Pero Metkovic
34 min readJul 22, 2018



In old Babylon, 2 300 years BC, Earth has been explained as a firm ground surrounded by a salty river, what meant the sea. The theory of Earth being the center of universe came later. Ptolemy has accepted and he spread out this theory, which has been worth for centuries.

Copernicus in 1,543 year has founded heliocentric system. He has been a creator of the system, that has been worth until today. Earth and the planets are circling around the Sun that is the central body.

Is this theory exact? What for the planets should circle the Sun? For any motion in celestial space a power should be needed!

The Sun does not possess any power, which would force the other planets to circulate round it. It does not create any physical influence to them. Any energy that could be produced by the Sun cannot influence other planets to move. The reason is large distance of planets from the Sun, and other physical circumstances. Accordingly there is not realistic ground that the planets have to circle the Sun, which is central body of the Solar System.

The Sun is fixed body, which is totally, or partly still one. It means the Sun is the body that does not move in celestial space. If it moves, than its speed is neglect. The Sun maybe still follows its path of emerge. Such path has been created by a power that pushed the body into the space, out of a base body. The Sun maybe still easily rotates round its axis.

All bodies in the Solar System emerged from one large, or initial, base body. A base body disintegrated and created a group of new planets. There were a few possibilities how a base body disintegrated. It could happen by explosion, eruption, or collision with another planet.

A lot of newly erupted hot liquid mass has emerged in celestial space. The mass has transformed into new bodies, or planets. Newly emerged masses have cooled down in celestial space. They have become solid or partly solid bodies. All of them have been of different masses, but same composition. Some have been very small of a few meters diameter, and another ones enormous large. So are existing planets now, some has very small masses, and another are enormous large.

A newly emerged planets have been launched into celestial space on their paths of emerge. New paths have been usually curves of different appearances, or straight lines. Planets have reached different ranges by their speed of emerge. Even if planets are hovering now, they may still be moving by their initial speeds. Besides they may still be following their initial paths.

We can compare the Sun to the other bodies of the Solar System. The Sun may still be in possession of its speed of emerge, that keeps it moving on its initial path. It means that the Sun is actually similar to the other planets.

All other bodies of the Solar System are equal. Planets are partly, or totally still bodies. They are hovering in celestial space. Most probably some of them are still moving on their paths of emerge by neglect speeds. Some bodies are still rotating round their axes, while others are totally still ones. One of such rotating body is our Earth.

This theory opens a new idea of “Relatively Fixed Bodies” in the Solar System. All bodies of the Solar System could be considered as relatively fixed or still ones. The idea is similar to all other celestial bodies wherever they are in celestial space. They are totally still hovering masses, or they move on their paths of emerge throughout the space.

In celestial space we may encounter very low temperatures that are lower than absolute zero. These temperatures we can call Mega zero, as they are not measurable for us. We cannot reach such temperatures with techniques, and knowledge that we have today. Besides we have not such instruments that could measure these temperatures. We can expect Mega zero temperatures in celestial space that are not very far from Earth.

A body that hovers in celestial space has been cooled down for thousands of centuries. The original hot liquid mass of a body has been surrounded by a coldness of the space that has influenced it. In such circumstances a body mass has been transformed from its liquid to a solid composition.

The bodies in celestial space are partly or totally cooled down. Some of them are firm, solid masses. Other ones possess glow, liquid interiors, that is wrapped by a firm cover.

A. Solid layer. B. Internal liquid mass.

Body on the sketch is particulary cooled with developed surface layer. Its interior is composed of a liquid, glow mass.

Partly cooled body with a well developed surface layer, and certain quantity of a liquid, glow mass i its interior.

Entire cooled planet. Its whole structure is solid.

Certain groups of new bodies in celestial space have emerged by disintegration of a larger planet, or by collision of two bodies. A new group of bodies that emerged can be located into particular segment of a volume.

Various groups of bodies compose different forms at celestial sphere. We, from Earth can hardly define their real shapes, but anyhow we can sort them in certain configurations, called constellations. It means that these groups are mostly defined as we can see them, what is not in accordance to their realistic shapes. They may look like a particular figure, but their real arrangement in celestial space is unknown to us. It means that bodies can be very distant each from other, but we can still see them, being a certain figure on celestial sphere. A figure that we can see on firmament is only projection of real celestial bodies.

A. Real position of celestial body. A’. Projected position of celestial body.

Any constellation that we can see on celestial sphere shows only projected stars. Their real positions we cannot define. All those figures that have particular names are only grouped according to our visual effect. Stars can be far away one from other, or in any direction. On celestial sphere their projections will show particular figure that we can name as Ursa Major, for example.

