Pero Metkovic
110 min readJul 30, 2018


Linda is dressing nicely for a night at the disco. She put on a transparent silk blouse and mini skirt. Her whole body is attractive and sexy. She is sure that can attract anyone. Her tits are firm and round nicely closed with a transparent blouse. Warts are prominent enough, which makes a special attraction to her look. She turned to the mirror, admiring her beautiful appearance. Her body is very sexy and lustful. Her naked thighs and cunt were visible under the transparent silk. Her clitoris little gem shone through the silk of her mini-skirt.

She took a cab outside the hotel. Tonight she has to look for Jack and Billy, but where these guys could be? She had to be assertive, she realized. She had to visit a number of bars and discos.
Taxi stop in front of the bar, which she chose. The room was very crowded. A glass of whiskey again brought her in good condition. She walked through the bar taking a look at the people inside. She realized that nobody looks like Jack and Billy.

The taxi drove her to another bar. She walked through the room from the bar for a long time. Several girls clothes off on stage. A bunch of people were around. She looked at each person in the bar, but no trace of the suspects. Another taxi took her to the disco “Love Sound”. She searched the interior, but no one looked like those two guys.
Finally, a taxi brought her in “Pink Love”. She saw Daniel sitting at the bar, and joined him.

- It was a nice afternoon at the beach? She said.
— Of course …
— The four of us in the hot sun … she added. — We did a good sex …
Christian and Susan were dancing nearby. Daniel remained in the bar with a drink. Linda walked through the discotheque among people. At one point she noticed a black young man standing nearby. Another young man was near him. Are they two Billy and Jack? She took another look at them. The white man had brown hair. She wondered if it could be painted.

She decided to approach them, but how. Her dance in front of Jack will help her. Her unbuttoned shirt is showing her beautiful tits. Her whole body is visible under the transparent fabric. Her tits are quite accessible and very sexy. She picked up her mini skirt with both hands. The hairs on her pussy demonstrated in front of Jack’s eyes. His face became red and taut. She came closer to him, and leaned on his shoulder. He immediately grabbed her hand.

- Do you wanna dance with me? He asked.
— Of course … Love …
He grabbed her with both hands and shook her with his body. He kissed her mouth.
— Where’re you from …? He asked.
— New York …
— What’s your name …? He added.
— Linda … she replied. — And yours …
— Michael …

His shirt was short-sleeved. Linda noted that the hairs on his arms were bright, apart from his brown hair. He kissed her on the mouth. Soon she found a fly of his pants, and she unzipped it. Her hand went to his underwear and found his cock, which was already stiff. Michael immediately took her to a darkened side of the discotheque.
— Where do we go? She asked.
— Wait and see …

He sat on a chair with her in his lap. He stroked her bare breasts. Linda was affected with a pleasant sex drive. Michael unbuttoned his pants and lifted her miniskirt. His stiff dick slid into her wet pussy. They did sex on a chair. His stiff dick fucks her really nice. It is sliding deep into her pussy hole.
— How do you feel …? He asked.
— Nice …
— Your pussy is nice warm … he added.
— Your cock is so stiff!

Several people around them noticed that they do have sex. They began to look at them and shout. Some of them have gathered close around them.
Daniel came quite close. He noted that Linda makes sex with Michael in the chair. Several people were standing around them. He could not believe it himself. He became so angry and excited.
— What are you doing? He shouted.
— I’m sorry, Daniel … Linda replied.

Soon Daniel came too close to Michael and Linda. He was excited and very angry and he wanted to fight with Michael.
— Bloody bastard … Daniel was screaming.
Linda was suddenly stood up and lowered her miniskirt. Daniel continued to yell at them. She straightened her skirt quickly, but Daniel saw her naked pussy and ass, because she had no panties underneath. He realized that they were doing sex.

Michael rose quickly and pushed Linda aside. He buttoned his pants, and squeezed belt.
— Who’re you …? You bastard … he shouted.
Daniel struck first, and hit Michael with his fist in the face. Soon the blood appeared on his nose.
Billy, who was standing nearby, saw the fight. He rushed to the scene immediately.

- Come on, Michael … he shouted. — Hit him …!
Michael attacked Daniel. First he hit him with his fist in the face. Then he hit him with his fist in the eye, which quickly became bluish.
— Michael … Right! Billy shouted. — I’ll help you …

Daniel grabbed Michael’s shirt and tore it. He hit him in the face. Soon the blood came from Michael’s nose. Some of the blood was dripping from his forehead. Several people from the disco surrounded them. Some of them, who knew Daniel wanted to help him. They wanted to interfere in the fight

Christian and Susan stopped dancing. Immediately they approached the scene of fighting.
— What’s this …? Asked Christian.
— Someone attacked Daniel …? She replied. — He really beat him …
— I’ll help him …

Christian tried to get close to the place of fighting, but then Billy attacked Daniel. He hit him with his left fist in the stomach. Daniel swayed and bent down to the floor. He swung hard, because he was injured. Billy hit him hard on the face. The blood flowed from his nose and cheeks, and dripped on his shirt. Daniel staggered for a while, before he collapsed to the floor.
— Wait … Daniel … cried Christian. — I’ll help you!

He was making his way through the people in front of him. They surrounded Michael and Daniela who fought furiously.
Linda stood aside. She was frightened and exhausted, because Daniel was on the floor. She wants to help him, but how. She leaned over him, but Michael pushed her aside.
— Oh, Daniel … she was crying. — You’re so hurt …?

He could not hear her, because he was lying on the ground seriously injured. Blood was flowing all over his shirt.
Christian has come close to the place of fighting. Enraged Billy was in front of him. Christian struck him with his fist in the face. Blood erupted from Billy’s nose. Christian attacked vigorously and hit him in the face several times. Soon Billy’s eyes went blue and blood flowed from his nose.

Susan stood to the side. She was scared and excited a lot. Christian was bleeding near her. He needs help, she realized. She holds him by the hand.
— Get out Christian … she was crying. — They’ll kill you!
Christian did not listen to her. He wanted to fight with Billy again.
Daniel was trying to get up. Michael hit him in the face. Much more blood flowed from his mouth. He staggered and swayed, but stayed on his feet. His shirt was completely torn and bloody.

Christian attacked Billy. He struck a heavy blow in the middle of his face. Blood erupted from Billy’s nose
Billy attacked Christian furiously. He hit him with his left fist in the stomach. Christian bent and staggered. Billy hit his face on the right. Blood poured from his mouth and leaked over the shirt.

- Get out there … Christian! Susan cried. — She was trying to hold him around the waist.
The Christian’s body is horrible swinging. He rocked a couple of times. His face was bloody and injured. His shirt was torn and bloody. He finally knocked down to the floor.
Susan tried to help him, who was on the floor. She bent down and knelt over him. Billy hit her hard in the face with his fist. Her eyes were dark from the blow. Blood flowed from her nose.

Susan dizzy for a while and she was knocked down to the floor. Blood from the nose running down her dress.
Linda rushed over to Susan. She tried to help her sit on the floor. Blood covered her face.
— Oh, Susan … she was crying. — He hurt your pretty face …?
Linda was stroking her hair. She held Susan in her arms.

Michael hit Daniel in the stomach very strongly. Daniel managed to catch him with his hands around his neck and head. Michael hit him with his fist in the stomach several times.
Billy saw Michael and Daniel in the grip of a fight. He turned to them.
— Wait … Michael! He shouted. — I’ll help you …

Michael and Daniel are still stumbling in the embrace of a fight. Daniel holds him with both hands around his neck. Michael hit him with both hands in the abdomen several times. Daniel tore his shirt. His blood painted Michael’s shirt and his face. His nails were scratching Michael’s shoulder. Blood gushed from his skin.

Billy, who was so angry, he was near the battle. He hit Daniel in the head a few times very strongly. Daniel’s embrace weakened. He freed the hands of Michael, head and neck, and turned to Billy. Enraged Billy is in front of him, ready to fight. He hit Daniel in the face really hard. Daniel was able to catch Billy with one arm around his neck and the other for a shirt that ripped. Daniel’s nails scratched Billy chest and blood appeared on his skin.

Daniel staggered and swayed for a while. He still hugged Billy’s neck and head. Blood stained Billy’s face and shirt. He hit Daniel hard in the stomach, and his embrace weakened. Soon Daniel collapsed on the floor.

- Help him … someone from the crowd shouted. — They’ll kill him …!

Many people have started to come on the scene. Several people start to interfere in the fight. One man hit Billy with his fist in the face. The two men were standing in front of Michael ready to hit him.

