winter 2020.

X — 1, 2, 3… The months in the year 2020.

Y — 1, 2, 3… Thousends of killing by Covid 19.

X1 — The amplitude of maximum killing during winter time on the north hemisphere.

X2 — The amplitude of maximum killing during winter time on the southern hemisphere.

MX1 — The point on the curve of maximum killing during winter time on the north hemisphere.

MX2 — The point on the curve of maximum killing during winter time on the southern hemisphere.

On this sketch we see that the killing period of Covid 19 is in the begining of february during winter flue. It is opposite during the end of July during summer flue which kills mainly at southern hemisphere. Maximum killing is shown by the amplitude (X1) during winter period on north hemisphere and (X2) during winter period on southern hemisphere. This way we can draw curves for any wotld area.

The maximum killing In China was in january. In Iran it was by the end of january. In Europe it was by begining of february. The zone of Atlantic Ocean was by the end of february. USA East Coast begining of march. USA West Coats by the end of march.

This zones are determinated according the winter flue at northern hemisphere. Actually Covid 19 commenced in USA in december, prior it was discover in China. The large extent of Pacific Ocean is situated In between USA West Coast and China. So we can say that december was the flue zone of Pacific Ocean.

This zones are determinated according winter months. Similar zones could be marked for the flue at southern hemisphere.

In this way Pacific Ocean will be in april. China zone is in may and june. Iran is in June and july. Europe is in august. Atlantic Ocean zone is in September. USA East Coast is in october. USA West coast is in november. Pacific Ocean is in december.

During a flue in southern winter season, at southern hemisphere it also acts at north hemisphere in high geografical latitudes. So far the flue will be noticed in the high latitudes at northern hemisphere. The middle latitudes in northern hemisphere will be excluded from the high attack of the flue during summer season.

Since january 2020 Covid 19 is increasing and killing more and more people. According previous drawing and my book ‘’Formation Of Planet’’, earth forms winter and summer as per changeability of its axes . So far there are differencies in intensity of Covid 19.

Increasing of intensity of Covid 19 in 2020.

(X) 1, 2, 3 … The months in the year.

(Y) 1, 2, 3 … The intesity of killing of Covid 19.

d1, d2, d3 … Monthly causes of deaths.

According to my idea I draw here approximate curve of Covid 19 increase of intensity. This curve should be drawn by medical staff for every day like a world’s Covid 19 killing curve, or an area of Covid 19 killing curve, like individually countries, towns etc.

Regarding Covid 19, it was firstly discovered in USA at the begining of december 2019. Actually four cases of Covid 19 were found there.

The medicine separated the virus so called Corona from common flue, as it was round like a sphere. The shape of the common flue virus is irregular.

The difference between Covid 19 and common flue virus.

A, A’, A“ … Corona viruses.

B, B’, B“ … The common flue viruses.

On the sketch we see Corona viruses (A, A’, A’’…) and common flue viruses (B, B’, B’’…). Corona viruses have spheric shape while common flue viruses have irregular shapes.

What actualy happened here? The common flue (B, B’, B’’…) changed its shape to spheric one (A, A’, A’’…) due to reasons of the type of flu under the influence of astronomy.

That is how ‘’Corona’’ or later ‘’Covid 19'’ was indentified. The common flue than transfered into ‘’Corona’’.

Today on 12th august 2020 in Croatia there are 130 ill men from Covid 19. Our flue zone is in the middle of february. The middle of august is our opposite zone. There are six month difference between our summer and winter zone.

Covid 19 mainly acts in winter, as coldness affect man’s body which becomes less resistant to diseases. During our summer zone we can catch cold, stomac diseases etc. So far summer flue is less danger than winter one.

On 13th august 2020 in Croatia it was 180 people ill from Covid 19. Our geografical longitude is 16 deegres east. All the places on this longitude wil have culminations of illness in the same time i.e. in the middle of february or in the middle of august. This longitude we can call ‘’ The longitude of culmination of diseases“.

In the winter the flue will culminate at the areas of this longitude. In the summer time it will be culmination of summer diseases like stomac ilness, cold etc.

Every part of the world has its longitude of culmination of diseases. At southern hemisphere the flue will culminate during southern winter.

There is six months period in between two culmination of diseases. The reason of culminations is astronomical i.e. the changes of earth axes, which cause summer and winter periods.

The flue is a product of cold weather i.e. the winter. The human body acts different in winter i.e. in cold periods of a year than in summer. The cold weather influence our body organs which becomes less resistent. So far the coldness is negative and the heat is positive to our organs.

Culmination of Covid 19.

6, 7, 8… Months of the year.

y, y1, y2… Intensity of ilness in deaths.

d1, d2, d3… Intensiti in deaths per month.

dx — Maximum intesity of a period of Covid 19.

A — The point at which Covid 19 changes from a winter to a summer disease.

A1 — The point at which Covid 19 changes from a summer to a winter disease.

Points XA and XA’ are the points of the greatest intensity of the disease.

This is a drawing of summer Covid 19.¸(dX) is maximum value of the disease. (XA) and (X1A) are the points of maximum values. (A) and (A1) are the points of change from summer to winter values.

In mid-May, the flu will change from winter to summer. In mid-November, it will change from summer to winter illness.

It is not easy to establish the point (XA1), because various external influences increase the killing of Covid 19, such as alcohol. Summer is the tourist season in Croatia. Many tourists go to bars where they drink alcohol.

Medicine has announced that bats in China created Covid 19, which is incorrect.The human body creates Covid 19 under external influences. Solar radiation is the main factor in the development of flu like Covid 19. Solar radiation acts in certain zones where it strengthens the flu, which is actually an astronomical effect.

Zones of action of solar radiation in relation to the flu.

A, A1, A2… The strongest area of solar radiation influence in relation to Covid19.

B, B1. B2… Area of less influence of solar radiation.

C, C1, C2 … The area of the least influence of solar radiation.

In this sketch, we see solar radiation hits different zones of the same area. Most people will get sick from Covid 19 in zone (A). There will be slightly fewer people sick with Covid 19 in zone (B), and the least in zone ©. Although these zones are close to each other for several kilometers, they will be affected differently by the sun’s emission.

Their form changes in relation to the diversity of the influence of astronomy, mainly the sun on the earth. All parts of the globe are affected differently by the influence of the sun.

Different forms of Covid 19.

The shapes (A, A’, A’’) are round and look like a ball. The shapes (B, B’, B’’) are ellipsoidal, and the shapes (C, C’, C’’) are irregular.

Each flu can form different forms of the virus. Viruses multiply on mucosal inflammations. Their appearance is formed by astronomy. Covid 19, like other flus, is a product of astronomy, i.e. of the relationship between the earth and the sun. At the same time of the astronomical season, viruses, which belong to our body, change their appearance.

The relationship between the sun and the earth affects our body, which creates diseases. A minor influence of the moon can also be added. I believe that the moon emits light, which is the opposite of the interpretation of astronomy as a science.

We can say that Covid 19 started in December 2019 in USA. There, spherical viruses were found in four patients.

Between the American West Coast and China is Pacific Ocean, which is uninhabited. Next is China, where a large number of Covid 19 patients were diagnosed in December 2019 and January 2020.

The progression of the disease was established in relation to the number of patients. Progression occurred at the very beginning of the disease and grew rapidly.

Growth of the disease Covid 19 in 2020.

I have drawn an approximate growth curve of Covid 19 here. The time periods in 2020 are shown on the axis (X). The amount of sick or dead people is shown on the axis (Y). (d2, d4, d6…) are approximate amounts of sick or dead people in the time period marked on the (X) axis.

Growth of Covid 19 in 2021.

In this drawing we see the rise of Covid 19 in 2021. The time period every two months is marked on the axis (X). The amount of dead or sick people is marked on the axis (Y). ( d2, d4, d6…) are the numbers of sick or dead people in a period of two months. All these values are only approximate.

Every disease can be marked with a sinusoid showing its beginning, peak and decline.

Disease curve.

A — Part of the ascent of the curve.

B — Part of the curve during the fall.

X1, X2, X3… Time periods of the curve.

Y1, Y2, Y3 … Magnitudes of disease intensity.

d1, d2, d3 … Measures of disease size and strength.

dX — Maximum value of disease intensity.

In this drawing we can see the curve of growth and decline of the disease. Our body creates disease due to some external influences on us. It will create disease according to this curve.

The disease will occur in the (X0) position. It will rise for the values (d1, d2 and DX). Than it will fall for the values (d3, d4 and d5).

Any small disease will have a curve like this. We can divide this curve into parts A and B. Part (A) is the rise and part (B) the fall of the curve.

This curve is the main representation of the disease. It shows the rise and fall of the disease. Any disease can be demonstrated with a curve like this, as well as small acne on the skin.

According to this, all disease curves will be different. Some of them will have a long period of time (X, X1, X2…) since they will last a long time.


Who will get Covid 19 first?

This summer in Croatia, some people fell ill with Covid 19 during the wedding celebration. They drank alcohol, which means that it caused the disease.

The reason for “Covid 19” is actually the “Astronomical Season” of such disease. This means that in that astronomical period, somewhere, people will fall ill with Covid 19.

Covid 19 does not work equally on the whole earth. There are zones of stronger and weaker effects of this strong flu. Such geographical zones of activity of Covid 19 can be established.

The human factor comes into play here. The flu attacks people differently in relation to their body and the severity of the disease in their area.

Human factors we can devide in following:

“Biological state of the body” which means the general state of the body. This indicates the body’s genetics, race, where the body developed, etc.

“Influences on the Body” that can damage the body, such as drugs, alcohol, obesity, other diseases, pollution, etc.

According to this, Covid 19 will make it easier for the “Damaged Body” to get sick. In other words, “Damaged Body” means a body damaged by some of these factors, alcohol, drugs, other diseases, chemical industry, car engine combustion gases, etc.

In fact, the main specificities of the Covid 19 disease are as follows:

“Geographic Zone”, such as Wuhan in China and Bergamo in Italy.

“Intensity” of the disease Covid 19.

Geographical zones of the intensity of the effects of the disease Covid 19.

A, A1, A2 … The primary force of Covid 19.

B, B1, B2… Secondary force of Covid 19.

C, C1, C2… Tertiary force of Covid 19.

All people in the area (A, A1, A2…) will be exposed to the primary force of Covid 19. In the same way, they will be exposed to the weaker strength of Covid 19 in areas B and C.

The following drawing shows the disease circle with segment “B”. This segment will cause disease in our body.

Disease segment.

In this drawing of the disease, you can see segment “B” which will cause the disease. In other words, our body will cause disease. What are the mechanisms in our body that will cause disease? These mechanisms are included in the sector “B”.

A bullet hits a man, and he does not die from the bullet, but from pneumonia. In this case, sector “B” caused pneumonia and the death of the wounded.

The lungs are the most sensitive organ of our body. Segment “B” will involve the lungs and kill the wounded.

Can we say that cancer has a disease curve, ie. sinusoid, as well as all other diseases. What will happen to the diseased and deformed tissue created by the cancer.

If we compare cancer with other diseases, say with an ulcer, we will see that an ulcer will leave depressions and similar consequences on the tissue. What will happen to the diseased and deformed tissue after the sinusoid falls in the cancer disease curve. The deformed tissue will remain as it is, as a result of the cancer, even though the sinusoid of the disease falls.

in fact, the cancer will not disappear at the end of the sinusoid, but the tissue affected by the cancer will remain in its new form. This will be the final form of tissue affected by cancer.

A skin wart is actually a type of harmless cancer. Most people want to remove them from their skin.

Disease curve, skin warts.

A0, A1, A2… Wart formation.

X0, X1, X2… Time period of wart growth.

Y0, Y1, Y2… Nipple dimensions.

M — Peak point of sinusoid of disease.

dM — The highest value of the disease sinusoid.

Point (M) indicates the greatest extent of disease development. After point (M), the sinusoid begins to descend.

The nipple will stay roughly the same size. It will not visibly increase or decrease. This means that the disease reached its peak and remained in its form, which arose during the period of the disease.

Here we can say that every cancer extends to a certain final form. After its final form, the cancer will not grow any more.

If we can establish the “Cancer Curve”, then we can understand this disease more easily. Each type of cancer has its own disease curve.

It is important to say here that the final appearance of the wart is its maximum form. It can be slightly reduced or changed over time. Generally, it will not increase indefinitely.

According to this, cancer has its final form conceived at the very beginning of the disease. The final form of this disease will remain as it was conceived for the rest of the patient’s life

Medicine believes that cancer spreads indefinitely, and tries to stop it with surgery. This method is bad because the cancer will only reach its maximum size, which is determined by the onset of the disease.

Deformation of an organ due to cancer.

A — Actual appearance of an organ.

A1- An organ deformed by cancer.

In this drawing, we can see an organ deformed by cancer. The shape of the organ affected by cancer is marked with A1. The diseased organ will remain in this form for many years, and even for the rest of the patient’s life.

If we put the process of this disease on a diagram, we will see the following.

Diagram of an organ deformed by cancer.

X0, X2, X4 … Periods of time.

Y1, Y2, Y3 … Intensity of the disease.

XM — Maximum intensity of the disease.

M — The peak of the intensity of the curve.

dM — The highest intensity of the sinusoid of the disease.

This drawing shows the deformation of organs with cancer (A1, A2, A3…) during the duration of the disease. Time periods are marked with (X0, X2, X4…). The intensity of the disease is indicated by (Y1, Y2, Y3…). This drawing shows the deformation of the organ (A1), which will change into forms (A2, A3, A4…). The deformed organ is the largest in position A3, close to (XM), i.e. the maximum size of the disease.

I have established that the body makes us sick and kills us. The reaction of the body in the previously mentioned sector “B” in the circle will cause illness and death. This means that the strength and danger of the disease depends on segment “B” of the same circle.

Our airways and lungs are the most sensitive parts of the body. Any reaction in segment “B” will easily be reflected on our lungs or airways.

If we get wet in the rain, we will catch a cold. A cold is the lowest form of inflammation. This will manifest itself in the nasal cavity and throat. Such a cold will not affect the lungs. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and throat will be covered with mucus.

We came up with the concept of the weakest inflammation, called a cold. What will happen if the cold does not stop after the usual period of illness?

What if a cold spreads to the lungs? This means, either the disease is strong or the body is weak. That explains the strength of the disease depends on the “B” segment.