Stretch of a planet in voluminous shape. Celestial bodies spread to all sides in the space.

It means that celestial bodies have stretched from the main body, as a center, to maximum distances they have reached. We can say that all these bodies have emerged from one common base body that has erupted. Now a base body is still central body of this group of planets.

Spiral eruptions. Newly emerged bodies lie in a plane superficies.

Rotating planet erupts its mass spirally. It means an accumulation of new bodies make spiral form in celestial space. All bodies lie in a plane superficies. Newly emerged system seems flat to us. System is not deep as voluminous one. Similarity can be seen in eruption of Spiral Nebula in constellation Canes Venetici.

Figurative eruptions caused by collision of two planets.

Two celestial bodies collided. A stretch of their masses is irregular. Elements of newly developed masses are stretching out in different ways. Newly emerged masses have become from both bodies that collided. A hot, liquid mass will transfer into newly emerged bodies. Actually bodies of this group of planets will emerge from an existing liquid mass.

Spiral Nebula in constellation Canes Venetici.

The photo shows Spiral Nebula in constellation Canes Venetici. Nebula of a spiral form can be seen at the photo, and another spherical body in its vicinity. Here a collision of two bodies is obvious. Remaining mass of Spiral Nebula is rotating around its center. The body is stretching out its mass that will create new bodies in its surroundings. Spherical body situated in the vicinity of Nebula is a still one.

If celestial body explodes, like Spiral Nebula, a stretch of its mass will be visible to us, even its smaller parts. Later such mass will be transformed into planets, and other smaller celestial bodies, that will be cooling down in the space. Now nearly the entire mass of Nebula stretch is visible to us. Later when planets become formed, we shall hardly be able to recognize some of them. Entire mass will convert into smaller cooled bodies that will not show any more in celestial sphere.

At the photo of Spiral Nebula central mass of the body is the most visible and most compact one. Another spiral mass is stretching out from central part of the body. It means that the body looses its mass in the space. Such mass will be converted into thousands of bodies of various sizes, like planets, asteroids, or even smaller ones.

Spiral formation of mass scattered from an erupted base body.

The mass of a base body is still rotating. The glow, liquid mass is following way of rotation. It will cool down in celestial space, and transform into new bodies.

View of celestial sphere in the night. Light spots show newly born systems.

A loose of gravity can be reason of explosion of a celestial body. A body will explode at the moment of a loose of gravity, if its interior content is liquid. The force of gravity holds particles of a body assembled in one mutual composition. Soon a body looses its force of gravity it will disintegrate.

Such celestial body we can call a soft one. It means that a body has not developed solid cover, or a skin. Its interior consists of a liquid glow mass for very big percent of a planet. We can divide volume of a planet into graduation. This way we can find out how much certain body is soft, or solid.

Entire solid bodies have not any liquid, glow mass in their interiors. They consist of one piece of a solid matter. They will not disintegrate if they lose gravity. Their mass will remain solid and compact. On the other hand if soft body looses gravity, it will easily disintegrate and discharge its liquid interior into the space.

A. Grades of a liquid glow mass in interior of a celestial body. B. Solid wrap that surrounds liquid, glow mass of a body.

On the sketch above a celestial body is covered by a solid wrap that surrounds its liquid, glow interior. A planet is soft, as thickness of its wrap is only round 10 percent of entire body. In case of loose of gravity such body will easily explode, and discharge its liquid mass.

A. Grades of liquid glow mass in interior of a body. B. Solid wrap.

On the sketch above it can be seen a celestial body that has well developed solid wrap. A wrap takes about 30 percent of a planet. A planet is not soft any more, neither entire solid. If such body looses gravity, it may explode, and discharge its liquid interior into the space.

Gravity is a component of rotation. On the other hand rotation and gravity are components of launching force of emerge of a body. Throughout time periods, a body has been losing base launching force. On the end it will loose rotation and gravity. If a body possesses liquid, glow interior, it will disintegrate. A glow liquid mass will erupt into celestial space. The mass will rotate and cool down throughout immense periods of time. On the end such mass will create new bodies of different sizes.

Only large planets possess a liquid, glow mass in their interiors. It depends on dimension of a body, if it will have solid or liquid interior. Small bodies, like meteors are cooling down much faster, and they are mainly solid. Planets of large dimensions remain glow, liquid mass, covered by a solid skin.

A glow, liquid mass that erupts from a disintegrated body will confront coldness of celestial space. A mass will move throughout celestial space pushed by its launch energy. It will not reach much far from its base body, what can be seen on the photos of erupted bodies. Finally a mass will convert into separated parts that will commence to rotate. New celestial bodies of various sizes will emerge from a mass.