Linda holds Susan, sitting on the floor. They were both scared and excited.
Michael grabbed Linda’s hand. He dragged her by the discotheque among people.
— You’ve to go with me … he said.
— Okay …

Michael rushed through the crowd on the way to the exit of the disco. He holds Linda’s hand, pulling her with him. She wanted to go with him. It was an opportunity to meet with these guys, if they are indeed true criminals. Black boy hurried behind the two of them. Several people wanted to stop them. They grabbed Billy’s shirt and they tore it.

Christian was lying on the floor. His face was injured, bloody and swollen. Blood emerges from the nose and mouth. His eyes were very swollen. The shirt is torn and full of blood. He strongly convulsed, when he tried to get up. Several people around helped him.

- He is seriously injured … someone said. — He’s bleeding a lot?
Daniel was lying on the floor. His face was injured and covered in blood. His shirt was torn. Several people were lifting him off the floor, but he could not get up. His body is swinging in their hands.

Susan took a seat on the floor. Her right eye was swollen and bloody. Her dress was covered with blood stains. Several people helped her get up. One woman cleaned her face with a handkerchief. She held her around her shoulders.
— Bastards … she says. — They hurt you …!

Michael is in a hurry. He dragged Linda through the door of the discotheque. Billy was running behind them. Several people were shouting. They ran after them.

One man caught Billy around the waist, but he slipped and fell to the floor. Billy turned around and stopped in front of the door of the discotheque. Few people want to fight him. One of them came very close. Billy hit him in the face.

Michael ran toward the car. He dragged Linda’s hand. She ran after him, because she wanted to stay with him in the company.
— Linda, come on … he shouted. — Do not run away …!
— Of course, my dear … she replied. — I’m right behind you …

Billy closed the door to the disco with his body. He fought against a number of people. One of them attacked him, but Billy hit him in the face. Blood erupted from the nose and face, and the man stumbled.

Michael and Linda approached the car. He started the engine. Soon they were driving.
Michael pressed the horn, trying to advise Billy, who was some distance from them. He directed the car in the direction of Billy.
— Come Johnny … he shouted. — Get in the car …!

Linda realized that Billy was actually called Johnny. Michael called him so. He was still standing at the door of the discotheque. Several people are attacking him. They pushed him in front of the door. One man punched him in the nose, and blood covered his face. Johnny ran away in front of them.

Michael was speeding in the direction of Johnny. He can see how Johnny is running toward him. Michael is pressing the horn trying to warn him. Several people are running behind Johnny. They were shouting to him and tried to grab him.

Michael stopped the car in front of Johnny. He invited him to get into the car. Johnny wanted to jump in the car, but the man grabbed him around the waist. He was holding him firmly with both hands.

- Jump in, Johnny… Jump … … shouted Michael.
Johnny turned around, and hit the man hard in the face, who let his waist. His body was swinging in front of Johnny. Johnny hit him with his left fist in the stomach. The man remained standing, but he staggered. Several other people came up to them.

Johnny grabbed the door handle of the car. A man near him, tore his shirt, pulling him. A few people are trying to catch him by the arm. Johnny was able to open the back door. He tried to get into the car. One man grabbed him around the neck with both hands.
— Hop in, Johnny … Michael shouted. — Jump in …

Johnny finely managed to jump into the back seat of the car. The same man is still holding him around the neck. Michael started the engine, and the car started speeding. The door that was open, hit a man in front of it. The man fell to the ground injured. The car door hit man, who holds Johnny.

Michael was driving faster now. The man who holds Johnny’s neck is dragged with the car. The lower part of Johnny’s body was outside the car. Linda caught back seat with both hands in order to stay inside.

- All right … said Michael. — We’re on the road again …!
— Thank God … said Linda.

The car door, which was open, hit a man who was dragged behind a car. Several more people were shouting at them as they ran behind the car.

Johnny is holding back of the seat in front of him. He tries to stay in the car. The power of a man who is holding him around the waist is strong. Johnny’s entire lower body was still outside. The car door is open, and it hit the man, who was dragging behind the car.

Suddenly Michael squeezed the brakes. The car started rocking, but it stopped. The man who was holding Johnny released his hands from his neck. He fell to the ground, and his body rolled several times.
— Finally … said Michael. — Wait Johnny …

Michael restart the engine. The car started to drive fast with the door open. Johnny is still holding back from Linda’s seat. She leaned forward and tried to stay in her seat. Several people were shouting behind them.

Michael was driving fast. He looked in the back mirror. A few people are picking up the two injured ones, lying on the ground. Some of them were yelling and threatening behind the car. Two cars started driving behind Michael.

Michael was excited and angry. Linda, sitting beside him, was very tired and shaken. Johnny was sitting in the back seat. The rear doors are still open which is very loud. Michael took another look at the mirror. Two cars of pursuers are driving fast behind them.
— God them … he said. — They’re behind us …

Michael stopped the car for a while. Johnny tried to close the door, but failed. Michael re-start the engine. He was driving fast again. The door banged, but remained open. Johnny is still holding firmly back of the seat in front of him. It was the only way he could stay inside.
Linda was sitting close to Michael, bent on the seat. Johnny behind her was excited and angry. He shouted to Linda.

- Who’re you bitch?

- Linda … she replied.
He became even more irritable after her words.
— You put us in all this trouble! He shouted again.
— Stop, Johnny … Michael said. — It’s not her fault!
— How do you know?
— Who were those people? Michael asked her.

She managed to stay calm, although with great difficulty.
— My friends … said Linda.
— Why did you come to me? He continued.
— I loved your face ….

- She’s lying, bitch … Johnny shouted.
— Johnny, I’m very sorry…she tried to calm him down.

- Okay… he added.

Michael was driving fast. He took a look in the back mirror. Two persecutor cars are now closer. He was nervous and excited. Johnny took a look through the rear window of the car. He could see them behind.

One police car that controlled traffic was parked along the road. Michael’s car passed quickly close it. Two police officers in the car noticed him driving at a tremendous speed. They started the engine immediately. Soon two more cars passed quickly close them. The police car started to drive behind all of them. One of the policemen in the car called the police station.

-We follow three cars … he said.
— They’re driving fast in the direction of the highway … he added.
— I’ll send a few cars available … officer replied.
Michael broke out on a high way. Two cars of pursuers, who are behind him, are very close. They rushed to the high road with him. Johnny yelled from the backseat.

- They will catch up with us soon …? he said.
— Shoot them … yelled Michael.

Johnny opened the window and fired in the direction of the car behind them. Michael looked at the back mirror. He could see that one car touched the back bumper of his car.
— What do these guys want …? Johnny shouted.

- I don’t know … said Michael.
— They may be friends of those in the disco … added Johnny. — Those who we fought with?
— It might be … Michael said.
— Most likely, we hurt someone there? Johnny added.
— Or we killed someone … said Michael.

One of the pursuers car was trying to overtake Michael car. The man in the car shouted in his direction. Michael took a look in the back mirror. He saw several police cars were driving behind him.

Somebody shot from pursuers car, and the bullet hit Michael in his left shoulder. He felt pain, but he was able to drive on. Some blood flowed from the wound. Michael, even though he was hurt, he still felt able to drive.
— Oh, Michael … Linda said. — How do you feel …?

She started crying.

- Quite well … Michael added.
— How do you feel …? Johnny asked angrily.
— All right … Michael answered. — It’s not bleeding a lot?

Johnny lies on the floor in front of the rear seats. He was frightened and exhausted a lot. The bullets are hitting the car around him. He saw Michael bleeding, what excited him even more.

Linda lies in front of the front seat. She wants to help Michael, but she does not know how.
— Are you really okay …? she asked.
— Don’t worry about Linda … he replied.
Michael was driving fast. The back door, which was open, banged noisily. Finally it released and it fell on the road.

Persecutory car behind them hit Michael’s car rear bumper for several times. The second car was slowly overtaking them. The men inside the car shot them.

Johnny in the back seat was shoting in the direction of both cars. He was angry a lot. Michael can not overtake the car in front of him. He hit the brakes hard what caused the car to lose speed. The car behind them is bumping their rear bumper. It is pushing Michael’s car in front of it.

- What to do …? Michael yelled. — They’ll catch up with us …?

Michael could not go to the left for the second car that had passed him. He is excited and exhausted a lot. His car is on the right side of the road near the edge. He took a look through the window. It was night, but he could see meadows with rare trees on them. He decided to turn the car on the right.
Michael turned the wheel to the right quickly. The car jumped over the edge of the road.