The intensity of the disease depends on astronomy, i.e. the relationship between the earth and the sun. So far our body will react differently.

This is how we arrived at the relationship: Disease intensity and body resistance.

“Disease Intesity” shows the astronomical potential of the disease. This means that the disease varies in a spectrum of varying intensity.

If we took into account Covid 19, we noticed that at the beginning of December 2019, four flus caused by Corona virus were found in USA. There were probably more cases, but medicine established these four.

Earth rotates eastwards over China, Pacific Ocean and USA. Corona would also be detected in Pacific Ocean, but it is not inhabited.

The next populated area is China. The Covid 19 virus manifested itself well there. The city of Wuhan was hit by a new flu called Corona. I believe that if the Pacific was inhabited, the beginning of Corona would be somewhere there.

This explained how Corona disease appeared with countless sick and dead people. It really started with its center called Wuhan.

In my book “Formation Of Planet” I want to prove that the earth does not revolve around the sun in a period of one year. Earth changes its axis by 23 1/2 degrees during the rotation around its axis in a period of one year.

Sun is an equatorial body in relation to Earth. Its rays mostly illuminate the equator and mid-latitudes. Earth tilts 23 1/2 degrees throughout the year, creating a summer and winter period.

Covid 19 power curve.

Y — axes shows people getting sick or dying.

d1, d2, d3… The intensity of illness and death.

X — axes shows time periods.

On this curve we can implement the “Power of Disease”. The drawing shows that the disease grew from December 2019 and its decline in June, July and August. During winter in the southern hemisphere the curve will climb again.

“Power of disease” actually depends on the astronomical relationship between earth and the sun. Covid 19 has mostly been growing since its beginning in December 2019.

“The strength of the human body” actually refers to what the body is like. Alcohol, drugs, etc. will damage the human body. A person who drinks alcohol will get Covid 19 more easily because he loses his body’s protection. People whose body is attacked by another disease can get Covid 19 more easily.

Covid 19 actually spreads in certain areas, such as Wuhan in China, Milan in Italy, etc. A lot of people in those zones got sick from Covid 19. According to this, the zone of action of this disease is the most important. A few kilometers away, this disease is less effective. People who drink a lot of alcohol or take drugs will get sick more easily because their bodies are damaged. This all applies to people who are within the zone of action of Covid 19. According to this, the “Zone of Action” is primary.

The next important effect is coldness, humidity, mental state, etc. Covid 19 is actually the flu, i.e. winter sickness or cold sickness. High mountains are more dangerous than sea level, although people think otherwise.

The main earthly factor of influenza is cold. The flu mainly works in the winter when it is cold. The cold chills our bodies and opens the way for the flu. If someone gets sick from the flu in the summer, then it is usually called a cold.

Here we touched on the structure of Covid 19. In certain areas, some people will get this disease, while others will not. Sometimes the younger and stronger will get sick from Covid 19, while the older and sicker will not. Why…?

Here, the place of action of Covid 19, within the zone, comes into play the most. The location of the disease can have a very small diameter, of several meters. According to this, if people live in an apartment building, the whole family will get sick in one apartment, and no one in the next one, even though they are only separated by a wall.

A person will get sick based on the action of his body, that is, his nerves. Nerves can be explained as the motor energy of our body.

We do not know what is actually happening in our body. We first feel tiredness and fever. These are the first symptoms of a cold or flu. The motility of our body started. The body is fighting something that we do not understand. The motor nerves of our body are working, although we do not feel it. The next day, coughing, sniffling, and the like begin.

Nerves will cause inflammation of our airways. The mucous membrane will become inflamed and swollen. The nerves will pump mucus to the diseased places. We will cough more and more.

Here we saw the motility of the nerves. We wonder why that engine was stirred up in us. Why did the nerves become enraged, act on the tissue of the respiratory tract and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Medicine attributes everything to viruses. Allegedly, viruses immigrate from eastern countries and act on the mucous membranes of our respiratory tracts. Medicine is convinced that viruses transit in winter, for billions of years, from China to the west and make us sick. Medicine always accuses mice, bats, pigs and similar animals, which are not very nice to people, as the cause of disease. The last time, medicine accused the monkey as the initiator of the disease. In fact, all diseases are created by astronomy, i.e. the relationship between earth and the sun, as the source of all diseases on earth.

Viruses are an integral part of our body, which medicine does not understand. They exist and multiply in the tissue of our body. Viruses reproduce mainly on mucosal inflammations and originate from our tissue. Bacteria also emerge from our tissue in case of severe diseases and suppuration.

Medicine believes that the Covid 19 viruses originate from China, where they were created by bats, which is incorrect. They believe that all diseases are created by animals. I am surprised that they have not yet accused specific peoples of being guilty of certain diseases.

Medicine believes that for billions of years viruses come from the east, i.e. from China and infect Europe and America. Is this acceptable?

Viruses take forms depending on the type of inflammation of our tissue. They are usually full and tuberous in shape.

Viruses are actually created in a certain form that we can categorize. They live or exist for a shorter period of time and die. Newly formed viruses can take on a different form after a few days.

Medicine had a good chart of influenza according to the form of the virus, such as influenza A, B, C, etc. I believe that the Corona virus could also be labeled according to this table.

According to this, the tissue of our body creates viruses and bacteria. They do not travel from person to person as medicine thinks.

There are no infectious diseases as medicine claims. There are only intruders, which under certain conditions can be transferred to our body.

The flu is not an infectious disease, as medicine thinks, and it is not transmitted from person to person. Influenza is a cold disease, and we can get it more often in winter. Depending on the astronomy its intensity will be varied.

The movement of our nerves will cause inflammation of our lungs. At the command of the nerves, the body will fill the bronchioles and alveoli of our lungs with mucus. The body uses mucus to protect inflamed parts of our airways. This mucus will harden in the lungs and kill the patient, who will lose the necessary breathing capacity.

We can call the connection of nerves with tissue and their action “Nerves Action”. In fact, this is the movement that produces inflammation of the airways. The next movement is the pumping of mucus on the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Nerves have a wide network of activities. They control the whole body through their own sensors. They have a dual purpose in relation to diseases. The first purpose is the transmission of the state of the body in relation to the disease to the brain. Another purpose is solving problems of the body in relation to the disease. The nerves will act on the organs of the body in an effort to suppress the disease.

In the case of Covid 19 that has affected the patient’s lungs, the nerves will work in that area and will pump mucus. The mucus will clog the lung channels and reduce their breathing capacity. If the lungs become clogged with mucus and lose breathing capacity, the heart will not be able to withstand it, and the patient will die.

If we somehow reduce “Nerves Action” this will not happen. We need to take medicines that will calm the nerves. Such medicine is taken to put patients to sleep before operations like morphine. I believe that sedatives can reduce the “Nerves Action” in case of Covid 19.

In my book “Season of Cancer” I treat malaria as a tropical flu. Mosquitoes have nothing to do with this disease. Malaria is a product of the human body, like all other flus, colds, asthma, etc. All these diseases are caused by our “Effect of Nerves”. Covid 19 is very similar to asthma because it inflames the bronchi where the mucus increases. Medicine does not consider asthma an infectious disease.

The previously mentioned “Effect of Nerves” will send mucus to cover the bronchial inflammations. The liquid will become more and more solid. The mucus will become thick due to drying in the lungs and will clog the bronchioles.

Formation of jelly in the bronchioles.

A, A1. A2… Bronchiole membrane.

B, B1, B2… Formation of jelly in bronchioles.

C, C1, C2… Air passage in bronchioles.

This drawing shows five sequences of Covid 19. Sequence 1 shows inflammation of the bronchiole (A) on its side (B). Air © passes freely through the bronchiole tube.

Sequence 2 shows the initial mucus (B1), which collects in the bronchiole tube. Air (C1) passes freely through the bronchiole tube (A1).

Sequence 3, mucus blocked the bronchiole tube over the inflammation (B2). Air (C2) passes only partially through the bronchiole tube.

Sequence 4, The bronchiole tube (A3) is almost completely blocked with mucus, all but the small part (C3). The mucus (B3) blocked almost the entire tube of the bronchiole (A3).

Sequence 5, mucus (B 4) blocked the bronchiole tube (A4). Air no longer passes through thebronchioletube.


Covid 19 is a flu like any other, but its intensity is so strong for astronomical reasons, i.e. of the relationship between the sun and the earth.

Each flu is created differently, which depends on astronomy. Each cough has a different taste, from hot and pungent to satisfying.

Astronomy creates the intensity, time period and taste of the cough. We can have a cough caused by flu in the upper part of the trachea. In addition, we can have inflammation of the nasal cavity.

This Covid 19 flu mainly manifested itself in our lungs and bronchi. It mostly had the characteristics of asthma.

Flu will change activity and characteristics depending on astronomy. Each asthma season will exhibit different characteristics.

In fact, the flu in us exists constantly, while its strength, characteristics and other variables are determined by astronomy. The earth changes its astronomical angles to the sun, which determines the fluctuating characteristics of the flu.

Earth rotation in relation to diseases.

ER — Earth

A — Rotation of the earth to the east.

B — Circular path of the disease from W to E.

E — East side.

W — West side.

In this sketch we see the earth rotating to the east. According to this diseases will come from the opposite direction from east to west.

Covid 19 started in USA where four cases were found. There were probably many more cases of the disease, but they were not noticed. The next area where the disease could be observed is Pacific Ocean, but it is not inhabited. Covid 19 evolved in China, as the next populated area.

Wuhan is the place of origin of the Covid 19 disease. If the Pacific Ocean were land, then probably some city there would be the place where Covid 19 started.

Wuhan means wolf house. Han is a Phoenician term meaning a house. Actually, the Phoenicians call the area where they live Canan, after the Goddess Nan

Ca nan

Ca is Ka or Kao in Croatian what means like.

Nan is a Phoenician goddess.

I believe that Nana or Nan means the goddess of sleep. In the regions of Bosnia and Croatia, an older woman is called Nana.

Wu han

Wu is wulf

Han is a house.

Phoenicians call this type of flu the wolf. This name shows the strength and danger of this disease.

Historically, most diseases come from the east, as the earth rotates from west to east. Medicine tries to explain this in another way. They say that Covid 19 is an infection transmitted by bats, which is incorrect.

Medicine has named some types of flu as “Pig’s flue” and “Birds Flue”.They claim that certain types of animals create flu and other diseases, which is incorrect.

Most of all, the mouse is designated as the creator and transmitter of the disease, which is of course incorrect. A mouse is a dirty animal and thus hated by people. In medicine, this animal is the culprit of many diseases. At the football championship in Qatar, a camel was identified as the source of Covid 19, which is completely unrelated. Before that, a monkey was blamed for a disease. All these assumptions are incorrect and very strange. They create an unrealistic picture of the origin and structure of the disease.

Medicine claims that viruses have been coming from China for billions of years and are creating flu in Europe. Viruses and bacteria exist in our body. If we scratch the skin a little, we will see millions of viruses under a microscope.

Viruses change form in relation to diseases, which medicine does not understand. There is a flu table in which the viruses are marked with their forms. In this way, in relation to the virus, the flu is designated as flu “A”, flu “B”, etc. A doctor in China disrupted the flu labeling system by declaring the virus “Corona”, which has a spherical shape. A similar form of the virus probably already existed in the flu chart.

Doctors believe that viruses come from animals and that’s how they take shape. Of course this is incorrect and unscientific.

Viruses are inhabitants of our body. They cannot live in another body. Viruses can survive in saliva for a short time, but that’s all.

Doctors in the laboratory create similar conditions, as in our body where they grow viruses. This is the only possibility of transferring the virus from our body.

Astronomical effects created all forms on earth, such as trees, animals, people, etc. Depending on the astronomical seasons, species were created in nature. This is why wasps and flies are small and elephants are huge.

In fact, the flu has always existed. I mentioned before that it can vary in intensity for an astronomical effect. We can accept this view, but something else is happening that increases the killing during the flu effect. The power of the “Astronomical Effect” kills patients with Covid 19. The “Astronomical Effect” itself is variable in its intensity.

1. Inflammation of the nasal cavity.

2. Inflammation of the trachea.

3. Inflammation of the bronchi.

4. Pneumonia.

This list shows different cases of respiratory diseases. Viruses belong to the inflammation of which they are an integral part. As soon as the inflammation subsides, the viruses will decrease.

Recently, breast cancer has been decreasing. What is the reason?

Cancer rises or falls in relation to astronomical intensity. Medicine targets several different reasons, which I would not accept. One of the reasons is food. I would never accept this one.

People think that cancer is caused by drugs, alcohol or smoking.

. Such weakened bodies cannot fight cancer. All this weakens the human body and cancer can be implemented more easily.

I previously attached the disease curve. That drawing tells us a lot.

Disease curve.

X1, X2, X3…. Periods of illness.

Y1, Y2, Y3 …. Intensity of the disease.

X’ — Point X’ on line X indicates a change from growth to decline of the disease.

d’ — The maximum value of the intensity of the disease.

Y’ — The point of maximum value of disease intensity.

A, A1, A2 … The rise of disease.

B, B1, B2… The decline of the disease.

In this drawing we see the period of illness marked with X, X1, X2, X3… Periods on the X-axis can be displayed in days, weeks, months, years, etc. The intensity of the disease is indicated by the values on the Y axis. Labels d1, d2, d3… are the values of the intensity of the disease.

Point Y’ is the maximum value of the intensity of the disease. (d’) is the maximum value of the intensity of the disease.

Looking at this curve we can see the “Lever” of our body, which resists the disease. This “Lever” will change the action at point X’.

The part of the curve from X to X’ or the pointS (A, A1, A2) is the rise of the curve. The part from X’ to X7, or points (B, B1, B2) is the area of disease decline.

Our body managed to overcome the disease. The man is recovering.

Which part of the body participates in the treatment of man.

First of all, we need to see which part of our body is causing the disease. Nerves!

Our receptors sensed something new in the solar radiation. We cannot identify them in our body. Every change in astronomy will be felt by our sensors, and will automatically trigger the nerves. Nerves will heal our body.

The first common indicator of disease in our body is temperature, which is a positive sign because it showed that the body has resisted the disease. The nerves, by their action, inflamed the mucous membrane of the airways.