Rotating, glow mass is surrounded by a coldness of celestial space. A mass is future planet that is still developing its skin. A liquid mass at the brim of a future planet is becoming solid under strong influence of celestial coldness. A planet is still soft, having only light skin over its surface. In long periods of time, a planet will be developing its solid skin. Bodies of smaller sizes will become solid sooner, than large ones.

Individual groups of bodies in celestial space have become by breakup of a base larger body, or by collision of two bodies. New group of bodies that emerged in the space can be located in a particular segment of volume. They are new product of an explosion, that occurred somewhere in the firmament.

It is obvious that mainly new emerged planets are stretching to all sides of their base body. It also depends on a shape of eruption that can be volumetric, or spiral. Spiral eruptions are mainly flat, and newly emerged bodies spread in a flat surface of celestial space.

Volumetric stretch of newly emerged celestial bodies. They move away from an initial body that has exploded.

Spiral stretch of planets. Celestial bodies detached from a base body in a spiral shape. The stretch of planets is not voluminous, than flat one.

Planets that possess liquid interior, in an event of explosion create new bodies. We can say that such planets are reproductive. They are creating new bodies in celestial space. If a body is whole cooled, or solid, it is not reproductive. Liquid, glow magma is only reproductive matter in celestial space.

The celestial bodies are at different degree of cool down. Some of them are entire solid, besides others that are liquid, and wrapped by a solid envelope. Soon after an explosion of a particular body, entire new liquid groups of masses emerge. Masses will cool down, and remain in celestial space.

Earth is only a small part of a base mass that could be attributed to Earth. Earth has been separated from a mutual base body mass. All the rest of a mass, that has been separated as Earth has scattered into celestial space. This means that one part of mutual glow liquid mass has become separate unit, being Earth. Other parts of a mass have separated as the Sun, than planets, and so on.

Division of a mutual glow, liquid mass emerged from a base body. A. Earth B. The Sun C. Mars

Realistic masses of newly emerged celestial bodies. A. Earth B. The Sun C. Mars

Planets that emerged from initial glow liquid mass are already formed. A. Earth B. The Sun C. Mars

Formed planets that emerged from mutual liquid glow mass. They are surrounded with celestial bodies that emerged from a mutual mass.

A. Earth B. The Sun C. Mars

Separated mass of Earth emerged from a mutual base body. A. Total mass of Earth B. Real mass of Earth

From a base mass that has belonged to Earth have emerged many smaller bodies of different sizes. They are surrounding Earth, being invisible to us. Some of these bodies are meteors that we can see in the nights, when they enter in our atmosphere.

A large part of a base mass, maybe even more than 70 % that has belonged to Earth has scattered in celestial space. Such mass has been converted into bodies of different sizes up to very small ones. Bodies are hovering in the space on different distances from Earth. Most of them do not posses any energy that could be emitted in the space.

A. Erupted mass that Earth has become from. B. Real mass of a formed planet Earth. C. Celestial bodies in vicinity of Earth that have emerged from a same initial mass.

Comparison of a mutual liquid, glow mass that Earth has emerged from, with surrounding bodies that have emerged from a same mass. A. Volume of a liquid, glow mass. B. Earth C. Surrounding body.

Appearance of Super Nova indicates an emerge of new bodies in celestial space. A reason can be explosion, or collision of two bodies. A great amount of liquid mass releases in the space that will convert into newly formed bodies of different dimensions. Mainly smaller bodies surround main planet, even if they can be of larger dimension for us.

All celestial bodies have same structure. Diversity is only in degree of cooling. All of them are spherical structures, built from a liquid magma that has cooled down. Many bodies have a glow, liquid mass in their interiors that is wrapped by a solid envelope. Gravity of a body, and solid wrap hold liquid interior assembled in a structure of celestial body.

Gas stars do not exist, but only liquid and solid masses in celestial space. We cannot see any mass in space, if it does not emit energy. Gas has no potentency to emit energy that can be visible from Earth. A gas in space, free of body’s gravity, deals and disappears in forms of endless petty elements. We can compare a gas with Earth’s atmosphere, being of similar composition as the air.

Earth atmosphere being composed of the air wraps the sphere. The force of gravity holds the atmosphere in immediate vicinity to Earth. Otherwise the air of the atmosphere would disappear in the space, as Earth is progressively moving ahead. The air would hover in the space as a cloud, having its particles in vicinity each to other. The particles would deal into endless tiny parts, as there would not be any force to keep them gathered.