Linda holds the seat with both hands. She is scared a lot.
— Michael, what’re you doing? she said.

Johnny holds the seat back in front of him with both hands. He is terribly exhausted and angry.
— Michael, you’ll kill us … he said.

Michael’s car goes right to the tree in front of him. He noticed the trunk is getting closer and closer. He quickly turned the wheel to the left. Then he hit the brakes hard.

Linda held the car furniture in front of her with both hands in order to remain stable. She cried quietly. Johnny on the back seat is holding firmly back of Linda’s seat. He tries to stay safe in this fierce drive.

Michael’s car was rocking hard, but managed to avoid the trunk at the last minute. The car was left on the lawn rolling a lot.
— Michael, look out … Johnny shouted from the back seat.
— Don’t worry, Johnny … he replied.
The persecutors’ car, which was on the road, behind Michael, jumped across the road edge. The car rocked in the meadow, and it lost control.

The car rushed into a tree, and soon hit the trunk. It broke up, and it turned to the roof. Shortly after it turned a few times more. The car exploded and caught fire.

The persecutors’ car that is overtaking Michael on the left remained on high way. Police cars are driving behind him.

Michael’s car was driving under the control on the meadow. It was rocking badly, but it remained on the road. Michael was driving over rough terrain. He is avoiding the trees in front of the car. He took a look in the back mirror. The persecutors’ car was burning in flames far behind.

Michael was driving over bumpy and rough meadow. He was excited, but a little calmer than before. He tries to keep the car stable on the lawn.

Linda, who is close to him is still excited. She has managed to stay on her seat.
Johnny on the back seat is a little quieter than before. He still holds the back of Linda seat with both hands.
— Now we’re in a better position …? said Michael.
— Of course … added Johnny. — We’re saved …

Michael took a look ahead. He could see the lights of cars on the distant high way. They are leading in the opposite direction.

His car drove across the meadows between the trees, and on rough terrain. The car jumped and bent a lot. Michael was very excited. He took care to avoid the trees and holes in front of him. The car went down and jumped all the time.

Finally they got close to high way. Car headlights shone on the road in front of them. Michael stopped the car near the road edge. He waited until the road free of the cars to jump on high way.

Suddenly he found the right moment and his car jumped. It swung a lot, but it stayed on the road.
Now Michael is driving smoothly again. His injured shoulder is bleeding. Linda, who was sitting near him was quite calm.
— How’s your shoulder …? she asked.
— Not bad …
— Is it bleeding …? she added.
— Not much …

Johnny was sitting in the back seat quiet and tired.
— Luckily, we survived this time? said Michael.
— Thanks to God … added Johnny.


Michael stopped the car in front of his house. Johnny and Linda went out. He parked the car in the garage.

They went into the living room. Linda cleaned Michael’s wound with alcohol. He did not take a lot of complaints about pain, because he was durable. The bullet went through his muscle of the shoulder. She wrapped a bandage around his arm.

She had to help him wash in the shower. He completely undressed in front of her. His handsome, muscular body is exposed to her eyes. It impressed her a lot, especially his cock, which was already quite stiff. She noticed the tattoo of a dragon on his back. Now she was sure that Michael is actually Jack, a member of the gang.

She held the shower cord in her hand. Water splashed over him. His naked body excited her very much.
— You’re so sexy … she said.
— Thank you dear …

Linda undressed in front of Michael. Her sexy, naked body attracted him. She joined him under the water jets in the shower. Her hot body is completely crammed with him. His hands touched her bulging tits, while her fingers caressed his stiff dick.
— Your cock’s already stiff … she said.
— I see …
— I want your dick in my pussy as soon as possible … she added. — Deep inside …

She turned her sexy body and bowed. Her ass with a bulging pussy is shown in front of his eyes. Nice pink hole was pretty exposed. Her shaved cunt attracts him a lot. Her tattoo of violets around pussy was nicely visible, with tiny jewel on her clit. He opened her pussy lips with his fingers.

- Your pink pussy attracts me a lot … he said.
Michael pushed his stiff cock easily into her pussy. His hands were holding her around the waist. His cock was sliding nicely into her hot hole. He pushed it harder and deeper between her thighs. His hard cock is sliding up — down harder into her hot pussy.

Linda knew that if she just showed her pussy she could get it all. Michael is the man who likes the woman she saw in his eyes. She felt it when she met him last night in the disco.

Linda was screaming infused with sweet arousal. His stiff cock fucks her pussy nice. Water from the shower was spraying over them, while they were fucking. Sweet orgasm took hold of her hot body.

- Oh, Michael … she sobbed. — You fuck me very well …
Michael scored his middle finger into her anus. He turned it several times, making a hole wide. Linda already knew what he wanted to do. She already feels some pain in her asshole.

Soon, his cock hit her anus, which hurt her. Her loud screams could be heard in the room, while his dick was screwing her ass hole hard.
Linda was caressing his nuts, while his cock pierced her anus. Soon he reached on a hot orgasm. His cock was pulsing in her ass hole. She felt the sperm, which sprayed all over her buttocks.

- It was good … he said. — Thank you Linda …
Michael went into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. Linda was alone in the shower when Johnny entered the bathroom. He saw her naked and her sexy body fascinated her. He immediately took off, and his strong, naked body appeared in front of her. She was particularly impressed with his dick, which was very large and swollen. He immediately joined in the shower, touching her naked body.

His naked body excited her so much. She was under water spray with him. His hands touched her firm boobs.
— Your naked pussy attracts me … he said.
— Your cock is so huge … she said. — I’d like to try it …
— Sure, honey …

Linda took his dick in her hand, and she took a look at it with admiration. His dick was particularly thick and long.
— Nice piece of dick … she said — Beautiful …

She noticed the tattoo of a snake around his testicles. It was barely visible on his black skin, but still it could be seen. Short black hair was covering part of the tattoo. She was sure she met the right people. They are guys who belong to a bank robbery gang. After all, she became so pleased and happy, she could find gangsters.

She clenched beside him. His powerful body was in her hands. Her fingers were touching his strong muscles.
— I wonna fuck you … he said. — You’re so beautiful, cunt …!
— Why not …? she replied. — You’re a handsome man …

She was stroking his cock, which was already stiff. It was an enormous organ that attracted her greatly. He wanted to try it in her wet pussy, that really attracted him. Johnny was already imbued with the sweet lust. He wants to screw her like this, immediately under a shower. She turned her sexy ass to him and she bent down a little. Her pink pussy is nicely exposed in front of his cock. He opened her cunt lips slightly with two fingers and kept his eyes on it.

- Fine pink pussy … he said. — Nice covered with lips!
— Thank you, Johnny …

- You’ve the jewels on the clit? he added. — Very sexy …

He pushed his cock straight into her hot pussy. She could feel the thickness of it in her hole. Cock went deep into her cunt and penetrated more and more .
— A good piece of cock … she said. — I feel it …
— Of course … he added. — My dick will fuck you very well …!

She bent her body, leaning back with her hands on the floor. Her ass was nice bulging while his stiff cock pierced her pussy. Johnny enjoys watching her pussy spread and cling. She feels a little pain because of the size of his dick, but she could bear it. His long cock could not quite penetrate into her pussy. It was sliding up — down only halfway satisfying her very much.

Soon a nice thrill seized her body. Her loud screams could be heard in the shower. Sweet orgasm engulfed her body beneath the water jets. Johnny nicely stimulated her with his dick. She knelt in front of him with her protruding ass. His stiff dick has a good head, which pierced her pussy. It was like a small ball, she concluded. She changed position, and knelt in front him. She is now licking his cock’s glance and corona.
He holds her tits in his hands and his fingers are caressing them softly.
— Pretty swollen boobs … he said. — Like the balls …

He wanted to caress her tits with his cock. She raised her body slightly upward. Her tits are touching his long dick now.
His cock is screwing her between tits, which she holds with both hands.Fine stimulation permeated throughout her hot body.

Finally she took his dick in her mouth and she was sucking it in the shower water.
— Linda, suck my dick fine … he said. — Suck it properly …!

She could not answer because his big black dick closed her whole mouth. Johnny was a nice horny while her tongue was licking his dick glans. Her teeth nibbled it easy. His stiff dick was sliding deep into her throat. He reached the hot orgasm and the sperm filled her mouth.

His dick was pulsing between her tits. Sperm was sprayed in her mouth and throat. She swallowed his white jelly with pleasure.

She felt very sexy with sperm on her lips and cheeks. She licked his big glans swallowing the white jelly.