The following indicators are coughing and sniffling. We are sick, but we don’t know why. Our nerves have caused our airways to become diseased. We got the “Astronomical Flu”.

In this case, we got a cold or flu out of nowhere. We did not fall into a cold river or sea. We didn’t get wet. We were not blown by the cold wind.

Medicine explains this with viruses, claiming that for billions of years viruses have been transmitted from the east, i.e. from China to make us sick here in Europe. However, it is not so. We are sickened by astronomical changes, mainly the relationship between the sun and the earth.

Our organs cannot sense these astronomical changes, which make us sick. Only our nerves react to them.

According to this, our nerves make us sick and heal us. In other words, our body is not sufficiently protected by nerves to stop the disease before it starts.

Astronomical changes are a surprise for our body, which is not used to them. The protection network of our body is insufficient. The body needs time to develop immunity and recover from illness.

Astronomy affects all our organs, as well as our feelings, thoughts, etc. The sun, as a celestial body with the strongest radiation, affects us on earth permanently. Our bodies are constantly subjected to changes caused by solar radiation.

Billions of viruses live in us. Medicine does not regard them as microorganisms because they do not notice any movements or indications of life in them. Maybe one day, when the instruments become more advanced, medicine will count them as living beings.

Viruses exist in our body. They are the first harbingers of inflammation and other diseases. Viruses cannot exist in the air, only in human or animal saliva.

Any inflammation of the respiratory tract will contain countless viruses, which multiply on it. They are the first harbingers of diseases that arise from our body.

The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is often inflamed. Viruses of our body are found in our saliva.

Viruses are created in our body. They manifest themselves in inflammations and injuries. They use our body for their own existence.

Medicine believes that the viruses of one person can live on the mucous membrane of another, which is incorrect. In every other person, the mucous membrane is inaccessible to other people’s viruses. Another man’s viruses cannot survive on that.

Medicine grows human viruses in its laboratories. They created similar conditions there, which man has.

Each person has his own viruses, which exist and multiply in him. They vary in shade from person to person. Similarly, animals have their own viruses.

Viruses are adapted to the body in which they exist, so we can consider them an integral part of the body. Every human body is different, and so are the viruses in it.

Viruses from one person cannot exist in another. Vaccine viruses cannot survive in another body.

The idea of the vaccine was to cause resistance to the flu in the body using the vaccine, i.e. viruses grown in the laboratory. I believe that this is an ineffective method, and that the viruses quickly die in the body of the person who received the vaccine.

What actually happens when the mucous membrane of our airways becomes inflamed. Immediately “Nerve Action” will cover the mucous membrane with body fluid. The mucous membrane will be covered with viruses, which exist and multiply on it.

Medicine does not treat viruses as living individuals, i.e. microorganisms. I believe that this will be proven when the microscopes are improved.

One of my examples is the illness of an elderly man, who fall into cold water in winter. His airways get sick and he dies of pneumonia. Millions of viruses created by his tissue appeared on the inflammation of the respiratory tract.

I can find many similar examples. The bullet hit a man, who survived. After a month or two he died of pneumonia.

In these cases the nerves acted to an extreme. We can call these activities “Extreme Act of Nerves”. This act of nerves pumps body fluid to the diseased part of the respiratory tract. The mucus in the lungs will harden after a while. Narrow airways, bronchioles will become blocked. Air flow in the lungs will decrease. The patient can no longer breathe a normal amount of air, and will die.

In these cases, people will die from diseases similar to Covid 19. The inflammations will be covered with countless viruses, which multiply and originate from our body.

These two examples can explain dying from Covid 19. Earthly reasons are diseased bodies of these patients. The viruses multiplied on the inflamed parts of the respiratory tract. People died because of the increased mucus, which blocked the patient’s lungs.

The process of these diseases is very simple. For these cases, we can find earthly reasons for the illness.

What happens when people get sick en masse, and die like in Wuhan and Milan. There are no earthly reasons for getting sick and dying. Meteorology is common.

Medicine explains this with viruses, that is, viruses have been coming from China for billions of years and infecting us in Europe. This time, a bat from China was accused as the creator of viruses, which plague all continents, sickening and killing people.

Sometimes the flu can happen in the summer and not just in the winter. A man gets sick and dies even though the weather is favorable and warm. No other earthly reasons can be seen.

A person will get sick and die due to astronomical reasons. Medicine calls this type of summer flu a cold.

Covid 19 is actually a flu or a cold as it is called in the summer. Each flu or cold has different characteristics, from the lowest inflammation of the trachea to a severe cough.

Our body constantly reacts to astronomy, and it makes us sick. Every change in astronomy, i.e. the relationship between the earth and the sun is reflected in us. We react to astronomy every split second without even realizing it.

A little while ago we mentioned the “Act of Nerves” mechanism. What is it about? Nerves control this mechanism. Some parts of the tissue of our body are included here, which will perform actions according to the commands of the nerves.

Nervous command center.

A — The center of the nervous command system.

B, B1, B2… Nerve fibers.

C, C1, C2… Elements of body tissue.

In this drawing, the nervous system is marked with (A). It is an imaginary point from which nerves control the tissue of our body. The signal received at point (A) will spread through nerve fibers (B, B1, B2…). Nerve fibers will transmit the signal to the tissue of the body (C, C1, C2…). The body will continue to react in this direction.

A set of nerves that command the systems.

A, A1, A2… Centers of the nervous command system.

B, B1, B2… Nerve fibers.

C, C1, C2 … Body tissue.

X — Stab position.

We can imagine a set of nervous command systems. Sets like this are spread all over the body. The labels (A, A1, A2…) are the centers of command systems of the nerves. The labels (B, B1, B2…) are nerve fibers.

If we stab someone in position (X), the (A2) and (A3) sets of nerves will react. They will pass the command to the body ©. Certain muscles as well as tissue (C, C1, C2…) will continue to react.

Something like this happens when we get a flu. The nervous command system reacts to astronomical influences. The reaction is transmitted through our body.

Our nerves will transmit the reaction through our body all the way to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which is sensitive, and it will become inflamed. The entire tissue of our body will participate in the transfer of the reaction, which is more resistant than the mucous membrane, and it will not get sick. This is how we will get the flu, i.e. inflammation of part of the respiratory tract.

The mucous membrane of our respiratory tract is one of the most sensitive organs of our body. The spread of the reaction through our body due to the astronomical effect can be called “Body Transfer”.

Body Transfer.

A, A1, A2 … Nervous command centers.

B, B1, B2 … Nerve fibers.

C, C1, C2 … Body tissue.

D — Respiratory system.

d, d’, d” … Transfer ways.

In this drawing, we see how the body transfers the reaction to the “Respiratory system” with the help of transfer paths (d, d’, d”…).

We will not feel the reaction, which takes place in our whole body, but only the transmission that the nerves send to our brain. If something stings our body near the nerve command system (A), the nerves will transmit the information to our brain. The brain will react based on the information received from the nerves, and will identify the type of sting.

Our brain can easily recognize a sting, a voice we hear, or an image we see. The brain does not register the mechanism of the nerves that work in our body.

The cycle of disease.

A — Cause of illness.

B — Nervous mechanism.

C — Disease

D — Viruses.

In this drawing you can see the “Circle of Diseases”. Sector “A” shows the reason for the disease. Sector “B” shows nerve action. Sector “C” shows the transfer of the disease, mainly to the respiratory organs. Sector “D” shows the implementation of the virus on the diseased parts of the respiratory tract.

The flu is mostly mentioned here, i.e. inflammation of the respiratory tract, although the disease can manifest itself as rheumatism and even mental illnesses etc. The reaction of our body to astronomical influences can be manifested in the form of all these diseases.

This disease was created astronomically, like many other diseases. Each flu is different, depending on the astronomical creation. One flu causes a cough, another a sniffle and a cough, etc. Not every flu is equally dangerous. If the flu infects the lungs then it can kill us. The bronchioles are so narrow that if mucus blocks them, a person cannot breathe. The heart will stop and the person will die.

Medicine often gives different names to a flu, because it believes that it is created by animals, which is incorrect. That’s what they called swine and bird flu and the like.

All flus are created astronomically. What their characteristics will be depends on astronomical relationships.

Flus are marked and vary in intensity. The next characteristic is the position of the flu in the respiratory tract. Influenza can attack the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi and lungs within the respiratory system. It is most dangerous if the flu attacks the lungs.

If the flu affects the lungs, mucus can clog the bronchioles. The patient will not be able to breathe and will die.

Inflammation of the bronchioles.

A, A1 — Membrane of the bronchiole tube.

B, B1, B2… Mucus deposits.

The nerves pump too much mucus into the bronchioles. How to solve this situation? We need to stop excessive nerve activity, i.e. put the patient to sleep.

Lung area blocked by mucus.

In this drawing, we see a section of lung tissue (B) where the bronchioles are blocked by mucus. It is important how much lung area is occupied by zone (B). Is it 20%, 30% or more? A smaller percentage will not affect our health much.

In this case, the patient should be put to sleep and wait for “Body Power” to heal the diseased part of the lungs. Even if a large part of the lungs is affected by the disease, we should keep the patient asleep. This is the only way to reduce the flow of mucus into the bronchioles.

Here we have come to the point that our body heals us and not the drugs we take. Medicines only relieve pain and support treatment. Depending on how much of the lung will be affected by the inflammation, the patient will survive or not. According to this, there is no medicine that can save the patient if the inflammation has affected a large part of his lungs.

Morphine is an old medicine for putting patients to sleep, which was used during operations. I believe that suitable doses of morphine could put to sleep severe patients with Covid 19, whose lungs are affected by inflammation.

Influenza manifests itself differently in different parts of the world. In tropical areas, the flu manifests itself as Malaria. According to this, Malaria is not caused by mosquitoes as medicine thinks, but it is a tropical flu, which is created by astronomical reasons.

Each flu is different depending on the astronomical reasons. We can call it “Astronomical Effect”. Another significant influence on diseases as well as the flu is “Earth Effect”.

“Earth Effect” is actually cold, since winter is more dangerous than summer, alcohol, car gas, etc. The human body is weaker in the cold, even if we believe that we are healthier then. We feel fresh and good, but that is incorrect.

Most colds occur in winter in the cold. Our body is weakly resistant just because it is cold, so the

flu will easily overcome it.

Illness mechanism.

A, A1, A2 … Nerves

B, B1, B2… Muscular system.

In case of Covid 19 our “Illness Mechanism” will make us sick. Nerves (A, A1, A2…) command certain muscles in our body (B, B1, B2…) to pump body fluid into the inflamed parts of the lungs. They will react to the muscle network in the sense of removing it, and will pump body fluid to the inflamed area.

Body fluid or mucus has a positive effect on inflammations, and it smurfs and heals them, however it thickens and becomes dangerous to breathe. Condensed mucus in an inflamed nasal cavity is not dangerous, and it can be expelled by sniffing. In the wider parts of the trachea and bronchi, the thickened mucus is expelled by coughing.

The greatest danger is in the inflamed parts of the lungs, where the mucus thickens and clogs the bronchioles of the respiratory tract. The patient cannot breathe, and dies of heart failure.

The “Illness Mechanism” consists of nerves as the primary part of this system. The following parts of the mechanism are muscles down to their smallest dimensions. These elements of the mechanism participate in the formation of the disease.

Area of disease.

A, A1, A2 … Points in the area of the disease.

B, B1, B2 … Muscles

C, C1, C2 … Nerves

In this drawing we see the “Illness Mechanism” implemented on the “Illness Area” (A, A1, A2…).

The elements of “Illness Mechanism” are muscles (B, B1, B2…) and nerves (C, C1, C2…).

“Illness Area” could be the lungs if we have an inflamed part of that organ. Our “Illness Mechanism” will pump mucus into the diseased lung area. The whole system works independently without the intervention of our brain.

What is an area of cancer? The human body reacts to astronomical influences. For us, the most important celestial body is the sun, because the vast majority of space emission comes from the sun.

Astronomical and earthly reasons that influence the creation of disease in humans are listed here.

1. The position of earth in relation to the sun and other celestial bodies.

2. The place of human life on earth.

3. The condition and resistance of an individual human organism.

4. Pollution of the area of life.

Re: 1. The position of earth in relation to the heavenly bodies, i.e. the sun. Most diseases on earth arise for astronomical reasons.

Re: 2. The place where man is on earth. In relation to a person’s location on earth, the disease cancer can attack us in a certain part of the body. Many patients in a certain area of the earth will get cancer in the same part of the body.

Cancer formed under the influence of the area of life on earth.

A, A1, A2 … Patients with lung cancer.

In this area on earth, patients (A, A1, A2…) suffer from lung cancer. In other areas, people will get other types of cancer at the same time of year. The time of year and other astronomical reasons affect the types of cancer.


I was born in Molunat, a fishing village in Croatia.
First I wrote stories and poetry in Croatian.
I first published the book “Formation of Planet”.
It describes my vision of astronomy that is different
from existing science.

In addition to this, I published the novel “Tattoo Of Dragon”.
I have released two screenplays, ‘’ Spider X ‘’ and ‘’ War Story ‘’.

I published the book on medicine “Season Of Cancer”,

in which I prove that astronomy creates diseases.

I described part of history as I see it in the book

“Mystery of Atlantis”.
I was a sailor, officer and later captain on board ships

of the merchant navy.

I have been traveling around the world many times
during my life.
I hope this book will be my contribution to the world

If we leave a piece of raw meat for a few hours, on the table in the summer when it is hot, billions of microorganisms and tiny creatures will appear on it. Suppose the meat was not frozen, but fresh. This means that the larvae of these tiny creatures lived in the flesh of the animal while it was alive. We can’t imagine how many tiny creatures will emerge on the surface of that meat on the table.

Had the vet tested that animal before slaughter, he would most likely have found it healthy. Then why did meat create so many viruses, microorganisms and the like? All these tiny creatures like microorganisms, viruses, etc., live in our body.

Our mucous membrane is very thin skin, which is easily inflamed. Viruses multiply on inflammation.

This explanation shows that viruses are not primary in the case of disease. Their reproduction and increase is actually a consequence of the disease.

Circle of disease.