The air or a gas in the space is exposed to coldness. We can imagine confront of a gas that sets free from liquid, glow magma, and a coldness of the space. Magma will smelt being converted into a solid matter. If a gas being composed into a structure of a liquid, glow magma erupts into the space, it will cool down.

In the end of the atmosphere the air mass is very cold, even less than absolute zero. Particles of a gas in the space are cold and minimized. Any matter exposed to coldness will squeeze, otherwise if exposed to heat, it would spread out.

Actually from our point of knowledge we can hardly define a state of the gas in celestial space. We can only compare it with its state on Earth, where the gas is under influence of gravity. Besides in the space the gas is exposed to a very low temperature of mega zero that we cannot measure on Earth.

Only solid bodies that have a glow, liquid interior and glow surface can emit energy. Emission of energy spreads from bodies throughout celestial space, and it reaches far distances. The larger the body is, if it has a glow, liquid interior, it will emit stronger energy. Their energy will reach longer distances, then energy of smaller bodies.

New liquid mass emerges in celestial space by explosion of a planet. A mass is moving in the space by its launching energy. Elements of a mass are of various sizes. Some are large volumes ones, while anothers are entire tiny. They will convert into celestial bodies, after a process of cooling.

Celestial bodies move in celestial space on their paths of emerge. Their distances from initial planet depend of a launching speed. Any particular body will stop at a point of range. It means a newly formed planet will reach its final point, where it will lose launching energy. A planet will stop, and it will hover in celestial space.

Herewith it could be implemented a new theory of range, or reach. It says that any body launched in celestial space will reach its final point of range. If body is launched by a power of explosion into celestial space, it will move until a moment when it will lose launching energy. We can say that a body has reached its point of range. A body will rotate until a moment when it will lose a whole energy. Finally a body will hover in its position of range in celestial space.

A path of mass element can be straight, or parabolic, dependently on conditions of launching. A path depends how Nova explodes, and launches its parts in celestial space.

Newly formed planets will have different paths, as strait, parabolic, or any other appearance. If explosion of a body is volumetric, than newly emerged planets will move in the space on their strait paths. Spiral eruptions will launch glow mass in spiral, or parabolic paths. Newly formed bodies when moving in celestial space are losing energy. They begin to rotate round own axis, due to their improper forms. Newly became rotation is a component of their launching force. It means that launching energy of a planet transforms in rotating energy. A body will commence to rotate round its axis, and become spherical. A reason is a transformation of its launching into rotating energy.

A body assumes spherical shape, as a liquid structure of mass’ elements is suitable for molding. Axis of rotation are changeable in temporal periods. Form of a body becomes more and more spherical, or round. It means that during the periods of time, a body will be changing its axis of rotation, becoming more and more spherically shaped.

All bodies in celestial space have assumed a spherical form, even if they have emerged from volumetric, irregular structure of a liquid, glow mass. The reason is rotation and gravity that will transform initial mass into spherical form of a body. This is a main low of rotation that says a body will assume spherical shape, if influenced by rotation, and gravity in celestial space.

On the sketch it can be seen a transformation of an improper form of mass’ element into a sphere ( OS = Axis).

A body passes phases of transformation from an improper to a spherical form. It is cooling and adopting a solid surface layer. An element of mass has become a sphere, owing to a plastic glow matter, that has been treated in immense periods of time. Permanent change of axis of rotation throughout a time has formed its final shape of a sphere.

All celestial bodies that are visible to us are spheres. The Sun, the Moon and the planets have a spherical form. If we compare them with Earth, than logically it should be a sphere. Today’s science considers Earth as ellipsoid, what is not acceptable. Definitely it is a sphere, as any other celestial body in the firmament. Earth being a sphere has a different volume of one that was calculated for ellipsoid. It means that Earth has more volume than it is presently known.

The science says that the Sun has not a surface solid layer like other planets. It says that it is entire liquid, glow body. However the Sun also has solid cover, same as all other celestial bodies. Its internal glow mass emits large quantities of energy that reaches us on Earth.

The planets of Solar system are partly cooled bodies. They emit certain quantity of energy of light. The Moon also emits energy of light. The Moon is not enlightened by sun’s light, how the science says. Energy of the Moon is weak, but still we can see it, as it is most probably situated nearby Earth.

Many bodies in celestial space we cannot see. Some of them are entire cooled, or they emit weak energy of light. Besides some celestial bodies are very distant from us. Even if they emit strong energy, we cannot see them, as their energy cannot reach us. Dimensions of some bodies can be large, like dimensions of existing planets. They can be situated in our vicinity, but still we shall not see them. The power of energy of light, and distance from us are factors, that we can notice certain body in the space.