Linda helped Johnny to wash. He was pleased after having sex with her. In the end, he kissed her mouth. She was now certain that he loved her.
— Linda, thank you … he said. — We’ve done a good sex …
— Of course …

Johnny left the bathroom. She remained there doing makeup. Her hair was nicely combed, and her look was attractive. She can walk back into the living room.

Linda poured a glass of whiskey in the house bar. A sip of the drink again brought her in good condition. She sat down on the couch.

Michael came into the living room in a home clothes. His face was clean, but swollen and injured. Linda helped him to settle near her. She wrapped a clean bandage on his wound.

He pulled from his pocket a small silver box with cocaine. He sprinkled some white powder on the back of his hand. Linda had expected him to breathe, but he brought his hand under her nose. She inhaled cocaine.
— Good stuff … she said.

She could not deny cocaine, as she was here to do the job. They were watching her every move. She had to get used to these criminals.

Michael hugged her. Her blouse is already open, and her naked tits are nicely seen. He caressed them gently.
— Caress my tits nice, Michael … Linda said. — I like that …
— They’re really beautiful … he added. — Just like soft balls …!

Johnny came out of Michael’s room. His face was clean, but swollen and injured. He had a few patches on it.

He put on some clean clothes from Michael’s, which does not suit him. The clothes were too small for him.

- I called Angela to come here … he said.
— All right … Michael added.
He took the cocaine from Michael’s box. He sprinkled some of that on hand palm, and he breathed.
— Good stuff … he said.

Linda has touched Michael’s face. The wounds were still visible.
— Your face was so beautiful … she said.
— Bustards … added Michael. — They injured me …
— It’ll be good again … she added.

Michael kissed Linda. Her blouse was unbuttoned. He is caressing her bulging tits.
— Your kisses are so sweet … she said.
— Thank you …

Angela entered the house in a while. Johnny introduced her to Linda. She noticed that the girl was pretty sexy.

Michael put music, and he took Linda to dance. The music was slow and romantic. Her naked breasts are touching his chest.
— Touch me, Michael … she said. — Everywhere …!
— All right, dear …

He kissed her on the mouth. The dance was slow and romantic. She is beautifully pressed in his arms, while he was caressing her body.
— You’ve a tattoo on tit … he said.
— Yeah …
— What does it mean? he added.
— This is the heart … she replied. — With an arrow in it …
— To whom it belongs …? He asked.
— To my former love …
He was satisfied with her response. He was looking at her with love in his eyes. Linda is really very beautiful young girl.

Johnny was sitting on the couch with Angela on his knees. She inhaled cocaine from his hand palm.

Linda danced in the grip of Michael’s arms. She pulled off her shirt, and she threw it aside. Her topless body was very attractive.
— Your figure is amazing … he said — You’re so sexy …!
— Thank you … she replied. — You’re a very handsome man!

Michael undressed his shirt. His upper body remained naked. He looked attractive with a bandage on his arm. A few scratches and small wounds on his chest were covered with patches.

Johnny kissed Angel on a nearby couch. She undressed her blouse, and her lush boobs broke out. He touched and kissed them.

Linda danced in front of Michael. Her body with bare boobs was very sexy. She undressed her mini-skirt and her body remained whole naked. He again took her in her arms and kissed her mouth.

- Does the wound hurt you … she asked.
— Very easy …

She felt happy in his arms. His stiff cock touched her pussy, which really excited her.
— Your dick will break the pants …? she said.

She found the zipper of his pants and she unzipped it. Her hand went into his panties and caressed his cock.

- Your dick’s in my hand … she said.
— Well …
— It’ll soon erect … She added.
— Just do it …

Angela sat in Johnny’s lap in a nearby couch. Her body is all naked. His hands were caressing her bulging tits. Linda realized that her body is very sexy. Especially boobs were nicely rounded and protruding.
Linda danced with Michael. His stiff cock is in her hand. Her head was leaned against his shoulder.
— Your dick’s growing fast … she said.

Linda turned her body and she bowed. Her butt is in front of Michael dick. Her lustful pussy hole is completely visible and attractive.

Michael lowered his pants and his stiff dick broke out. He touched her pussy with his fingers.

- A beautiful pink pussy … he said. — Fine-hole …
He pushed his dick slowly into her pussy. Soon it full entered into her hole.
— Push your cock … she said. — Push it deep …

His penis pierced her pussy hard. Her entire body was permeated by hot sex drive. Fine orgasm overcame her hot body. His stiff cock fucked her really hard.

Johnny and Angela did sex on the couch. Angela was sitting in his lap with his cock in her pussy. He nicely caressed her gentle tits with both hands.

- Your cock’s so stiff, Johnny … she said. — And it’s so long …
— Your cunt opens slowly … he added. — It’s too small for my dick?

Linda knelt in front of Michael with his cock in her hand and licked its head. His dick is stiff and thick and it’s right for her tight pussy. She pushed into her mouth more than half of it.

Michael’s body was captured by hot sexual desire. Her teeth tickled the head of his dick and her tongue was caressing it. Sweet orgasm overcame him. His nails thrust into her shoulders strong. His cum filled her mouth full. It sprayed over the lips and face. She swallowed the sperm, and she licked her lips nice.

Johnny and Angela did sex on the couch. She was imbued with a nice stimulation. A pleasant orgasm permeated her horny body.

- Ah … ah … she screamed. — Your dick hurt my pussy …!
— I’m sorry, honey …

After sex Angela moved, and knelt in front of Johnny. He pushed his stiff cock, which was huge thick and long, into her mouth. She caressed his balls as she sucked his cock. Johnny was imbued with hot sex drive. She smoothed his cock as she squeaked the glans and crown. Sweet orgasm grabbed his body. His cock was pulsing in her mouth. Cum sprayed in her throat and mouth. He took out his dick while some sperm splashed over her face and hair.

Angelo remained lying on the carpet relaxed. Johnny lied close to her pleased with the hot sex they had together.

Michael and Linda are doing sex on the couch. Linda was on her knees in front of him, leaning on her hands. He was pushing his cock in her pussy in doggy style. His hands caressed her jutting tits.

- Your dick stuffed my whole pussy, she said.

- Okay, honey … he added. — I like that …
Michael’s dick makes up and down in her hot hole. She was very horny, she gasped and loudly sighed. Her pussy lips surrounded his cock nicely, which he was looking at with pleasure. She sighed with increasing violence, and has reached on a hot orgasm.The appearance of his dick is perfect and very sexy. He had the feeling that her pussy liked his stiff dick, that was blowing it.

Ah … ah … she was screaming, as she reached the next orgasm.

The boys decided to change the girls. Johnny took Linda with him. She knelt down on the carpet in front of him and took his stiff dick in her mouth. Her fingers caressed his balls.

She took the dick out of her mouth and measured it with her fingers.
— How long is your dick, Johnny? she asked.
— Twenty-eight centimeters …
— It’s a good size for a cock …. she added. — I’d love to have it in my pussy!
— We’ll screw soon …
— You’ve a tattoo around your dick? she said. — What’s it …?
— A snake …

Michael is sitting on the couch. Angela kneeled on the floor in front of him. She is sucking his stiff dick. She took the dick in her hand and she looked at it.

- Michael, I like your cock … she said.
— You sucked it a few times …? He added.
— It was fucking me so many times …!

Linda was doing sex with Johnny. She kneels on the couch in front of him. He pushed his cock hard into her pussy in doggy style. She liked that way of sex, because his dick pierced her very deeply. Her firm tits were in his hands.

- Oh, Johnny push harder … she sighed. — Push your dick hard …
— Your pussy is sensitive …?
— Johnny, I don’t care … she added. — It may receive a dick in full.
— I’m afraid … he said. — My dick’s so long …

She felt Johnny’s dick, that slammed her deep inside her pussy. Fine orgasm engulfed her body. Her loud cry was very sexy.

- Fuck me Johnny … she panted. — Break my pussy!

He pushed his cock up and down so fast. Linda was crying because her clenched cunt could not handle the enormous size of his limb. In the end, a few more satisfying orgasms overwhelmed her hot body.
— Don’t ejaculate, Johnny … she screamed. — You need to screw me so much more!

- Don’t worry … he added. — I’ll screw you very much!
Michael is doing hot sex with Angela in a nearby couch. She placed on his lap, in the opposite direction of him. His stiff dick screws her hard. Her bulging, soft breasts are in his hands.

- Fuck me, Michael! she screamed. — Destroy my pussy …
— Of course, my love …
He pushed his stiff dick in her hole harder. Then again, harder and harder. She screamed erratically very loudly.