A. Astronomical effect (relationship between the sun and the earth).

B. The reaction of our body i.e. the nervous system.

C. Inflammation of a specific organ or mucosa.

D. Viruses and microorganisms.

Here we can divide the disease, for example Covid 19, into several segments (A, B, C, D). Sector (A) shows solar radiation, which affects our body and creates disease. Sector (B) indicates the reaction of our body. Our nerves will respond to the astronomical influence of the sun. In case of Covid 19 disease the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will become inflamed, sector ©. Sector (D) shows an increase in viruses and microorganisms on the inflamed mucosa.

Medicine believes that viruses transmit and create disease, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In fact our body creates disease using the nervous system and the tangle of muscles. This reaction of the body creates inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways, inflammation of the lungs and possibly death. According to this explanation, viruses and microorganisms are only a consequence of diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

If we take out one small stone from the sea, which is overgrown with seagrass and leave it in the sun for a day, many microorganisms will appear on that stone. This proves to us that the connection of living matter of seagrass and air will create tiny creatures. Can we talk here about the new life created on biological mass with the help of air.

I used to explain a similar thing with a piece of meat left in the sun. The explanation could be that the embryos of future microorganisms and tiny creatures live in the meat. Eventually, worms will appear on the meat. Do their larvae also live in the meat. It would be illogical to say that the larvae of microorganisms or small creatures that will appear in the air, live in seaweed.

Biological substances will create all these tiny creations, which are the product of the disease in question, that is, the specifics of the inflammation or disease. Bacteria are a feature of severe inflammation, tissue suppuration or similar diseases.

Viruses and bacteria are the product of diseases, which are typical for a certain disease. They are produced by human tissue affected by the disease in question. They are good signs of the disease, which show the specifics of certain diseases.

The inflamed mucous membrane is diseased and purulent, and it is the creator of viruses and bacteria, which take on the appearance and form of the disease in question. There is a flu chart labeled alphabetically as A, B, C… in relation to the appearance of the virus. According to this, every flu creates viruses in relation to the disease, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membrane.

I believe that in the flu chart there was a ball virus that denoted a specific flu, as well as all other forms of viruses that were given new names.This means that no new viruses such as Corona ball virus and others, which are mentioned today, were created.

The body’s fight is a major factor in treating the disease. The medicine we take is only a secondary factor.

In the case of cancer, I have already stated that certain human organs are weakened due to inhaling gases such as CO2, monoxides, etc., and taking alcohol and drugs. In order for us to treat the patient, we first need to remove him from all the mentioned influences. This means that if a patient’s organs are affected by car exhaust, he can no longer live in that area. He has to move to a gas-free zone, where his body will take action to heal him.

Country governments should build hospitals to treat cancer in “Gas Free” areas. There, combustion gases should be minimal or non-existent. Only in such institutions, we can treat cancer patients.

We should understand the cancer season, i.e. the period when solar radiation creates certain types of this disease.

The onset of cancer.

A — Reason / Astronomy, The relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

B — Body reaction / Nerves

C — Disease of some of our organs.

D — Viruses and microorganisms that develop on the disease.

We can compare this drawing with the previous one, where Covid 19 is explained. Sector (A) is an astronomical influence, which can create cancer. Sector (B) is a reaction of the body, which will cause disease of a particular organ ©. Such organ disease will manifest as cancer. Sector (D) shows the occurrence and reproduction of microorganisms, viruses and metastases.

In this case sector (B) i.e. body reaction or nerves will affect a particular organ. Such a disease will become cancer of the organ in question. That organ is already damaged by pollution, so the cancer will easily overcome it.

The flu develops in a similar way. Sector (B) or nerves will react to the winter cold and afflict the airway mucosa. This is a common reaction to cold or winter humidity. A larger form of influenza, i.e. more widespread and deadly refers to the reaction of sector (B), i.e. nerves to the astronomical situations of the relationship between the sun and the earth.

There is food that strengthens resistance, i.e. the body’s immunity to disease, such as garlic, onions, lemons and other spicy foods. The ingredients of these foods enter the bloodstream and help make the disease harder to implement. These foods can help with some degree of illness. As diseases intensify, they are no longer effective.

In medicine there are no gradients of disease, i.e. signs of disease strength e.g. flu intensity. The next medicine against the flu is antibiotics. They can treat the flu to a certain strength gradient. Covid 19 is so powerful that none of this medicine helps.

Many people and even some medical staff do not believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine. What can we do against a strong flu like Covid 19?

We cannot hide from the sun’s radiation. It will reach us wherever we are.

According to existing media reports, the most exposed group of people are people aged 45 to 50. Which of us will show symptoms of Covid 19.

First, our respiratory mucosa becomes inflamed. Then certain amounts of mucus will appear on the inflammation. Viruses can be found on mucus samples.

Why don’t all people get sick? Some of us get inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways and others do not.

I believe one of the reasons is genes. Some people get the flu easily, while others do not. I also believe that some stronger bodies can fight this disease more easily.

Covid 19 makes an entire family sick, while everyone in the apartment next door is healthy. I saw this during this illness in my area. This means that the sunlight of a certain area is the cause of the disease.

It seems that Cocid 19 does not affect certain types of people, with regard to their genetics. On the other hand, the intensity of the influence of astronomy is the most important. Maybe with stronger astronomical intensity, these people would get sick too. Something similar happened in Bergamo, Italy, where all people fell ill in turn, regardless of age, fitness, genes, etc. In fact, the point is in the power of astronomical influence on people in a particular area of the earth.

The diversity of solar radiation.

A, B, C, D… — Sectors of solar radiation diversity.

If we show solar radiation with a circle, then we will notice the diversity of radiation (A, B, C …). Solar radiation affects the formation of disease in humans and animals on earth.

People will feel this astronomical or solar influence differently. Some people will catch colds, flu, headaches, while others will get rheumatism and the like.

I claim that some people experience madness in the same way, i.e. in certain astronomical seasons. Here we have seen that at a certain astronomical change i.e. variation of solar radiation people will get sick differently.

This diversity in variations of astronomy will create different diseases in humans. In this way we can classify people into different groups.

All these variations depend on the sun, that is, how the sun’s rays affect us. This way we can only have a runny nose, cough or other previously mentioned diseases..

Sector B — Reaction of the body.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

B1, B2, B3… Different reactions of the body.

In this drawing I want to show the reactions of the body (B1, B2, B3…). Sector (A) is the cause of the disease. Any variation in sector (A) will create diversity in sector (B).

Sector A — Cause of the disease.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

In this sketch we see different causes of illness. Here we can accept the diversity of solar radiation.

A1 = S1

A2 = S2

A3 = S3

A1, A2, A3 … Causes of diseases

S1, S2, S3 … Variety of solar radiation.

Here we see that the sun’s rays (S1, S2, S3 …) will create different causes of disease. Thus the cause of the disease (A1) will create a reaction of the body (B1). (A2) will create (B2) etc.

Sector C — Diseases.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

C1, C2, C3, C4 — Variations of the diseases.

In this sketch we see variations of the disease (C1, C2, C3 …). So headlight A1 will create C1, A2 will create C2, etc.

Diversity diseases will be created from differences in the cause of the diseases ( Sector A)

. Sector D — Microorganisms, viruses, etc.

A, B, C, D — Disease sectors.

D1, D2, D3, D4 — Variety of microorganisms, viruses, etc.

In this sketch we can see the diversity of microorganisms, viruses, etc. The cause of disease A1 will create viruses D1, A2 will create viruses D2, etc.

We can divide people according to their genetics, i.e., how they will react to existing astronomy, that is, the relationship between the sun and the earth.

Group A: People who are susceptible to airway inflammation. They will get sick of the respiratory tract and will get cough, runny nose, bronchitis, asthma and the like.

Group B: People who are susceptible to rheumatism. Rheumatism will affect certain parts of their bodies.

Group C: People who are sensitive to headaches. They will experience frequent headaches during these astronomical periods.

Group D: People who are susceptible to mental illness. They will experience such diseases in certain astronomical periods.

Group E: People who are susceptible to stomach disease. Their stomach and intestines will be affected by this disease.

In addition to this, there are many other organs and parts of the human body that can become ill during such astronomical periods. It means that astronomical changes affect people differently.

According to this, the astronomical situation A1 will create bronchitis, asthma, etc. in people of group A. People in group B will have rheumatism, and people in group C will have frequent headaches, etc.

If astronomical situation A2 occurs, people in group A will have tracheal inflammation and cough. People in group B will have rheumatism in the back, etc.

A / C sectors connectivity.

A, B, C, D — Sectors of the disease circle.

A1, A2, A3… Variety of solar radiation.

C1, C2, C3… Diseases caused by the diversity of solar radiation.

In this drawing we can see the connection of these two sectors. We can observe this in people of group “A”. Variation “A1” will prouyrokuju disease “C1”, e.g. cough. Variation “A2” will cause disease “C2”, e.g. runny nose. Variation in “A3” will cause “C3” disease, such as the flu.

C / D sectors connectivity.

A, B, C, D — Sectors of the disease circle.

C1, C2, C3… Diseases caused by the diversity of solar radiation.

D1, D2, D3… Diversity of viruses in relation to diseases.

In this drawing we can see the connection between sectors C and D. The diversity of disease creations in sector C will affect virus forms in sector D.

A/ B sectors connectivity.

In this drawing we can see the connection between sectors A and B. Variation of the sun’s rays “A1” will cause the body’s reaction to “B1”. Variation of the sun’s rays “A2” will cause the body’s reaction to be “B2”.

What will happen if we receive “A1” radiation? Group “A” will get bronchitis, cough or flu. Group “B” will get rheumatism. Group “C” will get a headache.

The astronomical season plays a big role here, which will affect the form of the disease. Thus, in a given season, many people will suffer from rheumatism instead of bronchitis.

Even if some people belong to the same group, it does not mean that they will get sick. They may feel a small part of the disease or stay completely healthy.

Such similar relationships could be established for cancer. In a group similar to this one it would be seen that not all people will get cancer equally.

Of course, the astronomical season of cancer determines the form and characteristics of the disease. Thus, cancer will be human-to-human variable in characteristics and intensity.

I believe that a man who has congenital bronchitis has a natural immunity to other diseases. According to this, a man who has a congenital disease, say according to the previous table A, B, C …, he has innate immunity to other diseases. I believe his body has some protection during the fight against the disease.

Bronchitis is a specific reflection of a particular body. Some other body would suffer from rheumatism instead of bronchitis. A man who has bronchitis will have less rheumatism than another. The connection between the body and disease can be seen here. In fact, some bodies are structurally susceptible to bronchitis while others are susceptible to rheumatism.

If a certain astronomical season, i.e. solar radiation, causes disease to humans, it will not cause disease to animals and the rest of the biological world. In Croatia, it has happened that some species of shellfish have been dying in recent years, in fact some where at the beginning of Covid 19 in december 2019. The profession believes this happened due to sea pollution, while I believe the reason is astronomical. In Croatia at that time there was Influenza A / B, while Covid 19 had not yet been identified.

In this case, the astronomical season affected shells, not just humans. A similar thing happened earlier with oysters. The profession attributes all this to the pollution of the sea, which in my opinion is incorrect.

Occasional bee deaths occurred during Covid 19. I think we can attribute this to the astronomical season as well.

From the beginning of Covid 19, I noticed that some bushes in the park had resin-covered leaves. I saw a similar thing on plum leaves. In these cases we can see the connection of Covid 19 with the animal and biological world.

In the event that parasites of micro dimensions appear on a particular organ of our body, they will cause inflammation of the skin in the area of their action. Viruses will act in the same area.

Action of parasites and viruses.

A1, A2, A3… Micro parasites.

B1, B2, B3 … Viruses

If parasites appear on our skin (A) or some other organ, they will use our tissue for their existence. Viruses (B) will appear in the same area. Parasites will cause inflammation in our tissue, which will be inhabited by viruses.


Effect of solar radiation (1).

A, B, C, D — Segments of the disease circle.

A1 — Cause of disease / Solar radiation.

B1 — Manifestation of the body.

C1 — Inflammation of certain parts of the body.

D1 — Multiplication of the virus on inflamed parts of the body.

In the drawing we see four segments of the disease circle. (A1) Reason of disease. Specific solar radiation that will create the disease. (B1) Manifestation of the body. This means that the nerves and other elements of the body will react and create inflammation of certain organs. (C1) Inflammation of certain parts of the body, i.e. certain mucous membranes. (D1) Multiplication of the virus on inflamed mucous membranes.

In this way we can determine some types of people, who will react differently to solar radiation. Following this case we can identify certain groups of people, who will react to section (A1), which is part of segment (A). These people will react differently to the same radiation (A1).

Alpha 1

Alpha 2

Alpha 3

Alpha 4

We will now see how a group of people (Alpha 1) will react. They will get inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways. The group (Alpha 2) will get rheumatism. Group (Alpha 3) will get a headache. Group (Alpha 4) will get stomach inflammation.

What will happen if the sun emits radiation (A2).

Effect of solar radiation (2).

A, B, C, D — Segments of the disease circle.

A2 — The cause of the disease — Sun radiation (A2).

B2 — Manifestation of the body.

C2 — Inflammation or disease of a part of the body.

D2 — Form of viruses on inflammation.

Beta 1

Beta 2

Beta 3

Beta 4

In this case, the people in the group (Beta 1) will get airway inflammation. People of group (Beta 2) will get rheumatism. People in the group (Beta 3) will get headaches. People in the group (Beta 4) will get stomach inflammation.

We cannot determine the impact of solar radiation because we do not have such instruments. We can only determine the effect of the body. In fact, a certain amount of solar radiation is missing something that our body needs.

In this way, we can determine the groups of people who will suffer differently from solar radiation. We can identify them with the labels suggested here.

These are just suggestions on how to divide people into certain groups in relation to the astronomical influence of solar radiation. We must take into account other influences, such as weather changes, the impact of pollen, dust, etc.

According to these explanations and statistics, it is possible to classify different types of people.

Gamma 1

Gamma 2

Gamma 3

Gamma 4

(Gamma 1) is the kind of man who will get airway disease. (Gamma 2) is the type of man who will suffer from rheumatism. (Gamma 3) is the type of man who will suffer from headaches. (Gamma 4) is the type of man who will suffer from abdominal diseases.

The next division will be from the intensity of the disease. Intensity can be divided from 1 to 10. This means that a group of people (Gamma 1) will have a mark (i1), which means about 10 percent of the possible intensity. The power of disease (Gamma 1 — i1) means that this type of man (Gamma 1) has the intensity of disease (i1).