Visibility of a planet depends of glow, liquid mass in its interior that emits energy. Partially, or nearly entire cooled bodies emit a weak energy of light. Quantity of emitting energy depends of a size of surface layer of celestial body. It means, if a body has developed a solid surface layer, it will emit weaker energy. Again, all depends, how large a body is, and how big quantity of a glow, liquid mass it possess in its interior.

Black Holes could be considered as bodies, that emits a weak energy of light. There are several of them in Solar System. They are visible for us, because they still emit a weak energy that we can discern in celestial space. Distant bodies are hardly visible from Earth. Even thaw we see them, we can say that they emit energy. They are maybe relatively powerful sources of energy. However due to far distance from Earth they are hardly noticeable.

Gas Stars, actually joints of gas in celestial space, even if they exist, they cannot be visible from Earth, as they do not emit any energy of light. They could be explained as zones of gas, actually as very tiny parcels of dispersed gas that remained after explosion of a body. Dealing of particles is enormous large, and such gas cannot be identified as a matter any more. A gas diminishes into so tiny elements, and very long distances between its particles.

Here are short explanations of theories that will be met in further text of the book. It is necessary to acquaint with theory of particles in view to understand some parts of the following. Theory says that any matter on earth, or in celestial space is composed of particles, which are only a notion. The particles are minimizing to the endless small. They are positioned on certain distances each to other. There is a vacuum field in a space between particles. Solid bodies have dense composition of particles with minimized distance between them. Contrary particles of gas are very distant each from other. There is much more of vacuum space between them, than at ones of solid bodies. Between solid matters, as metals, stone etc, there are varieties of structures that are less solid or soft. Liquids, like water, oils etc. are less solid than metals, but more solid than gases.

Various compositions of particles of different matters, what depends how solid they are.

A. Particles of very solid matters like metals, stones etc. B. Particles of average solid matters, like water and other liquids. C. Particles of matters that are not solid, like air and gases.

Theory of particles differs from molecular theory. It says that particles are only a notion, but they are actually not. Any matter in the nature is real and existing, no matter how solid, or soft it is. Therefore particles are real and existing. How small they are, we cannot say. That’s way we call them only a notion, as we cannot imagine their volumes.

Particles of matters of same composition are kept together, being formed in a same form. Still particles have possessed some power of their previous energy, as it has not entire vanished. The matter previously has been a liquid glow mass, than it has cooled in a certain form. Particles still possess part of a static energy from their previous state. It means that particles are not still ideally cooled and still. They have a tendency of scattering and expel one from other. Remaining of their energy is minimal and neglect. They will remain composed in an existing form.

Particles of any liquid, glow mass possess energy. They are explosive, being hot and glow, having a tendency to react and explode. If we heat any matter, its particles will become reactive. Opposite, if we cool down a matter, its particles will become still ones, and they will lose energy.

Actually, if we heat any matter, it will absorb energy of heat. Its particles will become reactive, and explosive. The whole matter has tendency to spread out, and become larger. It means that particles are bombing each — other, making whole matter explosive. Opposite, if we cool down a matter, it has tendency to squeeze down, or to become smaller. The particles are losing energy, and they are becoming still ones.

This idea leads us to a composition of particles. Final tiny material part of particle is gassy one. That is a part that we could not imagine previously, and we called it only a notion. Any matter on Earth, or in celestial space is composed of a gas, no matter, how solid it is. Final tiny parts of its particles are gassy ones. Even very solid matters, as diamonds, metals etc, are composed of gassy particles.

Liquid, glow magma that is main structure of any celestial body is composed of particles. Their final tiny elements are gassy ones. If the liquid, glow magma cools down, it will produce different matters, as minerals, stones, oils, water, air etc. Final tiny elements of their particles are gassy ones.

It is the best to perceive composition of the air to understand structure of particles. The air is composed of particles like any other matter. Distances between particles of the air are acceptable for us. It is easier to understand them, than ones of a solid matter, even if they are existing there. The space between particles is a vacuum.

Particles of the air. They are situated on certain distances each to other. A. Distances. B. Particles

Even biological matter is composed of particles. They are of different state than at minerals, or other structures of unlived matter. Human beings possess bones, flesh and other compositions of their bodies. Particles of each part of a human body are composed different. Same is with zoological and biological world.

Following examples show that any matter on Earth, or in celestial space is composed of the gas. If a piece of iron stays at sea bottom for long, it will disappear. Sometimes we can see an iron peace on sea bottom. If we take it in our hands, we shall notice that only a small part of previous mass remained. We shall have only peaces of corrosion in our hands. Sea water and corrosion transformed a piece of iron into a gas.

