Relationships in Nature
I am thinking about the life in general. My attitude is a reflection of the time that I leave in. An education in parental house and in the school has created my character. In addition the surroundings influenced this process. I acquired certain identity what means I became a person.
I consider the most important obligation is to take care of the family. I wish to educate my children well. The parents are important to me. Than brothers and sisters. I have to think about them.
I have to be as much serious as possible at my works. Also as much correct as possible to all people in general. How the people should be? At first honest. Than responsible.
I imagine the world of honesty. The world without borders. I have to respect all people equal. Without regard on the color of a skin, religion or nationality. They are actually people who are needed to the world.
The man is potential column of the society in a broad meaning. In addition he is a column of general life on the earth. To imagine the world without people is an absurd, at least in our opinion.
We are surrounded with bad habits that are among us since ever. One of them is smoking that is very spread and harmful.
Firstly, smoking is unhealthy. Than hazardous. However large number of people resort to this habit. Individuals try to quit cigarettes but it does not work. Smoking fills daily life to many people.
Men are mainly weak. In a good company is easy to become a smoker. Even youngsters learn smoking fast. Many will succumb to this hazardous habit.
Nicotine is deposited on the membranes of lungs. Fatty acids eat away a tissue. The way to bacterium is open. We are in danger of cancer or similar dizzies.
Smoking in vicinity of small children is unhygienic. It can cause a harm to them. Accordingly we ask ourselves why to smoke? We have to be aware of a harm and discard cigarettes.
The children are coping the people from their surrounding. They are so progressive in coping good or bed manners. If the parents are smoking the children will smoke. If the parents are drinking the children will drink. If the parents are progressive with good attitudes the children will copy them. If the parents are reasonable people the children will copy. If the parents have graduated on High Schools the children will copy.
Actually the children are copying brothers, sisters friends etc. If the child leaves in such society that has bed influence on them the children will copy. They will not complete the schools. They will become common workers.
Often we can hear the proverb: If every child graduates on high schools who will work? These words are wrong. The school is needed! High schools are needed so much! The children must spend the day in the school. These must become the rule! Otherwise children will be used wrong way.
The street has wrong influence on the children. How to protect children from such influence. If the child from whatsoever family find friends in the street he will disregard the school. The only place where the child has to be is the school. There they have the friends of same age and opinions.
Human Society needs educated people. These people once were children. What if they were influenced by the street? They would not complete their schools. They would not become educated people.
We can accept low educated workers who had not a chance to study due to financial or some other reasons. As they had to work very young they had no opportunity to spend the time in the school. But if they had the chance to study they should do so. Otherwise it was the pity to lose so great chance. The world society needs their education.
The street can convert a good child to bad one. It can convert the child from a good family to a bad boy or girl. Playing on the street instead being in the school can lead the child to the worst possibility. The child even being from the best family can convert into the future criminal.
Do we need drug dealers? Do we need killers? All criminals were children one time. All killers were children! All narcotic bosses were children?
The conclusion is simple. Instead going to the school they went on the street where they got wrong education.
We need doctors! We need engineers! We need all the kind of educated people. But how to get them?
We need good and qualified workers even of less education. The world society needs them. But we do not need criminals! We do not need drug dealers and drugs! We do not need narcotic mafia.
The drug dealers can convert your child into a cretin very easy. Your small boy or girl whom you used to dress nicely and take for a walk. Your child whom you used to buy toys. Your child whom you used to show to your friends. He or she will become a creep!
You have to fight!!! If you want to protect your child you have to fight. You have to fight against drugs. You have to fight against bad influence of the street.
You have to fight against drug dealers and narcotic bosses. Police and courts are limited. They need so many proofs, witnesses etc. You do not need any proof or witnesses. You can recognize them very easy. They are everywhere around you. They will convert your little girl into a creep. That’s way you have to fight!!!
Alcoohol is a very frequent manner.