Johnny is doing enjoyable to with Linda. His hands are holding her beautiful tits. Her nice round ass is swinging in front of his eyes, while his stiff and strong dick is poking her wet pussy. She is permeated with the sweet stimulation. A series of pleasant orgasms are flowing through her hot body.

- Your cock pierces me hard … she is screaming. — It goes deep into my cunt …!
— I know my love …
— I like that … she added. — I feel so sexy …

Their hot sex was over. Linda moved and kneeled in front of Johnny. His stiff cock is in her hand. She was sucking its glans, what he really enjoyed.

Johnny wanted her to caress his cock with her sexy tits. He lay on the floor carpet on the back. She came up. Her soft breasts caressed his stiff dick.

- This’s really good … he said. — Your tits’re so soft!
— It’s very sexy … she added. — Your big dick between my tits?

He fucked her in between tits for long. She was enjoying watching his huge dick slide between her strained boobs. At the same time she stroked his penis, what really excited him.

They are doing the pose of sixty-nine. She was sucking his cock, which was sliding deep into her throat. Johnny was captured with a strong sexual urge. Her teeth were nibbling gently his penis tip and corona.

- Suck my dick love … he said. — Deep in your throat …?
Johnny was licking her pussy. His tongue reached deep into her hot hole. He was touching her ass hole with his tongue. Linda liked his kind of sex. Her hot body was pleasantly stimulated. Johnny was caressing her round butt at the same time. Fine orgasm caught her body. She could not scream because his dick shut her mouth. She wanted to tinkle his cock but gave it up.

Johnny was affected by strong sexual stimulus. A pleasant orgasm overcame his body. His dick had shed the sperm in her mouth and part of it was scattered across her face and hair.

It was a nice sexual experience, to see her with the sperm on her face and in her hair. She licked her lips and swallowed the white jelly.

Linda relaxed after a long sex with Johnny She licked her lips covered with his sperm.. She swallowed the white jelly, which filled her whole mouth. Now she feels comfortable again. After all, she snapped her mouth contentedly. The taste of his sperm was very sexy.

- How do you feel …? she asked.
— Well … he added. — And you …?
— Nice …
— What is the taste of sperm? He continued.

- Strange … she replied. — Slightly salty and sour …

- Yeah …

- I like to feel it … she added. — In my mouth …

They sat down on the floor. He finely caressed her bulging tits. Johnny has attracted her so much. He was very sexy young man, and she liked black guys for sure.

- You’ve reached so many orgasms? He said.
— Of course … said Linda. — You brought me up …!
— But so much …?
— You’re a good partner! She added.
— Thanks, honey … he said. — Many women can’t do it …?

Michael made love with Angela while she was kneeling in front of him on the couch. He was pushing his cock in her pussy in doggy style. Her soft, round breasts were in his hands.

- Oh, Michael … she sighed. — Fuck me hard …
— I just do it, Angela … he replied. — I screw you really hard!
Angela was captured with a nice sexual stimulation. Her screaming was very hot and sexy. His stiff cock is fucking her hot pussy. Fine orgasm overcame her hot body. Her screaming was loud and erotic.
— Michael, it’s good … she said. — You do it perfectly!
— Of course … he added. — I wanna fuck you hard!

He sat on the couch as she kneeled in front of him on the floor. Her teeth were nibbling his nuts, in which he enjoyed very much. She pushed his dick in her mouth. He felt her tongue on his cock glans. Her teeth were nibbling it lightly. A pleasant stimulation overcame his body. He reached a powerful orgasm. Sperm was sprayed on her mouth and face. She was licking jelly from her lips and swallowed sperm.

After sex Angela moved and she took a seat near Linda. Linda knew she was attracted to her. However, Angela is an amazing sexy girl. Now she was free from Johnny’s arms.

- Let’s dance …! She said.
— Of course …

She felt sexy in Angela’s arms. Angela took her hand and she hugged her with her body. They danced to the romantic, slow music. She kept Linda nicely squeezed in her body and kissed her lips. Her fingers are caressing her tits slowly. Linda is imbued with a nice thrill. She tightened Angela strongly against her.
— Is Johnny your boyfriend? Linda asked.
— Yeah … she replied. — Firstly, Michael was my boy friend …?

- Well …
— He shared me with Johnny … she added.
— Really …
— Now Johnny is my boy friend! She confirmed.

Angela took her to a nearby couch. Linda stook a seat in her lap.
— I want to lick your pussy … said Angela.

She kissed Linda’s firm boobs. Her fingers are touching Linda’s pussy. She was turning them in her hot hole. Linda was captured with sweet sexual drive. She caressed Angela’s bulging tits.

Angela lay on her back on the carpet. Linda knelt around her head in the form of sixty-nine. She is licking her pussy. Linda felt Angela’s tongue in her cunt. She was biting her clitoris easily.

Linda reached on a sweet orgasm. Her hot body is permeated with beautiful stimulation. She sighed and screamed so loud.
— Your tongue licks me nicely … Angela said. — It goes deep into my pussy …!
— Yeah, baby …

Linda kissed her pussy hair. Angela felt her tongue in her hot hole. Linda was nibbling her clit gently. Angela is trapped with a fine excitement. She held Linda for her sexy tits while her teeth gnawed her buttocks and thighs.

Linda felt pain but she just screamed silently. Angela sucked the skin around her pussy.
— You’ve a tattoo around your clit … she said.
— Yeah …

- What’s it? asked Linda.
— Flowers …
— It looks nice …? Linda added. — Now tattoo is covered with hair.
— Do you have a tattoo round your clit? asked Angela.
— Yeah … violets …

Linda touched her tattoo. Angela had a wonderful jewel in her clitoris. Some more gems were attached to her pussy lips, giving her a very sexy feel. Her ornate pussy attracted Linda a lot, while she licked it. Angela licked her hole nicely.

The boys were sitting on the couch kissing each other. Michel was caressing Johnny’s stiff dick with his fingers. He took it into his mouth.

Johnny feels his tongue touching his dick. Fine stimulation overcame him. Soon he reached on a hot orgasm. Cum filled Michael’s mouth and sprayed over his face.

Johnny’s cock was already laid in Michael’s hand. Johnny is licking his lips covered with cum. Soon he swallowed the sperm.
— Thank you Michael … Johnny said. — It was so good …
— Johnny, I love you …

The boys lay down on the floor mat. Johnny is on his back. Michael knelt around his head in the figure of sixty-nine. Johnny licked his balls and he pushed Michael’s dick into his mouth. Michael ducked his head down and took Johnny dick in his mouth. They are very much in love with each other’s sex.

They are making hot love on the floor. The boys are sucking dicks each — other in a love embrace. Michael is infused with a hot stimulation. Johnny sucked his cock nice. He is licking his balls. His teeth are touching his penis tip. Hot orgasm permeated through his body. His cum sprayed in Johnny’s mouth. White jelly spilled all over his face

- Johnny, I really liked your suck … said Michael. — It was very hot!
— Thank you my love …

After sex Michael went to sleep because he was already very tired. His wound began to hurt him.

Johnny went to the bar and he poured a drink for him and the girls. The others were sitting on the couch. Johnny sat down between the two of them. He took the cocaine out of the box on the table and poured the white powder on the palm of his hand.

First Linda inhaled cocaine. She remained relaxed for a while.

- Good stuff … she said.
Johnny brought his arm under Angel’s nose and she inhaled cocaine.
— Good stuff … she added.

Johnny inhaled cocaine powder. He enjoyed drugs leaning on the couch. Two completely naked girls are sitting near him. He immediately hugged Angela. Her tits were really sexy and prominent and he caressed them. Linda has found his dick and she pushed it into her mouth. The dick grew under her tongue. She nibbled on top of it lightly.

Johnny was caught with a nice stimulation. He wanted to make love with Angela. She knelt on the couch in front of him. He wanted to screw her in a doggy style and her pink pussy was so beautifully arched towards him. Short dark hair is covering her hole. Small jewels shone in her clitoris and cunt lips.

Johnny was caressing her hot cunt. His fingers touched shinny gems. Pink inside of her pussy is nicely shown. He stuck his stiff dick in her protruding pussy. She screamed as his thick cock glided into her hot hole.

Johnny screw Angela in doggy style. Gems that are attached to her pussy lips shine around his dick. Nice tattoo of flowers, that covered her pussy, is so attractive.
— Angela, you scream while fucking … he said. — My dick’is deep in your cunt …
— Yeah …
— I love listening when you scream …

She actually screamed as his cock penetrated deep into her pussy. Her hole is wet and lubricated but the size of his dick is huge.