A. An iron bar that corroded at sea bottom. B. Peaces of corrosion remain from a bar. Nearly whole iron bar disappeared. Only small parts of corrosions remained.

Sometimes in a forest we can see dry wooden branch lying on a ground. If we take it in our hands, it will break in peaces. We shall ascertain that only a small part of previous mass remained. We can collect it like small wooden peaces. Due to corrosion of rain and humidity, all the rest disappeared as a gas.

A. Wooden branch. B. Remaining of a wooden branch. Very small quantity of wooden peaces remained from a rotten branch.

Even a stone, found in the nature can break into small peaces in our hands. Composition of such stone is much softer than of another ones. Rain and climate circumstances converted that stone into a gas. We shall have only sand, and small pieces of stone in our hands. We can crumble nearly a whole such stone in our hands.

Stone corroded by rain. B. A handful quantity of sand remained after a stone. Whole stone converted into sand under influence of weather.

We can conclude that in all these cases, a great part of volumes of mentioned objects have disappeared. Only small remaining can be identified as corrosion, sand or wooden peaces. A great part of previous mass volume converted into a gas. All matters on Earth, like stones, soil etc. transforms into a gas under influence of weather. The stones become holed, and smaller due to rain falls.

All these meters of unlived world have become from a glow, liquid mass that has cooled under different conditions. They have been pressed into different forms in the nature. Dependently on a pressure, and kind of form, matters of different firmness have emerged. Their base mass was mutual liquid, glow magma. Therefore in the nature we have matters of different firmness, even if they belong to the same kind. Stones can be solid, and firm, or even very soft, that we can easily crumble them in our hands.

Celestial space is endless and airless. Bodies are hovering in it, or they are moving by their launch energy. There is not any resistance in the space that could influence energy of bodies. Bodies are moving by their speed of emerge, that is leading them to approaching points of a range.

Any celestial body will reach its point of a range, which depends of its launching power. A body will become fixed or still one. It will rotate round own axis for sometimes, until it totally loses energy. Entire solid masses, without liquid internal structure, that reach point of range are hovering bodies. They do not rotate any more, or posses any gravity.

Observing supernova we can notice that masses of newly formed bodies reach only certain range from a base body. Mass’ elements in vicinity of center are more condensed, that ones situated at a brim. Those bodies will remain forever in vicinity of a base body. They will occupy that particular part of the space.

A proof of arise of new bodies in celestial space are nova and supernova. We can notice increased light round a group of newly raised bodies. They will become new solid masses in celestial space.

We can see only a part of celestial space filled by celestial bodies. The rest of the space is deep, and for our opinion endless. It means that our science has not yet reached those far zones of firmament. The word endless actually means something that we have not yet discovered.

Existing section of celestial space that we know is filled by bodies. We can say that bodies emerge by division. The base body explodes, and it divides into another smaller ones.

The Solar System is a segment of the space, where bodies of same origin exist. We can bring a theory of mutual origin of bodies in celestial space. A theory basis is that they emerged by an explosion of mutual body of a larger mass. An explosion has caused disperse, and rise of new bodies, relatively of a new celestial system. This means that all bodies in celestial space could be of a same origin. A composition of their masses has become from liquid, glow magma.

Suppose that all celestial solid matter has become from same larger body, which has split into smaller ones. Newly emerged bodies have again split further on. It is a process of disintegration of a larger, and formation of new smaller bodies.

Let’s imagine that a base body has existed somewhere in a center of today’s star system. All solid bodies have become out of it. At first it has exploded, and created new smaller bodies. Bodies have passed rotation processes forming spherical shape, and other characters of a solid matter.

Newly formed bodies are losing gravity. They have exploded again causing formations of new smaller bodies. Process is in principle endless, until tiny bodies completely grow solid, and they lose liquid masses in their interiors.

Particular sphere can encircle segment of space where all celestial bodies are situated. The rest is free and unidentified space for us. That part of celestial space we can call endless.

A- Supposed initial body, which from has emerged disperse of a liquid, glow mass. B- Brim of a sphere.

At the picture it can be seen a sphere as segment of the space, where bodies of same origin are situated. All around a sphere is for us unknown, endless space. This part of the space we can understand like something in connection each to other, solid masses and airless space. It means that in certain segment of celestial space we can identify solid bodies that are hovering in it. That fact leads us to understand unity of airless space, and solid bodies in such segment. Otherwise celestial space is immense, and endless for our knowledge.

Anything in celestial space that is far, and not investigated by us we can call endless. We know Solar System, and some another parts of celestial sphere. These parts are somehow understandable for us and we shall not call them endless. Those areas of celestial space that are not learned by us, we can call immense and endless zones.