I have said before that we cannot determine the types of radiation. We can only see how many people will get sick or die in a certain period of time. in this way we can recognize the intensity and effect of solar radiation on humans.

In addition to this we can recognize diseases, for example the flu is different from the plague, or leprosy, etc. Each of these diseases was created under different astronomical conditions, i.e. different solar radiation on humans.

Intensity of astronomical disease throughout the year in a particular area.

X — Period of ilness.

Y — Intesity of ilness.

In this drawing we can see the effect of solar radiation through the year, which will cause certain diseases. (XA) shows the lowest intensity of the disease as a mild cold. (XB) shows the greatest intensity of the disease.

Axis (X) indicates a period of illness every two months (2,4,6…). The (Y) axis shows the intensity of the disease. In addition to this we need to indicate the type of disease. Therefore, for each disease we need to draw a separate graph.

So far, this graph can show us the following:

1. Cold XA, intesity 0,4

2. Cold XA, intesity 0,5

3. Flue XB, intesity 2,0

4. Flue XB, intesity 1,9

The intensity of the disease can be determined by the period of the disease, exertion, and other medical characteristics.

Disease intensity graph.

X — Period of ilness.

Y — Intesity of ilness.

This graph shows the “Intensity of the Disease” according to period (X) and temperature (Y). (XP) is the point of the highest temperature on the (X) axis. (YT) shows the value of the highest temperature.

Here we determined the intensity of the disease by period and temperature. According to this we can check the intensity of colds, sneezes, asthma and flu.

The graph can also be drawn at the doctor’s discretion, instead of a body temperature that is variable, some other parameters of disease integrity can be used. The doctor can determine the parameters of the intensity of the disease based on the severity of the cough, shortness of breath, torture of the patient, etc. and draw a curve of the disease.

Curves could be formed in relation to respiratory diseases and the like. Each of these disease variants would have its own typical curve. These disease curves could be sketched in advance, and the doctor would only supplement them by entering the disease intensity on the ordinate and the period on the abscissa. In this way, each type of respiratory disease would have its own drawings of curves, such as asthma, colds, sneezes, flu, etc.

Here we have encountered a variety of sensitivities of individual people to certain celestial influences, which will form diseases. In addition to the variety of effects of solar radiation on different human groups, there are also astronomical differences.

In the first case, the same solar radiation will cause different variations of respiratory diseases, or other diseases compared to human groups. Certain same solar radiation will cause a variety of respiratory diseases, headaches, rheumatism, etc. We can call this the “Human Factor” disease, where one will get asthma and the other bronchitis or just a cold.

In the second case, we can talk about the “Astronomical Effect” of respiratory and other diseases, where each disease will be different from the previous one. All new diseases caused by astronomy, i.e. solar radiation will be different from the previous ones. Diseases will vary in intensity, which will be weaker or stronger. Periods of illness will vary in duration. in addition, the diseases will differ in structure, i.e. if someone had asthma in the previous “Radiation Period,” he will now have a cough and headache.

We actually get sick all the time under the influence of solar radiation, even though we are not aware of it. Depending on the “Astronomical Factor”, our body constantly reacts to different intensities of the disease. Often the intensities of the disease are so low that we feel very comfortable and healthy. In other words, we never stop being sick, even though the intensity of the disease is mild and negligible.

We can go back to the case where a man falls into a cold sea or river in winter, and dies after a while. In this case, the cold water was the cause of the disease, which we can determine.

A similar thing can happen when someone gets wet in the winter and catches a cold. It was a little cold outside. The man was without warm clothes.

On the Croatian coast, when the south wind “Jugo” blows, many people catch colds and get sick. In this case, the south wind is the cause of the disease.

We can identify these effects of cold. Sometimes we catch a cold without these mentioned influences. Where can we look for a reason?

I am trying to explain these cases. People will catch a cold without being able to determine the reason. We can estimate this with the number of sick people. Contrary to medicine, which claims that such diseases are caused by viruses, I assume astronomical reasons.

Measuring colds throughout the year.

08,10,12 … Months through the year.

y1, y2, y3… Thousands or millions of sick people.

dy1 — Minimal morbidity of people .

dy2 — Maximum morbidity of people.

With this diagram, we can determine how many people will suffer from respiratory diseases in a certain period of time. Values like (dy1, dy2) and others show us that solar radiation affects us, and creates colds and other respiratory diseases. These values indicate diseases caused by solar radiation, and increased by weather and other earth factors.

The minimum value (dy1) serves us as an orientation of the relationship between solar radiation and earth factors over a period of one year. We can say that this minimum value of the disease is not increased by earth factors, but it was caused by the influence of solar radiation.

The difference between the minimum and maximum size of the disease in a certain period of time shows the “Earth Factor”. These are cold, rain, wind, etc., as well as the “Human Factor”, ie alcohol, drugs, chemical industry, gases, etc. We cannot explicitly claim this, because astronomy is changeable, and we cannot say exactly what was created in this graph by astronomical influence and what by earthly reasons.

The minimum value of the disease caused by solar radiation in a certain period of time.

06, 08, 10 … Months in a year.

y1, y2, y3 … Disease intensity values.

dy1 — The minimum value of the disease in June.

Dy1’ — The minimum value of the disease in June next year.

In this drawing the value (dy1) is about 0.6 of the ilness intensity. This is an indicator of the disease last year. This year the value (dz1) is about 0.8 of the disease intensity. This means that the sun’s influence is stronger, compared to the disease.

These astronomical values, which create diseases, can be called “Solar Radiation” and determined by measure (R 0.6–0.8). The astronomical influence that causes the disease can be called “Radiation” (R).

Measured value of solar radiation (R).

06, 08, 10 … Months through the year.

Y1, Y2, Y3 … Disease intensity values.

dy1 = R1

dy1' = R2

In this drawing, on the axis (X) we can see the time period in months (02, 04, 06 … (Y1, Y2, Y3…) are disease intensity values. Here we equate (dy1) with (R1) and (dy1’) with (R2), in fact with sun radiation values. In this way we obtained new values (R, R1 …) or the intensity of solar radiation.

Measures of solar radiation.

The axis (X) shows the months during the year (6, 7, 8…)

The axis (Y) shows the radiation in the values (R1, R2, R3 …)

In this sketch we can see an increase in solar radiation. (R) indicates the specific radiation generated by the sun. R1 has a value 0,6 R. R2 has a value 1,0 R. R3 has a value 1,2 R. We cannot identify this type of radiation, but we can call it (RA), which means “ Radiation Alpha”.

This means that any disease caused by (R A) we can label as: cold (RA1), sneeze (RA2), asthma (RA3), influenza (RA4), etc. We can label cancer in a similar way as: lung cancer RC1, stomach cancer RC2 etc. In this way we can label all astronomical diseases.

Diseases depend on the relationship between the earth and the sun for a year. We can compare some periods from one year to another.

For example we can compare January, February and March from this year to next, or one month as January from this year to next.

This is a kind of research into the intensity of the disease in the future, and I think it can be applied. Let us not forget that in the past there was a lot of such research, which is related to astrology. Unfortunately, the church opposed astrology, so a lot was destroyed.

Either way Covid 19 strengthened after its first year, 2019. In China it killed about 0.0003% of people, Iran 0.009%, Italy 0.06%, USA 0.03%, Brazil 0.01%.

In the summer of 2020, Covid 19 moved to the southern hemisphere. Brazil is the most populous country there. That is why a lot of people died in Brazil.

The curve of Covid 19 killer after 2019.

A1, A2, A3… The number of people killed with Covid 19.

B1, B2, B3… This includes the southern hemisphere.

On this curve we see how many people have died in the world since December 2019. Points (A1, A2, A3 …) are the monthly values of human deaths due to Covid 19. Point (AX) is the highest value of people dying from disease, Covid 19.

Points (B1, B2, B3 …) include southern flu or Covid 19, which usually begins in early June. The southern hemisphere has a smaller population than the northern and Covid 19 kills fewer people there.

Medicine believes that the cause of cancer is the chemical industry, alcohol, drugs, certain foods, etc. All this is incorrect.

All these reasons actually affect the human body. This means that the human body becomes weak and irresistible to disease. In fact, such a body will lose immunity against cancer and other diseases.

If we measure the amount of cancer in an area where there is a lot of traffic, which emits exhaust fumes, the human body will lose its resistance to disease in general. This means that carbon dioxide and monoxide make our body weaker as we inhale them.

I mentioned before, whatever we breathe, eat or drink it will come into our blood, which is the “Central Organ”. The blood will supply our organs with such supplements in it. Some of our organs will suffer. Cancer can be easily implemented in such organs.

The loss of organ function we call cancer. In fact the organ takes on its diseased form. The organ can change its shape and become larger.

What actually the organ lost? It lost good or helthy bloode. The organs cannot function with the bloode contaminated with gases and other harmfull matters.

The certain our organ will fall sick due to bed bloode. Such an organ will commence dying. It will change its structure and become larger. Its shape will change. Later the organ will loose its function. Such transformation of an organ we call cancer.

Cancer curve to the past.

500, 1000, 1500… Years in the past.

Y0, Y1, Y2… Intensity of cancer.

D1, d2, d3… Values of cancer intencity.

X1, X2, X3 … Periods of cancer intesity.

On the sketch at axe (X) there is a period of two thousand years back. The intesity of cancer is shown at axy (Y). The intesity can be shown in numbers of dead or ill men from cancer. Periods (X1, X2, X3) show the difference in intensity through the periods in past.

This curve is not real. We could draw such curve for last fifty to sixty years if we had an information of the number of ill or dead men from cancer.

Alcohol, drugs, exaust gases, carbon dioxide, monokside etc will damage our organs. It means the organs will loose their function.

Deformation of an organ due to cancer.

A — Healthy organ.

B — Deformed organ due to cancer.

On this sketch we see how an organ deformes due to cancer. If an organ does not receive the clean bloode it will deform. In the other words if an organ receive bloode polluted by gases, alcohol or drugs, it will deform.

Regarding Covid 19, doctors take a sample of slime in the nose cavity. The viruses of Covid 19 are mainly situted in bronhials of lungs. Doctors cannot take a sample from there. Anyhaw we can accept that viruses have same shape if they exist in lungs or in nose cavity.

Medicine beleives that viruses transfer from man to man, like a new sort of them. Actualy the viruses exist permanently in human’s bodies. They only change their shapes under astronomical influence. Every new flue comes with different shapes of viruses. That is way we had flues named as ‘’Flue A’’, ‘’Flue B’’ etc.

The sun rise at the east. So far all diseases come from the east. Dependently where a disease starts, it will come from the east.

Covid 19 firstly showed in USA in december 2020. First four cases were detected there. In december same flue increased in China, where it was named ‘’Corona’’. I beleive that so called ‘Corona’’ belonged to the previous marks of flues like A, B, C and so on. Doctors in China named it ‘’Corona’’ according the shape of the virus which was spherical.

The viruses which are linked to a flue mostly have irregular shapes. Their shapes look like filled up balls but they are so much irregular. In certain cases the viruses may take spheric shapes.

I want to prove that the viruses belong to our body. They change their shape due to astronomical influence which causes different flues. This way different flues correspond to the viruses of certain shapes.

Viruses belong to our bodies. Normaly they change shapes under the influence of astronomy, mainly the sun. Every flue is different than the other one. It can be seen through their characteristics. For example the caracteristic of strenght shows that intesities of the flues are much different. There are light flues which we oftenly get. We call them colds but they are actualy flues.

So far our body makes the flues or colds oftenly. Some of them are so low intesity that we hardly can feel them.

Our body is influenced by astronomical and Earth factors like coldness, gasses, alcohol, drugs etc. It is permanentlly fighting against these impacts. The fight of our body we can indentify like easy colds, flues, increase of temperature etc.

In between USA and China is an large extent of Pacific Ocean. Noremaly there has not been found any signs of Covid 19.

Summer at north hemisphere.

S — Sun rays.

N/S — North — south axe.

E-QV — Equator

A, A1, A2… The zones of the most influence of Covid 19.

During summer at north hemisphere Covid 19 will act as per sketch. Covid 19 will act northerly, where is colder. It is winter at southern hemisphere. Covid19 will act at middle latitudes.

Summer at south hemisphere.

S — Sun rays.

N/S — North — south axe.

E- Q — Equator

A, A1, A2… The zones of the most influence of Covid 19.

During summer at southern hemisphere Covid 19 will act more southly. At north hemisphere it will act mainly at middle latitudes. Actualy such enlightening of the sun will cause these differences.

Zones of various sun enlightening.

A, A1, A2… The zone of the most sun enlightening.

B, B1, B2… The zone of lesser sun enlightening.

C, C1, C2… The zone of the least sun enlightening.

At this sketch we see zones of various sun enlightening. The zone ‘’A’’ is the most enlightened in relation to the zones ‘’B’’ and ‘’C’’. Accordingly the most Covid 19 cases should rise in the zone ‘’A’’.

We can expect the most Covid 19 in the most enlightened area ‘’A’’. Actualy the sun enlightening is not main reason for ilness. The reason is special effect of the sun rays that we can call ‘’Rays X’’.

What are actualy ‘’Rays X’’. They are such rays that will cause sickness in our body.

At previous sketch we saw zone ‘’A’’, like a zone most covered with sun rays. It does not mean that such zone is the most danger for ilness. The zone ‘’B’’ can be more danger.

We can see the light of the sun rays. We can feel the heat at our skeen, but ‘’Rays X ‘’ we cannot define.

The zones of ‘’Rays X’’

A — Sun rays.

X — Sun rays X.

On the sketch we can see ‘’Zone A’’ of the sun rays and ‘’Zone X’’ where ‘’Sun Rays X“ are efficient.

I beleive that that an angle of the sun rays between earth and the sun can cause ‘’Rays X’’. Such rays cause flue and other diseases to us.

These rays will cause different diseases on earth. All the deseases which were on earth were caused by ‘’Rays X’’. So far the variations in ‘’Rays X’’ will cause the differences in diseases.

We can compare this with Covid 19 which affected Wuhan in China. The zone of Wuhan we can call ‘’Zone X’’.

This means that the sun rays are only killing in ‘’Zone X’’. The areas around ‘’Zone X’’ are less influenced by the flue. Here we can talk about the angles of sun rays that hit earth are different.