Linda stood up. She took a seat on the couch in front of Angela who was fucking with Johnny. Linda hugged her around the shoulders and kissed her on the mouth. Angela was beautifully infused with fresh incentives. A pleasant orgasm engulfed her hot body.

Angela sighed loudly. Her screaming was so erotic. Johnny screwed her hard while she held Linda’s shoulders. Her fingernails hurt Linda’s skin.

Johnny wants to have sex with Linda. She took a seat on the couch in front of him while he was standing. His stiff cock was in her hand which she nibbled. Nice stimulation overcame his body. Linda was sucking his cock which is huge in size. The top of his dick was getting deep into her throat.

- Linda, suck my dick … he said. — It makes me hot …!
— My dick is in the right mouth … he added. — Isn’t that so sexy?

Linda enjoyed sex. Angela was caressing her sexy tits. She pushed her fingers into her pussy. Linda sucked Johnny stiff cock and she caressed his nuts. Her tongue is touching his glans. Her teeth are nibbling it lightly. Fine stimulation caught Johnny’s body and he dropped the sperm in her mouth. Jelly has spilled over her entire face. She licked her lips and mouth nicely and swallowed sperm.
— Very good … she said. — My mouth is full of your sperm?
— Just swallow it … he added. — You’re so sexy …

Linda took a seat on the couch near Angela. She caressed her tits. Angela is a nice imbued with a pleasant lust. Linda bent down her head and she kissed her tits and nipples. Angela loved her kisses so much, as Linda was very sexy and cute girl.

She kissed Angela lower and lower. Angela felt her teeth that nibbled on her clit. Her tongue is touching her hole. It was sliding in her pussy interior. Sweet lust overcame Angela’s horny body.

- Your tongue is deep in my pussy … she said. — You’re going to lick me nice!
— I like your pussy … Linda said. — It’s beautifully decorated …

Johnny was standing in front of Angela and he stroked her hot tits. His stiff cock was in her hand. She was nibbling his balls and thighs. Her fingers touched the tiny jewels attached to his nuts. The jewels are shining beautifully in his black skin. Soon she swallowed his stiff dick. Her tongue licked the top of the cock and the corona.

Angela was lying on the couch. Linda is kneeling in front of her. She is licking her hot pussy. Johnny noticed a nice opportunity to screw Linda in a doggy style. She kneels on the couch in front of Angela while he was standing behind her. Her beautiful pussy was clearly visible. The little gem is shinning on her clit while her cunt lips are nice pink. The cleft of her sexy ass is brown and so sweet.

Johnny slammed his stiff dick and pushed it into her cunt. His hands are holding her protruding buttocks. His cock slid easily into her hot hole.
— Your cock’s so stiff Johnny …? She said. — And it’s so long …
— Yeah, love …

His dick is making its way into her pussy. She touched the lower part of the cock that was so thick and stiff. Johnny pushed hard his stiff dick, which was sliding up and down so much, into her pussy. Her body is imbued with pleasant stimulation. Nice orgasm overcame her. She snapped Angela’s thigh, in extreme ecstasy of sex. Her fingernails pierced the skin on her buttocks. A bit of blood came out of the cuts.
— Johnny, harder, harder … she screamed. — Push hard your big cock into my pussy!
— I do so … he replied. — I fuck you hard!

Only half of the length of his dick was in her pussy. It broke her hot hole so strongly. Fine sexual stimulus had mastered her horny body. Her screaming was very sexy and hot.
— Johnny, do not eject your sperm … she screamed. — My cunt’s ready for a long screwing!
— Don’t worry about, Linda … he replied. — I’m going to fuck you for a long time …!

Johnny pushed his finger in her ass hole to spread it. Linda already knew that he would do anal sex to her. Soon, his stiff cock entered her small hole. She screamed a little because he hurt her. Big and thick dick top was the whole in her hole. The pain she felt was very strong.

Johnny was cought with hot lust. He is doing anal sex to Linda. She suffered a lot of his sex. His huge cock was so stiff and heavy that it hurt her anus.. She could hardly stand the pain. She expected him to reach orgasm but he could not. The pain was already very strong. She sat down on the couch in front of him and she pushed his big cock in the mouth. She sucked it nice.
— Linda, lick my dick top … he said. — I like that…

She could not answer as his stiff dick shut her mouth. She sucked it nice. Angela hugged her around the shoulders. Linda loved this pretty girl so much. Angela caressed her beautiful tits and kissed her lips back.

Johnny felt Linda tongue on his glans. Her fingers caressed his thighs and balls. His body was imbued with fine stimulation. Soon he ejaculated in her mouth. Cum smeared all over her face and hair.

Linda was in the mood. She did a wonderful suck to Johnny. His relaxed dick was in her hand and she licked its top. Johnny was happy with her sexual games. She swallowed the sperm from her lips.
— Nice … Johnny said. — Excellent suck …
— My hair’s wet from your sperm … added Linda.

Johnny was sitting between the two girls. They were resting on the couch together. He took some cocaine out of the box. He soon breathed a white powder from the palm of his hand. Soon drug gripped him and he remained leaning against the couch.

Angela inhaled drug after him. She moved her palm with cocaine to Linda’s nose. She breathed a little white powder.

The drug has affected their bodies. They stayed on the couch leaning on one — another.
— I’m tired … Johnny said. — I wanna sleep!

- I’ll stay here a little longer! Angela added. — With Linda …?

Johnny soon left them. He walked into the bedroom. The girls remained on the couch in each other’s arms.

Angela went to the bar to pour drinks for the two of them. Linda stared at her beautiful, naked body. Her tits are really prominent and hot. The back side is nicely rounded and provocative.

Angela brought glasses with drinks to the couch. She took a seat close to Linda. They were having a drink together. She hugged Linda and she kissed her on the mouth. The girls were naked and very sexy. Their amazing bodies were squeezed close together.

Angela took a sip of her drink and kissed Linda again. Her hands were caressing Linda’s firm breasts.

- Let’s make love … she said. — On the carpet!

- Well … accept Linda. — We’ll do a sixty-nine?

Angela is lying on the floor. Linda lies on her body in the form of sixty-nine. Angela is licking her pussy. Her tongue is deep into her hot cunt. Linda is infused with sweet lust. She is nibbling Angela’s clit. Her tongue touched her tiny jewels attached to the pussy.

- Your tongue’s deep in my cunt … Linda said. — It caresses my hot hole very fine.
— I hope you like it … she replied. — You’ll reach on an orgasm soon!

Linda pulled the dildo out of her bag nearby. It is a big black dick. She stuffed it in Angela’s pussy. Angela felt a vibrator slide into her hole. Fine stimulation overcame her horny body. She licked Linda’s pussy even more.

Linda reached a hot orgasm and she bighted Angela’s thighs. Her nails dumped Angela’s ass that hurt her. She said nothing, nor screamed. Angela was nice imbued with sexual stimulation. Linda is licking her hot pussy. She caressed sexy spheres of her protruding buttocks. Fine orgasm swept through Angela’s hot body and she dug her nails into Linda’s thighs.
Linda stimulated her fine with a dildo. She is licking her pussy lips.
— Pass me the dick … Angela said. — I’ll stimulate your pussy.
— Thank you dear …
— Your pussy’s so hot …?

Linda passed her a black dildo. Soon the cock slipped into her hot pussy. A pleasant excitement warmed her body. She was licking Angela’s hot pussy.

Angela vibrated Linda’s hot hole nicely. She was nibbling her clit and pussy lips. Linda was infused with the beautiful sex drive. Angela is caressing tiny pearls on her pussy lips with her tongue. Pleasant orgasm hit her body and she bore angel thigh.

- Ah … Angela screamed. — Easy my love …
— Okay dear …

After having sex they took a seat on the couch. Angela took the cocaine from a small box on the table and she inhaled it. Linda breathed it from the palm of her hand. They enjoyed cocaine embraced. Soon Angela began to kiss her again.

- I’ve another dildo … Angela said. — Want to try it out?
— Why not …
— It’s a little too big … she added. — But your cunt’s so hot …?

She brought a dildo. Linda watched it in her hand. A pretty big dick can be tied around the body.
— Nice plastic cock … Linda said. — Size’s good …?
— Want to try it out? Asked Angela.
— Sure, honey …

Angela adjusted the vibrator around her body. Linda knelt on the couch in front of her. Angela will screw her in a doggy style. Linda’s ass and pussy are nicely exposed. Angela is touching her hole with her fingers. She touched the jewels on her pussy lips. Plastic dick went into Linda’s hot hole. She was imbued with a fine lust. Cock slid deep into her hole. Angela is caressing her pussy lips and fine clit.