Solar System is part of space that we can understand much easier than other ones. We can imagine airless space with celestial bodies that hover in it. We can identify bodies like Earth, the Sun, and Mars etc that are situated in a certain space. Here, it is understandable mutual unity of airless space, and celestial bodies situated in such. space.

We can imagine that somewhere in a center of space filled by celestial bodies still exists rests of initial large mass. It most probably only partially has dispersed. When supernova forms, large part of a mass remains compact, while only some part disperses into the space, let’s say 20 to 50%.

Today’s view of planet structure is a break out of magma from Earth’s interior. Regarding composition Earth could be similar to all celestial bodies. Structure of magma will change by cooling into various forms, dependently of temperatures and a pressure. Minerals, stones and many other forms will arise from a glow, liquid magma.



During emerge of a body, launching energy has created rotation, being its component. Force of Gravity is newly raised product of rotation. All bodies in celestial space strive for rotation. Reason is immaterial space, without any resistance. Launching energy of celestial body transforms into rotating force.

Gravity acts to the center of rotating body. Vectors are semicircle, and curled to the center. Gravity holds a liquid mass assembled. It detains disappear of a mass of body. Gravity attracts gaseous evaporations to Earth. Particles of gases do not vanish into celestial space being attracted by gravity. Gravity attracts all matters equally, regardless of composition. We can say that gravity acts like a force of wind.

In the other words, vectors of gravity force are sucking any matter in direction of Earth’s center. No matter what kind of a matter it is, it will be sucked by gravity. Actually gravity is producing vacuum in the air mass of atmosphere. It is attracting particles of the air, and of any other matter in direction of Earth’s center.

Vectors of gravity are curled, or parabolic in direction of Earth’s center. Such shapes of vectors are created by rotation of Earth. It means that they are making certain whirlwind round center of Earth.

A- Curved vectors of gravity

Appearance of gravity of a rotating body.

Gravity has formed spherical shapes of all celestial bodies, while their mass was inflamed and liquid. Earth is still plastic, as its interior is liquid and suitable for shaping.

Rotation of Earth can be observed through centripetal and centrifugal forces. One acts to a center and other to a brim of body. Gravity is product of centripetal force, what means that a body is rotating so, that force acts to a center. It means that Earth has been forced to rotate from its brim.

Launching energy emerged at a moment of explosion of prime body. It transformed into rotating force that acted to a brim of sphere. New product of rotating force is gravity.

A. Celestial body pushed in space. B. Launching energy.

Body transits celestial space pushed by launching energy

A. Body commences rotating. B. Launching energy transforms into rotating force.

Launching energy that transforms into rotating force acts from a brim of body.

A. Body at rotating phase. B. Vectors of gravity.

Rotating force transforms into gravity. Vectors act from a brim of a body in direction of center.

If we want to explain gravity, we shall take stick and cord. On the end of cord we can hang small weight. We shall see that during rotation cord will wind around stick. Vectors of gravity can be compared to the cord. It means that Gravity will attract any matter to Earth’s center.

Stick with cord and weight. When rotating cord winds around stick.

In cyclone wind turns round center. The wind is forming whirly stream. This is also an example of act of force from a brim to center.

Winding of the air mass to a center in the cyclone.

If we rotate glassy ball, a sand inside will collect around axe of rotation. This is another example of rotating force that acts to center.

Glassy ball with a send inside.

Glassy ball rotates. Send assembles round central axis.

These examples can affirm that gravity is a vector of Earth’s rotation. Gravity acts like a wave on matters of different structures. Effects will be various, dependently of structure of matter, and relatively of its specific gravity.

Weight of a body is vector of gravity, in other words effect of gravity on dimension of matter. Heavy masses are attracted faster by gravity to surface of a planet than light ones.

In the atmosphere it occurs disposition of gases. Heavier gases are closer to Earth’s surface, than lighter ones, that rise up to higher layers of atmosphere. This is also act of gravity that disposes gases to the different layers of the atmosphere, according to their specific gravities

The similar process occurs with liquids. Warmer water in the nature rises up, above colder one. This way disposition of specific gravities of matters is carried out under influence of Earth’s gravity.

Effect of gravity is resultant of a force. Vectors divert to a center of a mass. It could be slight difference in strength of gravity between north, and south poles to equator. Gravity could be the strongest at zones of equator, but to the poles it diminishes.

A. Imagined body of concentration of gravity effect.

Resultant effect of vectors of gravity manifests in concentration of gravity. It can be illustrated by a shape of imagined body in Earth interior. The curves of gravity bend to a center of imagined body. They form whirl pool of vectors of gravity force round the center of Earth. In the center of Earth the force of gravity is the strongest.