The shape of viruses show a lot. They change their look according different astronomical influences.

In january 2020, in Croatia it was reported the flue a’’A’’and ‘’B’’. Their viruses had irregular shapes.

The viruses of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’.

A, A’, A’’… The plan view of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’ viruses.

B — The space shape of viruses of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’.

On the sketch (A, A’, A’’) we can see the irregular shape of viruses of the flue ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’. At the sketch ‘’B’ it is shown the space shape of the same viruses.

The viruses of ‘’Covid 19'’

A, A’, A’’… The plan view of the Covid 19 viruses.

B — The space view of Covid 19 viruses.

On this sketch we see the difference in shape between Covid 19 and the flue A/B viruses. The shape of a virus is influenced by Astronomy. The changes in the sun radiation will cause different shapes of viruses.

The curve of Covid 19 which was killing in the winter 2020.

X — 1, 2, 3… The months in the year 2020.

Y — 1, 2, 3… Thousends of killing by Covid 19.

X1 — The amplitude of maximum killing during winter time on the north hemisphere.

X2 — The amplitude of maximum killing during winter time on the southern hemisphere.

MX1 — The point on the curve of maximum killing during winter time on the north hemisphere.

MX2 — The point on the curve of maximum killing during winter time on the southern hemisphere.

On this sketch we see that the killing period of Covid 19 is in the begining of february during winter flue. It is opposite during the end of July during summer flue which kills mainly at southern hemisphere. Maximum killing is shown by the amplitude (X1) during winter period on north hemisphere and (X2) during winter period on southern hemisphere. This way we can draw curves for any wotld area.

The maximum killing In China was in january. In Iran it was by the end of january. In Europe it was by begining of february. The zone of Atlantic Ocean was by the end of february. USA East Coast begining of march. USA West Coats by the end of march.

This zones are determinated according the winter flue at northern hemisphere. Actually Covid 19 commenced in USA in december, prior it was discover in China. The large extent of Pacific Ocean is situated In between USA West Coast and China. So we can say that december was the flue zone of Pacific Ocean.

This zones are determinated according winter months. Similar zones could be marked for the flue at southern hemisphere.

In this way Pacific Ocean will be in april. China zone is in may and june. Iran is in June and july. Europe is in august. Atlantic Ocean zone is in September. USA East Coast is in october. USA West coast is in november. Pacific Ocean is in december.

During a flue in southern winter season, at southern hemisphere it also acts at north hemisphere in high geografical latitudes. So far the flue will be noticed in the high latitudes at northern hemisphere. The middle latitudes in northern hemisphere will be excluded from the high attack of the flue during summer season.

Since january 2020 Covid 19 is increasing and killing more and more people. According previous drawing and my book ‘’Formation Of Planet’’, earth forms winter and summer as per changeability of its axes . So far there are differencies in intensity of Covid 19.

Increasing of intensity of Covid 19 in 2020.

(X) 1, 2, 3 … The months in the year.

(Y) 1, 2, 3 … The intesity of killing of Covid 19.

d1, d2, d3 … Monthly causes of deaths.

According to my idea I draw here approximate curve of Covid 19 increase of intensity. This curve should be drawn by medical staff for every day like a world’s Covid 19 killing curve, or an area of Covid 19 killing curve, like individually countries, towns etc.

Regarding Covid 19, it was firstly discovered in USA at the begining of december 2019. Actually four cases of Covid 19 were found there.

The medicine separated the virus so called Corona from common flue, as it was round like a sphere. The shape of the common flue virus is irregular.

The difference between Covid 19 and common flue virus.

A, A’, A“ … Corona viruses.

B, B’, B“ … The common flue viruses.

On the sketch we see Corona viruses (A, A’, A’’…) and common flue viruses (B, B’, B’’…). Corona viruses have spheric shape while common flue viruses have irregular shapes.

What actualy happened here? The common flue (B, B’, B’’…) changed its shape to spheric one (A, A’, A’’…) due to reasons of the type of flu under the influence of astronomy.

That is how ‘’Corona’’ or later ‘’Covid 19'’ was indentified. The common flue than transfered into ‘’Corona’’.

Today on 12th august 2020 in Croatia there are 130 ill men from Covid 19. Our flue zone is in the middle of february. The middle of august is our opposite zone. There are six month difference between our summer and winter zone.

Covid 19 mainly acts in winter, as coldness affect man’s body which becomes less resistant to diseases. During our summer zone we can catch cold, stomac diseases etc. So far summer flue is less danger than winter one.

On 13th august 2020 in Croatia it was 180 people ill from Covid 19. Our geografical longitude is 16 deegres east. All the places on this longitude wil have culminations of illness in the same time i.e. in the middle of february or in the middle of august. This longitude we can call ‘’ The longitude of culmination of diseases“.

In the winter the flue will culminate at the areas of this longitude. In the summer time it will be culmination of summer diseases like stomac ilness, cold etc.

Every part of the world has its longitude of culmination of diseases. At southern hemisphere the flue will culminate during southern winter.

There is six months period in between two culmination of diseases. The reason of culminations is astronomical i.e. the changes of earth axes, which cause summer and winter periods.

The flue is a product of cold weather i.e. the winter. The human body acts different in winter i.e. in cold periods of a year than in summer. The cold weather influence our body organs which becomes less resistent. So far the coldness is negative and the heat is positive to our organs.

Culmination of Covid 19.

6, 7, 8… Months of the year.

y, y1, y2… Intensity of ilness in deaths.

d1, d2, d3… Intensiti in deaths per month.

dx — Maximum intesity of a period of Covid 19.

A — The point at which Covid 19 changes from a winter to a summer disease.

A1 — The point at which Covid 19 changes from a summer to a winter disease.

Points XA and XA’ are the points of the greatest intensity of the disease.

This is a drawing of summer Covid 19.¸(dX) is maximum value of the disease. (XA) and (X1A) are the points of maximum values. (A) and (A1) are the points of change from summer to winter values.

In mid-May, the flu will change from winter to summer. In mid-November, it will change from summer to winter illness.

It is not easy to establish the point (XA1), because various external influences increase the killing of Covid 19, such as alcohol. Summer is the tourist season in Croatia. Many tourists go to bars where they drink alcohol.

Medicine has announced that bats in China created Covid 19, which is incorrect.The human body creates Covid 19 under external influences. Solar radiation is the main factor in the development of flu like Covid 19. Solar radiation acts in certain zones where it strengthens the flu, which is actually an astronomical effect.

Zones of action of solar radiation in relation to the flu.

A, A1, A2… The strongest area of solar radiation influence in relation to Covid19.

B, B1. B2… Area of less influence of solar radiation.

C, C1, C2 … The area of the least influence of solar radiation.

In this sketch, we see solar radiation hits different zones of the same area. Most people will get sick from Covid 19 in zone (A). There will be slightly fewer people sick with Covid 19 in zone (B), and the least in zone ©. Although these zones are close to each other for several kilometers, they will be affected differently by the sun’s emission.

Their form changes in relation to the diversity of the influence of astronomy, mainly the sun on the earth. All parts of the globe are affected differently by the influence of the sun.

Different forms of Covid 19.

The shapes (A, A’, A’’) are round and look like a ball. The shapes (B, B’, B’’) are ellipsoidal, and the shapes (C, C’, C’’) are irregular.

Each flu can form different forms of the virus. Viruses multiply on mucosal inflammations. Their appearance is formed by astronomy. Covid 19, like other flus, is a product of astronomy, i.e. of the relationship between the earth and the sun. At the same time of the astronomical season, viruses, which belong to our body, change their appearance.

The relationship between the sun and the earth affects our body, which creates diseases. A minor influence of the moon can also be added. I believe that the moon emits light, which is the opposite of the interpretation of astronomy as a science.

We can say that Covid 19 started in December 2019 in USA. There, spherical viruses were found in four patients.

Between the American West Coast and China is Pacific Ocean, which is uninhabited. Next is China, where a large number of Covid 19 patients were diagnosed in December 2019 and January 2020.

The progression of the disease was established in relation to the number of patients. Progression occurred at the very beginning of the disease and grew rapidly.

Growth of the disease Covid 19 in 2020.

I have drawn an approximate growth curve of Covid 19 here. The time periods in 2020 are shown on the axis (X). The amount of sick or dead people is shown on the axis (Y). (d2, d4, d6…) are approximate amounts of sick or dead people in the time period marked on the (X) axis.

Growth of Covid 19 in 2021.

In this drawing we see the rise of Covid 19 in 2021. The time period every two months is marked on the axis (X). The amount of dead or sick people is marked on the axis (Y). ( d2, d4, d6…) are the numbers of sick or dead people in a period of two months. All these values are only approximate.

Every disease can be marked with a sinusoid showing its beginning, peak and decline.

Disease curve.

A — Part of the ascent of the curve.

B — Part of the curve during the fall.

X1, X2, X3… Time periods of the curve.

Y1, Y2, Y3 … Magnitudes of disease intensity.

d1, d2, d3 … Measures of disease size and strength.

dX — Maximum value of disease intensity.

In this drawing we can see the curve of growth and decline of the disease. Our body creates disease due to some external influences on us. It will create disease according to this curve.

The disease will occur in the (X0) position. It will rise for the values (d1, d2 and DX). Than it will fall for the values (d3, d4 and d5).

Any small disease will have a curve like this. We can divide this curve into parts A and B. Part (A) is the rise and part (B) the fall of the curve.

This curve is the main representation of the disease. It shows the rise and fall of the disease. Any disease can be demonstrated with a curve like this, as well as small acne on the skin.

According to this, all disease curves will be different. Some of them will have a long period of time (X, X1, X2…) since they will last a long time.


Who will get Covid 19 first?

This summer in Croatia, some people fell ill with Covid 19 during the wedding celebration. They drank alcohol, which means that it caused the disease.

The reason for “Covid 19” is actually the “Astronomical Season” of such disease. This means that in that astronomical period, somewhere, people will fall ill with Covid 19.

Covid 19 does not work equally on the whole earth. There are zones of stronger and weaker effects of this strong flu. Such geographical zones of activity of Covid 19 can be established.

The human factor comes into play here. The flu attacks people differently in relation to their body and the severity of the disease in their area.

Human factors we can devide in following:

“Biological state of the body” which means the general state of the body. This indicates the body’s genetics, race, where the body developed, etc.

“Influences on the Body” that can damage the body, such as drugs, alcohol, obesity, other diseases, pollution, etc.

According to this, Covid 19 will make it easier for the “Damaged Body” to get sick. In other words, “Damaged Body” means a body damaged by some of these factors, alcohol, drugs, other diseases, chemical industry, car engine combustion gases, etc.

In fact, the main specificities of the Covid 19 disease are as follows:

“Geographic Zone”, such as Wuhan in China and Bergamo in Italy.

“Intensity” of the disease Covid 19.

Geographical zones of the intensity of the effects of the disease Covid 19.

A, A1, A2 … The primary force of Covid 19.

B, B1, B2… Secondary force of Covid 19.

C, C1, C2… Tertiary force of Covid 19.

All people in the area (A, A1, A2…) will be exposed to the primary force of Covid 19. In the same way, they will be exposed to the weaker strength of Covid 19 in areas B and C.

The following drawing shows the disease circle with segment “B”. This segment will cause disease in our body.

Disease segment.

In this drawing of the disease, you can see segment “B” which will cause the disease. In other words, our body will cause disease. What are the mechanisms in our body that will cause disease? These mechanisms are included in the sector “B”.

A bullet hits a man, and he does not die from the bullet, but from pneumonia. In this case, sector “B” caused pneumonia and the death of the wounded.

The lungs are the most sensitive organ of our body. Segment “B” will involve the lungs and kill the wounded.

Can we say that cancer has a disease curve, ie. sinusoid, as well as all other diseases. What will happen to the diseased and deformed tissue created by the cancer.

If we compare cancer with other diseases, say with an ulcer, we will see that an ulcer will leave depressions and similar consequences on the tissue. What will happen to the diseased and deformed tissue after the sinusoid falls in the cancer disease curve. The deformed tissue will remain as it is, as a result of the cancer, even though the sinusoid of the disease falls.

in fact, the cancer will not disappear at the end of the sinusoid, but the tissue affected by the cancer will remain in its new form. This will be the final form of tissue affected by cancer.

A skin wart is actually a type of harmless cancer. Most people want to remove them from their skin.

Disease curve, skin warts.

A0, A1, A2… Wart formation.

X0, X1, X2… Time period of wart growth.

Y0, Y1, Y2… Nipple dimensions.

M — Peak point of sinusoid of disease.

dM — The highest value of the disease sinusoid.

Point (M) indicates the greatest extent of disease development. After point (M), the sinusoid begins to descend.

The nipple will stay roughly the same size. It will not visibly increase or decrease. This means that the disease reached its peak and remained in its form, which arose during the period of the disease.

Here we can say that every cancer extends to a certain final form. After its final form, the cancer will not grow any more.

If we can establish the “Cancer Curve”, then we can understand this disease more easily. Each type of cancer has its own disease curve.

It is important to say here that the final appearance of the wart is its maximum form. It can be slightly reduced or changed over time. Generally, it will not increase indefinitely.

According to this, cancer has its final form conceived at the very beginning of the disease. The final form of this disease will remain as it was conceived for the rest of the patient’s life

Medicine believes that cancer spreads indefinitely, and tries to stop it with surgery. This method is bad because the cancer will only reach its maximum size, which is determined by the onset of the disease.

Deformation of an organ due to cancer.

A — Actual appearance of an organ.

A1- An organ deformed by cancer.

In this drawing, we can see an organ deformed by cancer. The shape of the organ affected by cancer is marked with A1. The diseased organ will remain in this form for many years, and even for the rest of the patient’s life.

If we put the process of this disease on a diagram, we will see the following.

Diagram of an organ deformed by cancer.

X0, X2, X4 … Periods of time.

Y1, Y2, Y3 … Intensity of the disease.

XM — Maximum intensity of the disease.

M — The peak of the intensity of the curve.

dM — The highest intensity of the sinusoid of the disease.

This drawing shows the deformation of organs with cancer (A1, A2, A3…) during the duration of the disease. Time periods are marked with (X0, X2, X4…). The intensity of the disease is indicated by (Y1, Y2, Y3…). This drawing shows the deformation of the organ (A1), which will change into forms (A2, A3, A4…). The deformed organ is the largest in position A3, close to (XM), i.e. the maximum size of the disease.