- Does the dildo fuck you right? asked Angela.
— Of course … Linda said. — It’s fucking me really good!
— Is it deep in your cunt? Angela added.
— Yeah … she replied. — It goes deep lot …

Angela lowered her head and kissed her buttocks. Linda was hit with a nice lust. Angela was caressing her clit with her fingers and Linda reached on a fine orgasm. Her moan was very sexy and loud.

- Now you’re going to fuck me … said Angela.
— Of course, my dear …
She pushed her fingers into Angela’s pussy. Fine excitement grabs Angela’s hot body. Linda caressed her pussy lips really nice.

Angela knelt down on the couch. Her sweet pussy was nicely displayed in front of Linda’s eyes. Linda bent her head down and she licked her hot cunt. Angela was imbued with fine stimulation. Linda caressed her pussy with her fingers.

- I wanna that dildo in my pussy … Angela said.
— Sure, honey …
— You’ll fuck me hard? added Angela
— Of course, my dear …

She pushed a dildo into her hot cunt. It slid slowly into her hole because the cock was a bit too thick. Dildo went deep into her pussy. Angela was just screaming. Her sexy butt curled so much. She finally reached on a hot orgasm.
The girls sat down on the couch. Angela hugged Linda’s shoulders and kissed her sweet mouth.


Linda is lying in Michael’s bed. He was sleeping but she was still awake. She wanted to search the house because she could find something interesting for her job.

She stood up. Her body was all naked. The room was dark. Just a little light was breaking through the window. She picked up her bag with her. Small flash light and camera were hidden in it. She crawled through the darkness in the room.

She opened the door a crack. The hallway was dark and quiet. She concluded that everyone is asleep. Now is a good opportunity to search around. She was sneaking down the hall completely naked. In this way she will attract the least attention if she meets someone.

The living room was dark. She had a small pocket lamp in her hand. She searched within the furniture drawers. After a while she found the gun. She picked it up with a handkerchief in her hand. The flash light shining on the gun. She made a photo of it with her little camera.

The manufacturer of the gun could be seen engraved on it. She had read it several times so she could remember. The manufacturer’s name is quite visible.

There had to be fingerprinted at the furniture around her. She lit up some of the cupboards. She soon made a few photos Suddenly the glass collapsed on the floor as she unintentionally touched it. Glass has made a lot of noise in the house.

She heard a voice from one of the bedrooms. Probably someone woke up. Her heart was pounding. She raised the glass from the floor.

The noise of glass woke up Johnny. His powerful body appeared in the darkness of the living room. The light he turned on illuminated Linda’s naked body. Johnny standing in front of her was surprised. His massive body was just as gloomy as her.

- What’re you doing here? He asked.
— I wanna drink coffee … she replied.
She was afraid that he might look into her bag. In the meantime his eyes were staring just over her sexy body. She realized that nudity saved her this time.

Johnny came closer to her and he put his arm around her waist. Her body clenched in his powerful hands. He kissed her mouth warm.
— Ah, Johnny … she said — I like it …

She realized that he wanted to do sex with her. He took her on a nearby couch. She lay on her back and stretched out her legs on his shoulders. His stiff dick broke her tight pussy. Then it slid easily into her wet hole.

Sex with Johnny was enormously difficult as his huge cock pierced her pussy hard. In any case she had to endure it. It was her way of working as a secret agent.
Wonderful lust took hold of her hot body. Soon she reached on a pleasant orgasm. Johnny could hear the groans and screams. He still continued his hard sex.

Linda stopped doing sex. She took his hard cock in her hand. It is a great piece of limb. She was jerking it off very fine.
— Oh, your cock’s so lumpy … she said. — And so fat …?

She measured it with her fingers and showed him the length of his cock.

- Don’t worry, Linda …. he said I’m going to push dick slowly into your pussy …

-Thanks my love…

Johnny is caressing her firm tits. She felt his fingers on her skin. His stiff dick screws her pussy very strongly. Her body was permeated by a fine stimulation while his cock pierced her cunt hard. Her sighs were so sexy and very loudly echoed in the room. His stiff dick fucked her harder and harder. Soon fine orgasm overcame her hot body.

- Can you get down on the couch … he said. — In front of me!
— Yeah, honey …
— I love that pose! He added.

She knelt on the couch in front of him. Her cunt was pretty exposed. She showed him a beautiful pink hole decorated with jewels. Johnny knelt on the floor and licked her sweet pussy.

Linda was imbued with hot sex drive. His tongue was licking her pussy lips and clit. It touched a tiny jewels around her hole. He pushed his tongue into her hot pussy and he licked the inside of the hole.

Her body was possessed with a fine stimulation. Soon the pleasant orgasm overcame her. His tongue was licking her pussy quite nicely. Johnny stood up with his stiff dick. He jerked it off in his hand. His penis head is propped up fine.
— Linda, I’m going to fuck you now … he said. — I’ll get you hard!
— Of course Johnny … she replied. — I like that…

Johnny has set her down on the couch in front of him. He spread her anus with his finger. She already knew what he would do. He will screw her in her ass hole.

For a few moments he swung his finger in her ass and pulled it out. His stiff cock leaned against her asshole. He slightly pushed it inside.

She wondered whether such a huge limb will be able to enter into her anus. She felt a lot of pain even if she was prepared for anal sex with him. However, she could not refuse him.

- Slowly please … she was crying.
His thick cock slowly slipped into her anus. She caressed his balls. Johnny was infused with the passion of sex. He held Linda around her sexy butt. A pleasant orgasm took hold of his body and he ejaculated.
She felt his nails into her skin. His cock pushed her hard. She was screaming loudly. His cum filled her anus while some of it leaked out.
— Well … he screamed. — Fucking was really good …!

Johnny pulled his dick out of her ass. He was licking her anus which was full of his sperm. His tongue is licking her pussy hole nicely. Fine stimulation has invaded her hot body and she reached on a sweet orgasm. Johnny kept her hot tits in his hands.
After sex Johnny sat down beside her on the couch. He embraced her nicely because he was satisfied with her love.

- It was good sex … he said. — My dick pierced your ass so much?
— Yeah my love … she replied. — I’m fine now …

He took the cocaine out of the box on the table. He sprinkled white powder on the hand palm. Soon he took the drug and she took it after him. They remained embraced for a long time, trapped by drugs.
— I wanna to fuck you again! He said. — My dick’ll be stiff soon …

Linda is holding his dick in her hand. The dick raised under her fingers. She knelt on the carpet in front of him. A good piece of cock was in her hand. She licked it and sucked in the mouth. She was nibbling his balls and thighs. Sweet stimulation overcame his body. Finally she took his whole cock in her mouth.

-Good sucking … he said. — You’re so sexy …

Her mouth was shut with his stiff dick. She nibbled on the glans and corona. His body was imbued with pleasant sexual drive.

Linda pulled the dick out of her mouth. It was so stiff and thick.
— I’ll get down on the couch … she said. — Do you want to screw me, so …?
— In a doggy style …?
— Of course … she added. — I like this pose so much!

She knelt on the couch in front of him. All her cunt was beautifully presented and lustful. Johnny was standing behind her sexy ass with his stiff dick in his hand. The look at her pink pussy was incredibly sexy. He jerked off his sturdy dick, watching her blooming hole.

The pink lips of her pussy covered the hot hole. Small diamond gem shone on her clit. Johnny touched her cunt with his fingers and he pushed them into her hole. A pleasant stimulation grabbed her hot body. She felt the cock struggling through her hole. Her sexy butt curled nicely while his stiff dick pierced her pussy. His bulging cock penetrated deep into her hot cunt.
— Fuck me, Johnny … she screamed. — Torture my pussy!
— Of course Linda … he added. — I’m going to fuck you really good.

Johnny had to believe that she is one of them, concluded Linda. She loves Michael, this is the reason that she’s here. Johnny had to accept that she was not his enemy.

His cock slipped deep into her pussy. Her hot body was imbued with intense excitement. This pose of sex was her favorite. Soon fine orgasm overcame her. Her loud screams echoed around the room.

She was twisting her butt to the rhythm of sex. His stiff cock pierced her hard. New pleasant orgasm permeated through her hot body. She was screaming so loud and sexy.

- I fuck you nice … he said. — My dick digs deep into your cunt!
— Don’t ejaculate Johnny … she added. — I’ll suck your cock!