A- Interior imagined body of stronger gravity force zone. B- Zone of weaker force of gravity.

Force of gravity acts variously from poles to equator. Earth can be divided in polar zone of the force, middle latitudes, and equatorial zone.

A- Polar zone. B — Middle latitudes. C — Equatorial zone.

Variety of gravity force.

Force of gravity weakens in celestial space at longer distances from Earth surface. On its limitation line force is totally weak. Space from Earth surface to limitation of gravity effect can be divided into grades of efficiency.

Field of gravity effect with limitation line.

Grades of gravity effect.

Force of gravity is the strongest in a center of rotating body. It is weaker on Earth’s surface. Rising higher into Earth’s atmosphere, gravity becomes weaker and weaker.

Grades of strength of gravity in Earth interior.

A. Central area, where gravity is the strongest B. Area of average strength of gravity. C. Area of the lowest strength of gravity.

Division of strength of gravity. A. The area of the strongest force of gravity. B, C, D Strength of gravity diminishes with a distance from center of Earth. E. Force of gravity at Earth’s surface layer. F. Strength of gravity in atmosphere.

Suppose that we could be able to build the channel throughout Earth mass, we could than throw a metal ball throughout of it. The ball would fall down, until the center of Earth. It will receive force of inertia that is caused by gravity. The ball may fall lower than the center of Earth, for a value of inertia, what is questionable. Than it will come back and hover in the center of Earth, actually in the strongest field of gravity.

A. Metal ball that has been thrown into a channel, that leads throughout the center of Earth. B. Final position of a metal ball. C. An area of the strongest force of gravity.

A degree of gravity effect with distance from Earth’s surface is hard to assume. We can say that gravity has an effect to approximately 1/3 of Earth’s diameter or more. This is taken as hypothesis for better understanding of gravity.

A — 1/3 of diameter of planet or more.

Field of Gravity.

Efficiency of gravity force is resultant. Vectors divert to a center of body. There could be slight difference of gravity effect from north, and south to equator.

Liner vectors of gravity converge. Resultant effect is to a center of sphere (OS = Axis).

This way a system for measuring of Earth gravity could be established. The instrument could be made, similar to one that is measuring atmospheric pressure. A value of one gravity unit could be taken as standard. Such unit would be manifested by change of mercury scale in a glass vessel. Instrument should be insolated from influence of weather changes. This way it could be measured strength of Earth’s field.

The instrument should consist of glassy tube with graduation. It should be positioned under a vacuum glassy cover in order to minimize influence of weather changes. In any case changes of atmospheric pressure would influence instrument and produce error in a value of measured gravity.

Atmospheric and submerged pressures are actually parameters of gravity force. Pillar of the air on Earth surface is defined by weight of it on square centimeter. Such pillar shows strength of gravity on the unit of one centimeter.The pillar under water could be defined by weight of the water on the square centimeter of bottom, what depends on a depth of the water.

A — One gravity unit. B — 0.5 of gravity unit.

An instrument for measuring effect of gravity by mercury.

Climbing in higher altitudes gravity effect should decrease. It should not have same force, as on Earth’s surface. More we move away from Earth’s surface, gravity is weaker. At a certain edge of gravity power field, its effect stops.

If we would be able to measure variety of gravity effect from Earth’s surface to an edge of its power field, than we could ascertain variety of a mercury pillar graduation. Let’s say that force of gravity on Earth’s surface is approximately one gravity unit. Moving into atmosphere to an edge of gravity field it will decrease, and we can suppose, that force will be 0.1 of gravity unit. At certain distance from Earth a force will be 0.7, 0.6 etc. In direction to interior of Earth it will increase. It will show as follows: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 etc. of gravity units.

More we approach to Earth’s center, gravity force should be higher. It would reach a few gravity units. From the center of Earth to an edge of gravity power field it would decrease. Outside of an edge of power field into celestial space, gravity would be equal to zero.

Pressure of the air is proportional with force of gravity. Gravity creates pressure of the air and it should be constant on Earth’s surface. However pressure of the air becomes influent by varieties caused by weather circumstances, as whirl of atmosphere. 1,000 mill bars should be used, as one gravity unit.

Stability of a ship and airplane, and other similar cases are actually parameters of gravity. Center of gravity of a body is the point where gravity affects. Disorders of these parameters of gravity causes turn over of an object.




Pero Metkovic
Pero Metkovic

Written by Pero Metkovic

I have published four books on Besides, I'm interested in inventions. I have Croatian protection for a new kind of computer. I write lyric.

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