I have established that the body makes us sick and kills us. The reaction of the body in the previously mentioned sector “B” in the circle will cause illness and death. This means that the strength and danger of the disease depends on segment “B” of the same circle.

Our airways and lungs are the most sensitive parts of the body. Any reaction in segment “B” will easily be reflected on our lungs or airways.

If we get wet in the rain, we will catch a cold. A cold is the lowest form of inflammation. This will manifest itself in the nasal cavity and throat. Such a cold will not affect the lungs. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and throat will be covered with mucus.

We came up with the concept of the weakest inflammation, called a cold. What will happen if the cold does not stop after the usual period of illness?

What if a cold spreads to the lungs? This means, either the disease is strong or the body is weak. That explains the strength of the disease depends on the “B” segment.

The intensity of the disease depends on astronomy, i.e. the relationship between the earth and the sun. So far our body will react differently.

This is how we arrived at the relationship: Disease intensity and body resistance.

“Disease Intesity” shows the astronomical potential of the disease. This means that the disease varies in a spectrum of varying intensity.

If we took into account Covid 19, we noticed that at the beginning of December 2019, four flus caused by Corona virus were found in USA. There were probably more cases, but medicine established these four.

Earth rotates eastwards over China, Pacific Ocean and USA. Corona would also be detected in Pacific Ocean, but it is not inhabited.

The next populated area is China. The Covid 19 virus manifested itself well there. The city of Wuhan was hit by a new flu called Corona. I believe that if the Pacific was inhabited, the beginning of Corona would be somewhere there.

This explained how Corona disease appeared with countless sick and dead people. It really started with its center called Wuhan.

In my book “Formation Of Planet” I want to prove that the earth does not revolve around the sun in a period of one year. Earth changes its axis by 23 1/2 degrees during the rotation around its axis in a period of one year.

Sun is an equatorial body in relation to Earth. Its rays mostly illuminate the equator and mid-latitudes. Earth tilts 23 1/2 degrees throughout the year, creating a summer and winter period.

Covid 19 power curve.

Y — axes shows people getting sick or dying.

d1, d2, d3… The intensity of illness and death.

X — axes shows time periods.

On this curve we can implement the “Power of Disease”. The drawing shows that the disease grew from December 2019 and its decline in June, July and August. During winter in the southern hemisphere the curve will climb again.

“Power of disease” actually depends on the astronomical relationship between earth and the sun. Covid 19 has mostly been growing since its beginning in December 2019.

“The strength of the human body” actually refers to what the body is like. Alcohol, drugs, etc. will damage the human body. A person who drinks alcohol will get Covid 19 more easily because he loses his body’s protection. People whose body is attacked by another disease can get Covid 19 more easily.

Covid 19 actually spreads in certain areas, such as Wuhan in China, Milan in Italy, etc. A lot of people in those zones got sick from Covid 19. According to this, the zone of action of this disease is the most important. A few kilometers away, this disease is less effective. People who drink a lot of alcohol or take drugs will get sick more easily because their bodies are damaged. This all applies to people who are within the zone of action of Covid 19. According to this, the “Zone of Action” is primary.

The next important effect is coldness, humidity, mental state, etc. Covid 19 is actually the flu, i.e. winter sickness or cold sickness. High mountains are more dangerous than sea level, although people think otherwise.

The main earthly factor of influenza is cold. The flu mainly works in the winter when it is cold. The cold chills our bodies and opens the way for the flu. If someone gets sick from the flu in the summer, then it is usually called a cold.

Here we touched on the structure of Covid 19. In certain areas, some people will get this disease, while others will not. Sometimes the younger and stronger will get sick from Covid 19, while the older and sicker will not. Why…?

Here, the place of action of Covid 19, within the zone, comes into play the most. The location of the disease can have a very small diameter, of several meters. According to this, if people live in an apartment building, the whole family will get sick in one apartment, and no one in the next one, even though they are only separated by a wall.

A person will get sick based on the action of his body, that is, his nerves. Nerves can be explained as the motor energy of our body.

We do not know what is actually happening in our body. We first feel tiredness and fever. These are the first symptoms of a cold or flu. The motility of our body started. The body is fighting something that we do not understand. The motor nerves of our body are working, although we do not feel it. The next day, coughing, sniffling, and the like begin.

Nerves will cause inflammation of our airways. The mucous membrane will become inflamed and swollen. The nerves will pump mucus to the diseased places. We will cough more and more.

Here we saw the motility of the nerves. We wonder why that engine was stirred up in us. Why did the nerves become enraged, act on the tissue of the respiratory tract and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Medicine attributes everything to viruses. Allegedly, viruses immigrate from eastern countries and act on the mucous membranes of our respiratory tracts. Medicine is convinced that viruses transit in winter, for billions of years, from China to the west and make us sick. Medicine always accuses mice, bats, pigs and similar animals, which are not very nice to people, as the cause of disease. The last time, medicine accused the monkey as the initiator of the disease. In fact, all diseases are created by astronomy, i.e. the relationship between earth and the sun, as the source of all diseases on earth.

Viruses are an integral part of our body, which medicine does not understand. They exist and multiply in the tissue of our body. Viruses reproduce mainly on mucosal inflammations and originate from our tissue. Bacteria also emerge from our tissue in case of severe diseases and suppuration.

Medicine believes that the Covid 19 viruses originate from China, where they were created by bats, which is incorrect. They believe that all diseases are created by animals. I am surprised that they have not yet accused specific peoples of being guilty of certain diseases.

Medicine believes that for billions of years viruses come from the east, i.e. from China and infect Europe and America. Is this acceptable?

Viruses take forms depending on the type of inflammation of our tissue. They are usually full and tuberous in shape.

Viruses are actually created in a certain form that we can categorize. They live or exist for a shorter period of time and die. Newly formed viruses can take on a different form after a few days.

Medicine had a good chart of influenza according to the form of the virus, such as influenza A, B, C, etc. I believe that the Corona virus could also be labeled according to this table.

According to this, the tissue of our body creates viruses and bacteria. They do not travel from person to person as medicine thinks.

There are no infectious diseases as medicine claims. There are only intruders, which under certain conditions can be transferred to our body.

The flu is not an infectious disease, as medicine thinks, and it is not transmitted from person to person. Influenza is a cold disease, and we can get it more often in winter. Depending on the astronomy its intensity will be varied.

The movement of our nerves will cause inflammation of our lungs. At the command of the nerves, the body will fill the bronchioles and alveoli of our lungs with mucus. The body uses mucus to protect inflamed parts of our airways. This mucus will harden in the lungs and kill the patient, who will lose the necessary breathing capacity.

We can call the connection of nerves with tissue and their action “Nerves Action”. In fact, this is the movement that produces inflammation of the airways. The next movement is the pumping of mucus on the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Nerves have a wide network of activities. They control the whole body through their own sensors. They have a dual purpose in relation to diseases. The first purpose is the transmission of the state of the body in relation to the disease to the brain. Another purpose is solving problems of the body in relation to the disease. The nerves will act on the organs of the body in an effort to suppress the disease.

In the case of Covid 19 that has affected the patient’s lungs, the nerves will work in that area and will pump mucus. The mucus will clog the lung channels and reduce their breathing capacity. If the lungs become clogged with mucus and lose breathing capacity, the heart will not be able to withstand it, and the patient will die.

If we somehow reduce “Nerves Action” this will not happen. We need to take medicines that will calm the nerves. Such medicine is taken to put patients to sleep before operations like morphine. I believe that sedatives can reduce the “Nerves Action” in case of Covid 19.

In my book “Season of Cancer” I treat malaria as a tropical flu. Mosquitoes have nothing to do with this disease. Malaria is a product of the human body, like all other flus, colds, asthma, etc. All these diseases are caused by our “Effect of Nerves”. Covid 19 is very similar to asthma because it inflames the bronchi where the mucus increases. Medicine does not consider asthma an infectious disease.

The previously mentioned “Effect of Nerves” will send mucus to cover the bronchial inflammations. The liquid will become more and more solid. The mucus will become thick due to drying in the lungs and will clog the bronchioles.

Formation of jelly in the bronchioles.

A, A1. A2… Bronchiole membrane.

B, B1, B2… Formation of jelly in bronchioles.

C, C1, C2… Air passage in bronchioles.

This drawing shows five sequences of Covid 19. Sequence 1 shows inflammation of the bronchiole (A) on its side (B). Air © passes freely through the bronchiole tube.

Sequence 2 shows the initial mucus (B1), which collects in the bronchiole tube. Air (C1) passes freely through the bronchiole tube (A1).

Sequence 3, mucus blocked the bronchiole tube over the inflammation (B2). Air (C2) passes only partially through the bronchiole tube.

Sequence 4, The bronchiole tube (A3) is almost completely blocked with mucus, all but the small part (C3). The mucus (B3) blocked almost the entire tube of the bronchiole (A3).

Sequence 5, mucus (B 4) blocked the bronchiole tube (A4). Air no longer passes through thebronchioletube.


Covid 19 is a flu like any other, but its intensity is so strong for astronomical reasons, i.e. of the relationship between the sun and the earth.

Each flu is created differently, which depends on astronomy. Each cough has a different taste, from hot and pungent to satisfying.

Astronomy creates the intensity, time period and taste of the cough. We can have a cough caused by flu in the upper part of the trachea. In addition, we can have inflammation of the nasal cavity.

This Covid 19 flu mainly manifested itself in our lungs and bronchi. It mostly had the characteristics of asthma.

Flu will change activity and characteristics depending on astronomy. Each asthma season will exhibit different characteristics.

In fact, the flu in us exists constantly, while its strength, characteristics and other variables are determined by astronomy. The earth changes its astronomical angles to the sun, which determines the fluctuating characteristics of the flu.

Earth rotation in relation to diseases.

ER — Earth

A — Rotation of the earth to the east.

B — Circular path of the disease from W to E.

E — East side.

W — West side.

In this sketch we see the earth rotating to the east. According to this diseases will come from the opposite direction from east to west.

Covid 19 started in USA where four cases were found. There were probably many more cases of the disease, but they were not noticed. The next area where the disease could be observed is Pacific Ocean, but it is not inhabited. Covid 19 evolved in China, as the next populated area.

Wuhan is the place of origin of the Covid 19 disease. If the Pacific Ocean were land, then probably some city there would be the place where Covid 19 started.

Wuhan means wolf house. Han is a Phoenician term meaning a house. Actually, the Phoenicians call the area where they live Canan, after the Goddess Nan

Ca nan

Ca is Ka or Kao in Croatian what means like.

Nan is a Phoenician goddess.

I believe that Nana or Nan means the goddess of sleep. In the regions of Bosnia and Croatia, an older woman is called Nana.

Wu han

Wu is wulf

Han is a house.

Phoenicians call this type of flu the wolf. This name shows the strength and danger of this disease.

Historically, most diseases come from the east, as the earth rotates from west to east. Medicine tries to explain this in another way. They say that Covid 19 is an infection transmitted by bats, which is incorrect.

Medicine has named some types of flu as “Pig’s flue” and “Birds Flue”.They claim that certain types of animals create flu and other diseases, which is incorrect.

Most of all, the mouse is designated as the creator and transmitter of the disease, which is of course incorrect. A mouse is a dirty animal and thus hated by people. In medicine, this animal is the culprit of many diseases. At the football championship in Qatar, a camel was identified as the source of Covid 19, which is completely unrelated. Before that, a monkey was blamed for a disease. All these assumptions are incorrect and very strange. They create an unrealistic picture of the origin and structure of the disease.

Medicine claims that viruses have been coming from China for billions of years and are creating flu in Europe. Viruses and bacteria exist in our body. If we scratch the skin a little, we will see millions of viruses under a microscope.

Viruses change form in relation to diseases, which medicine does not understand. There is a flu table in which the viruses are marked with their forms. In this way, in relation to the virus, the flu is designated as flu “A”, flu “B”, etc. A doctor in China disrupted the flu labeling system by declaring the virus “Corona”, which has a spherical shape. A similar form of the virus probably already existed in the flu chart.

Doctors believe that viruses come from animals and that’s how they take shape. Of course this is incorrect and unscientific.

Viruses are inhabitants of our body. They cannot live in another body. Viruses can survive in saliva for a short time, but that’s all.

Doctors in the laboratory create similar conditions, as in our body where they grow viruses. This is the only possibility of transferring the virus from our body.

Astronomical effects created all forms on earth, such as trees, animals, people, etc. Depending on the astronomical seasons, species were created in nature. This is why wasps and flies are small and elephants are huge.

In fact, the flu has always existed. I mentioned before that it can vary in intensity for an astronomical effect. We can accept this view, but something else is happening that increases the killing during the flu effect. The power of the “Astronomical Effect” kills patients with Covid 19. The “Astronomical Effect” itself is variable in its intensity.

1. Inflammation of the nasal cavity.

2. Inflammation of the trachea.

3. Inflammation of the bronchi.

4. Pneumonia.

This list shows different cases of respiratory diseases. Viruses belong to the inflammation of which they are an integral part. As soon as the inflammation subsides, the viruses will decrease.

Recently, breast cancer has been decreasing. What is the reason?

Cancer rises or falls in relation to astronomical intensity. Medicine targets several different reasons, which I would not accept. One of the reasons is food. I would never accept this one.

People think that cancer is caused by drugs, alcohol or smoking.

. Such weakened bodies cannot fight cancer. All this weakens the human body and cancer can be implemented more easily.

I previously attached the disease curve. That drawing tells us a lot.

Disease curve.

X1, X2, X3…. Periods of illness.

Y1, Y2, Y3 …. Intensity of the disease.

X’ — Point X’ on line X indicates a change from growth to decline of the disease.

d’ — The maximum value of the intensity of the disease.

Y’ — The point of maximum value of disease intensity.

A, A1, A2 … The rise of disease.

B, B1, B2… The decline of the disease.

In this drawing we see the period of illness marked with X, X1, X2, X3… Periods on the X-axis can be displayed in days, weeks, months, years, etc. The intensity of the disease is indicated by the values on the Y axis. Labels d1, d2, d3… are the values of the intensity of the disease.

Point Y’ is the maximum value of the intensity of the disease. (d’) is the maximum value of the intensity of the disease.

Looking at this curve we can see the “Lever” of our body, which resists the disease. This “Lever” will change the action at point X’.

The part of the curve from X to X’ or the pointS (A, A1, A2) is the rise of the curve. The part from X’ to X7, or points (B, B1, B2) is the area of disease decline.

Our body managed to overcome the disease. The man is recovering.

Which part of the body participates in the treatment of man.

First of all, we need to see which part of our body is causing the disease. Nerves!

Our receptors sensed something new in the solar radiation. We cannot identify them in our body. Every change in astronomy will be felt by our sensors, and will automatically trigger the nerves. Nerves will heal our body.

The first common indicator of disease in our body is temperature, which is a positive sign because it showed that the body has resisted the disease. The nerves, by their action, inflamed the mucous membrane of the airways.

The following indicators are coughing and sniffling. We are sick, but we don’t know why. Our nerves have caused our airways to become diseased. We got the “Astronomical Flu”.

In this case, we got a cold or flu out of nowhere. We did not fall into a cold river or sea. We didn’t get wet. We were not blown by the cold wind.

Medicine explains this with viruses, claiming that for billions of years viruses have been transmitted from the east, i.e. from China to make us sick here in Europe. However, it is not so. We are sickened by astronomical changes, mainly the relationship between the sun and the earth.

Our organs cannot sense these astronomical changes, which make us sick. Only our nerves react to them.

According to this, our nerves make us sick and heal us. In other words, our body is not sufficiently protected by nerves to stop the disease before it starts.

Astronomical changes are a surprise for our body, which is not used to them. The protection network of our body is insufficient. The body needs time to develop immunity and recover from illness.

Astronomy affects all our organs, as well as our feelings, thoughts, etc. The sun, as a celestial body with the strongest radiation, affects us on earth permanently. Our bodies are constantly subjected to changes caused by solar radiation.

Billions of viruses live in us. Medicine does not regard them as microorganisms because they do not notice any movements or indications of life in them. Maybe one day, when the instruments become more advanced, medicine will count them as living beings.

Viruses exist in our body. They are the first harbingers of inflammation and other diseases. Viruses cannot exist in the air, only in human or animal saliva.

Any inflammation of the respiratory tract will contain countless viruses, which multiply on it. They are the first harbingers of diseases that arise from our body.

The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is often inflamed. Viruses of our body are found in our saliva.

Viruses are created in our body. They manifest themselves in inflammations and injuries. They use our body for their own existence.

Medicine believes that the viruses of one person can live on the mucous membrane of another, which is incorrect. In every other person, the mucous membrane is inaccessible to other people’s viruses. Another man’s viruses cannot survive on that.

Medicine grows human viruses in its laboratories. They created similar conditions there, which man has.

Each person has his own viruses, which exist and multiply in him. They vary in shade from person to person. Similarly, animals have their own viruses.

Viruses are adapted to the body in which they exist, so we can consider them an integral part of the body. Every human body is different, and so are the viruses in it.

Viruses from one person cannot exist in another. Vaccine viruses cannot survive in another body.

The idea of the vaccine was to cause resistance to the flu in the body using the vaccine, i.e. viruses grown in the laboratory. I believe that this is an ineffective method, and that the viruses quickly die in the body of the person who received the vaccine.

What actually happens when the mucous membrane of our airways becomes inflamed. Immediately “Nerve Action” will cover the mucous membrane with body fluid. The mucous membrane will be covered with viruses, which exist and multiply on it.

Medicine does not treat viruses as living individuals, i.e. microorganisms. I believe that this will be proven when the microscopes are improved.

One of my examples is the illness of an elderly man, who fall into cold water in winter. His airways get sick and he dies of pneumonia. Millions of viruses created by his tissue appeared on the inflammation of the respiratory tract.

I can find many similar examples. The bullet hit a man, who survived. After a month or two he died of pneumonia.

In these cases the nerves acted to an extreme. We can call these activities “Extreme Act of Nerves”. This act of nerves pumps body fluid to the diseased part of the respiratory tract. The mucus in the lungs will harden after a while. Narrow airways, bronchioles will become blocked. Air flow in the lungs will decrease. The patient can no longer breathe a normal amount of air, and will die.

In these cases, people will die from diseases similar to Covid 19. The inflammations will be covered with countless viruses, which multiply and originate from our body.

These two examples can explain dying from Covid 19. Earthly reasons are diseased bodies of these patients. The viruses multiplied on the inflamed parts of the respiratory tract. People died because of the increased mucus, which blocked the patient’s lungs.

The process of these diseases is very simple. For these cases, we can find earthly reasons for the illness.

What happens when people get sick en masse, and die like in Wuhan and Milan. There are no earthly reasons for getting sick and dying. Meteorology is common.

Medicine explains this with viruses, that is, viruses have been coming from China for billions of years and infecting us in Europe. This time, a bat from China was accused as the creator of viruses, which plague all continents, sickening and killing people.

Sometimes the flu can happen in the summer and not just in the winter. A man gets sick and dies even though the weather is favorable and warm. No other earthly reasons can be seen.

A person will get sick and die due to astronomical reasons. Medicine calls this type of summer flu a cold.

Covid 19 is actually a flu or a cold as it is called in the summer. Each flu or cold has different characteristics, from the lowest inflammation of the trachea to a severe cough.

Our body constantly reacts to astronomy, and it makes us sick. Every change in astronomy, i.e. the relationship between the earth and the sun is reflected in us. We react to astronomy every split second without even realizing it.

A little while ago we mentioned the “Act of Nerves” mechanism. What is it about? Nerves control this mechanism. Some parts of the tissue of our body are included here, which will perform actions according to the commands of the nerves.

Nervous command center.

A — The center of the nervous command system.

B, B1, B2… Nerve fibers.

C, C1, C2… Elements of body tissue.

In this drawing, the nervous system is marked with (A). It is an imaginary point from which nerves control the tissue of our body. The signal received at point (A) will spread through nerve fibers (B, B1, B2…). Nerve fibers will transmit the signal to the tissue of the body (C, C1, C2…). The body will continue to react in this direction.

A set of nerves that command the systems.

A, A1, A2… Centers of the nervous command system.

B, B1, B2… Nerve fibers.

C, C1, C2 … Body tissue.

X — Stab position.

We can imagine a set of nervous command systems. Sets like this are spread all over the body. The labels (A, A1, A2…) are the centers of command systems of the nerves. The labels (B, B1, B2…) are nerve fibers.

If we stab someone in position (X), the (A2) and (A3) sets of nerves will react. They will pass the command to the body ©. Certain muscles as well as tissue (C, C1, C2…) will continue to react.

Something like this happens when we get a flu. The nervous command system reacts to astronomical influences. The reaction is transmitted through our body.

Our nerves will transmit the reaction through our body all the way to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which is sensitive, and it will become inflamed. The entire tissue of our body will participate in the transfer of the reaction, which is more resistant than the mucous membrane, and it will not get sick. This is how we will get the flu, i.e. inflammation of part of the respiratory tract.

The mucous membrane of our respiratory tract is one of the most sensitive organs of our body. The spread of the reaction through our body due to the astronomical effect can be called “Body Transfer”.

Body Transfer.

A, A1, A2 … Nervous command centers.

B, B1, B2 … Nerve fibers.

C, C1, C2 … Body tissue.

D — Respiratory system.

d, d’, d” … Transfer ways.

In this drawing, we see how the body transfers the reaction to the “Respiratory system” with the help of transfer paths (d, d’, d”…).

We will not feel the reaction, which takes place in our whole body, but only the transmission that the nerves send to our brain. If something stings our body near the nerve command system (A), the nerves will transmit the information to our brain. The brain will react based on the information received from the nerves, and will identify the type of sting.

Our brain can easily recognize a sting, a voice we hear, or an image we see. The brain does not register the mechanism of the nerves that work in our body.

The cycle of disease.

A — Cause of illness.

B — Nervous mechanism.

C — Disease

D — Viruses.

In this drawing you can see the “Circle of Diseases”. Sector “A” shows the reason for the disease. Sector “B” shows nerve action. Sector “C” shows the transfer of the disease, mainly to the respiratory organs. Sector “D” shows the implementation of the virus on the diseased parts of the respiratory tract.

The flu is mostly mentioned here, i.e. inflammation of the respiratory tract, although the disease can manifest itself as rheumatism and even mental illnesses etc. The reaction of our body to astronomical influences can be manifested in the form of all these diseases.

This disease was created astronomically, like many other diseases. Each flu is different, depending on the astronomical creation. One flu causes a cough, another a sniffle and a cough, etc. Not every flu is equally dangerous. If the flu infects the lungs then it can kill us. The bronchioles are so narrow that if mucus blocks them, a person cannot breathe. The heart will stop and the person will die.

Medicine often gives different names to a flu, because it believes that it is created by animals, which is incorrect. That’s what they called swine and bird flu and the like.

All flus are created astronomically. What their characteristics will be depends on astronomical relationships.

Flus are marked and vary in intensity. The next characteristic is the position of the flu in the respiratory tract. Influenza can attack the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi and lungs within the respiratory system. It is most dangerous if the flu attacks the lungs.

If the flu affects the lungs, mucus can clog the bronchioles. The patient will not be able to breathe and will die.

Inflammation of the bronchioles.

A, A1 — Membrane of the bronchiole tube.

B, B1, B2… Mucus deposits.

The nerves pump too much mucus into the bronchioles. How to solve this situation? We need to stop excessive nerve activity, i.e. put the patient to sleep.

Lung area blocked by mucus.

In this drawing, we see a section of lung tissue (B) where the bronchioles are blocked by mucus. It is important how much lung area is occupied by zone (B). Is it 20%, 30% or more? A smaller percentage will not affect our health much.

In this case, the patient should be put to sleep and wait for “Body Power” to heal the diseased part of the lungs. Even if a large part of the lungs is affected by the disease, we should keep the patient asleep. This is the only way to reduce the flow of mucus into the bronchioles.

Here we have come to the point that our body heals us and not the drugs we take. Medicines only relieve pain and support treatment. Depending on how much of the lung will be affected by the inflammation, the patient will survive or not. According to this, there is no medicine that can save the patient if the inflammation has affected a large part of his lungs.

Morphine is an old medicine for putting patients to sleep, which was used during operations. I believe that suitable doses of morphine could put to sleep severe patients with Covid 19, whose lungs are affected by inflammation.

Influenza manifests itself differently in different parts of the world. In tropical areas, the flu manifests itself as Malaria. According to this, Malaria is not caused by mosquitoes as medicine thinks, but it is a tropical flu, which is created by astronomical reasons.

Each flu is different depending on the astronomical reasons. We can call it “Astronomical Effect”. Another significant influence on diseases as well as the flu is “Earth Effect”.

“Earth Effect” is actually cold, since winter is more dangerous than summer, alcohol, car gas, etc. The human body is weaker in the cold, even if we believe that we are healthier then. We feel fresh and good, but that is incorrect.

Most colds occur in winter in the cold. Our body is weakly resistant just because it is cold, so the

flu will easily overcome it.

Illness mechanism.

A, A1, A2 … Nerves

B, B1, B2… Muscular system.

In case of Covid 19 our “Illness Mechanism” will make us sick. Nerves (A, A1, A2…) command certain muscles in our body (B, B1, B2…) to pump body fluid into the inflamed parts of the lungs. They will react to the muscle network in the sense of removing it, and will pump body fluid to the inflamed area.

Body fluid or mucus has a positive effect on inflammations, and it smurfs and heals them, however it thickens and becomes dangerous to breathe. Condensed mucus in an inflamed nasal cavity is not dangerous, and it can be expelled by sniffing. In the wider parts of the trachea and bronchi, the thickened mucus is expelled by coughing.

The greatest danger is in the inflamed parts of the lungs, where the mucus thickens and clogs the bronchioles of the respiratory tract. The patient cannot breathe, and dies of heart failure.

The “Illness Mechanism” consists of nerves as the primary part of this system. The following parts of the mechanism are muscles down to their smallest dimensions. These elements of the mechanism participate in the formation of the disease.

Area of disease.

A, A1, A2 … Points in the area of the disease.

B, B1, B2 … Muscles

C, C1, C2 … Nerves

In this drawing we see the “Illness Mechanism” implemented on the “Illness Area” (A, A1, A2…).

The elements of “Illness Mechanism” are muscles (B, B1, B2…) and nerves (C, C1, C2…).

“Illness Area” could be the lungs if we have an inflamed part of that organ. Our “Illness Mechanism” will pump mucus into the diseased lung area. The whole system works independently without the intervention of our brain.

What is an area of cancer? The human body reacts to astronomical influences. For us, the most important celestial body is the sun, because the vast majority of space emission comes from the sun.

Astronomical and earthly reasons that influence the creation of disease in humans are listed here.

1. The position of earth in relation to the sun and other celestial bodies.

2. The place of human life on earth.

3. The condition and resistance of an individual human organism.

4. Pollution of the area of life.

Re: 1. The position of earth in relation to the heavenly bodies, i.e. the sun. Most diseases on earth arise for astronomical reasons.

Re: 2. The place where man is on earth. In relation to a person’s location on earth, the disease cancer can attack us in a certain part of the body. Many patients in a certain area of the earth will get cancer in the same part of the body.

Cancer formed under the influence of the area of life on earth.

A, A1, A2 … Patients with lung cancer.

In this area on earth, patients (A, A1, A2…) suffer from lung cancer. In other areas, people will get other types of cancer at the same time of year. The time of year and other astronomical reasons affect the types of cancer.


I was born in Molunat, a fishing village in Croatia.
First I wrote stories and poetry in Croatian.
I first published the book “Formation of Planet”.
It describes my vision of astronomy that is different
from existing science.

In addition to this, I published the novel “Tattoo Of Dragon”.
I have released two screenplays, ‘’ Spider X ‘’ and ‘’ War Story ‘’.

I published the book on medicine “Season Of Cancer”,

in which I prove that astronomy creates diseases.

I described part of history as I see it in the book

“Mystery of Atlantis”.
I was a sailor, officer and later captain on board ships

of the merchant navy.

I have been traveling around the world many times
during my life.
I hope this book will be my contribution to the world



Pero Metkovic
Pero Metkovic

Written by Pero Metkovic

I have published four books on Amazon.com. Besides, I'm interested in inventions. I have Croatian protection for a new kind of computer. I write lyric.

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