She realized that she could make love to him for hours. In addition, she liked him a lot. He’s such a handsome young man. And his hard dick is so big and strong that it can fill all her pussy.

Johnny is screwing her hard. His dick is moving quickly into her hot hole. He stared at her pussy lips, surrounding his cock. The look at the sex was perfect. Her bulging butt is swinging a lot. Her hot body was imbued with a series of orgasms. Sweet trance overcame her.

Johnny was caught with a fine excitement. He pushed his cock hard in her wet pussy. His hands were holding her around her sexy butt. She concluded, he will quickly reach on an orgasm. She wants to suck his cock and make him happy even more.

- Hold your orgasm Johnny! she said. — I’ll suck your cock …
— Okay … he answered. — Then suck my dick Linda!

Linda took a seat on the couch. He stood in front of her with his stiff dick. Soon she took it in her hand. Huge black cock was in front of her. She kissed the glans.

She is nibbling his balls. Her teeth gnawed his thigh. Johnny was infused with sweet arousal. She pushed his dick into her mouth which slid deep in her throat.

Johnny is imbued with a nice stimulation. His cock slid deep into her throat. Her fingers caressed his balls. Her teeth are biting dick glans and corona.

Sweet orgasm passed through his body. His cum filled her mouth. She pulled out his dick, that had already loosened in her hand. She licked sperm from its head.

- You fucked me really nice … she said. — Your dick was big and tough!
— Thank you Linda … he replied. — You’re really good at sex …!
— I love your dick Johnny …! she added, admiring the big cock in her hand. — I like that in my cunt …
— Yeah, honey …
— Your dick’s really good! she continued.

Once more, she took a look at his dick, which was bulky even though it was loose. Both men were relaxed and cuddled on the couch. Soon Johnny left her. He was tired and wanted to sleep. Linda realized she liked this people. At least she had good sex with them. They were good guys, but on the other hand she took a lot of risk. What if they find out who she is? They could find her camera or something else. She should be very careful.

She went back into the bedroom. Michael was asleep. Opening the door woke him up. Her naked body showed up in the room in the dim light. Michael wants to make love to her. Linda was tired but she could not refuse him. He began to kiss her mouth. His fingers touched her pussy.

She found his cock which was already quite stiff. Penis tensed under her fingers. Michael was stricken with sweet excitement. He wants to make love to her.

- Ah, my sweet love … he said. — You’re a diamond …!
— Thank you honey … she replied. — It’s nice to be in your embrance!

She found his cock that was already pretty stiff. It was built under her fingers. Michael was captured with sweet sexual lust. He wants to make love to her as soon as possible.

He was lying on his back until she was up. His dickis sliding into her pussy. She twirled her backside slowly. His dick was sliding up and down quickly. Her hot body was imbued with pleasant sexual stimulation.

Michael was happy. He was certain that he loves her a lot. She held his shoulders with both hands. He was stroking her bulging tits and nipples. A pleasant orgasm overcame her. She dug her nails into his skin.

- Oh, Michael, my love … she screamed. — I like your cock so much!
She wondered if it was true. Does she really love him or lie? She lit the lamp on the table, and the light lit up on them.

- Why …? He asked.
— I prefer to make love like this … she said. — I like to look at you.
— Well …
— Your face is perfect … she added.

Her hot body is already affected with sweet stimulation. She was sitting on his lap with a stiff dick in her wet pussy. Her firm buttocks is spinning a lot. Michael was imbued with a fine arousal of sex.
— Ah … Linda sighed. — I love you …

Linda was sure that he loves her what was visible in his eyes. His beautiful eyes looked at her face with love. Soon, the sweet orgasm has caught her hot body. She was breathing heavily while she was enjoying orgasm. Her butt was rocking wonderful.

- Screw me, Michael … she screamed. — Tear up my hot pussy …!
— Yeah, dear … he added.

His dick is screwing her really hard. Another strong orgasm overcame her. She thought that Michael would ejaculate soon. He was infused with hot sex drive.

She got down from his body. His stiff dick was in her hand, which she had sucked fine. She realized that Michael was very satisfied with her sex. His hot body was imbued with a fine lust. Her tongue is touching his dick glans. She caresses his buttocks and thighs.

-Oh, oh … fuck me love, she moaned. — Fuck me hard …

Tiny jewels were attached to his balls. She touched them with her fingers. The diamond jewels were nicely glittering that attracted her. Powerful orgasm permeated through his body. He ejaculated very hard and the sperm was spilled over his mouth and face. She licked her lips and swallowed cum.

- It was so good … he said. — Really good suck …
— I enjoyed it … she added. — Baby you’re so happy …?

She lay on the bed next to him, hugged with his hand. The tattoo of the dragon on his back was quite visible. She touched it with her fingers.
— Nice tattoo … ‘she said. — What’s it …?
— Dragon …
— It’s a good job … she added. — Really good …


Linda woke up late in the morning. Michael was in the bed next to her. His naked, muscular body impressed her. His cock is relaxed, but now it’s still pretty big. She noticed that Michael was pretty hairy in the area around the balls.

She got out of bed. A cool shower will refresh sleepily body. She took a look in the mirror. Her hair was combed, but it was completely disgusting. She could feel the sticky hair fibers under her fingers everywhere. She realized that it was dry sperm. Boys ejaculated at her face and her hair last night. She remembered that the sex was great. Johnny fucked her hard. After that, Michael had done it again.

Cold water refreshed her. The shower splashed all over her body for a long time. She wiped herself in front of a mirror. Her neck was covered with fresh bruises. Her friends sucked her everywhere. They were doing all sorts of sex to her.

Linda bowed her head and looked at her pussy. Her thighs were covered with dark marks and bruises. Several bights are visible around her hole. She tried to think of who could make them. Last night was really terrible. Guys fucked her so much, especially Johnny with his long, thick cock. He pushed it in her pussy and ass so much and she still feels pain.

She turned in front of the mirror. Several more bites and bruises were visible around her pussy. She beleived that Angela made them. She pricked her, whenever she reached on an orgasm. Or maybe Johnny, who was licking her hole a lot.

Now it was not the time to think about what happened yesterday. She has to think about her future. She joined a group of gangsters, who are dangerous and very bad people. She must continue with her task.

Linda went to the living room completely naked. She is looking for a cup of coffee. There was still some liquid in the pot that remained since last night. She poured it into a cup.

Coffee was up to her taste. She sat down on the couch. The house was quiet and peaceful. Most likely everyone else is asleep.

Soon Angela walked into the living room. Her happy face appeared in the doorway.
— Hi, Linda … she said.
— Hi …

Angela was completely naked. Linda realized that she is a very pretty girl. Her body was slim and sexy. Her tits are quite big and swollen. She had a nice round sexy ass. Her brown eyes are bright jewels. Her face shows a happy smile almost all the time.

Angela took the coffee and she took a seat near Linda. A few sips of coffee brought her in a good mood. She hugged Linda’s shoulders and kissed her. Her tongue went deep into Linda’s mouth.
— You’re so sexy … Angela said. — I love you so much …
— Thank you … added Linda. — I love you Angela …

Linda is caressing her tits and nipples. She kissed her mouth. Her arm dropped lower and Angela’s wet cunt appeared under her fingers.

The girls were in a lovely embrace of love. The hot temper of sex engulfed their bodies. Angela spread her legs. Linda was touching her pussy. Her fingers slid into Angela’s hot hole. Angela touched Linda’s pussy. Her hole was already wet and hot. Nice feeling of sexual excitement spread through Linda’s body.

- You’re already so hot … said Angela — It must be that you love me …?
— Of course … added Linda. — I love you so much …!
— I love your wet cunt …Angela continued . — Your firm boobs …
— Thank you honey … added Linda. — I appreciate that …

Spark of love has shown in Angela’s eyes. Linda in her arms was her favorite girl friend. Linda was impressed by her. She felt Angela’s love that warmed her.

The girls made sex on the couch in the form of a figure sixty-nine. Angela is lying on her back. Linda is up. She aroused Angela with a vibrator. Plastic, black dick is moving up and down in her hot rose.

At the same time Angela was licking her vagina. She is nibbling her clit and pussy lips. Linda was trapped with sweet stimulation. Angela touched the jewels on her pussy. Linda is pushing the black plastic cock up and down in her cunt. Pleasant orgasm permeated through Angela’s hot body. She felt Angela’s love that warmed her. Linda was imbued with hot sex drive. Angela touches cleft of her buttocks with her tongue. Sweet orgasm caught Linda’s body. Her screaming was really hot. She gently slit Angela’s thighs. Angela was captured with hot arousal of sex. Linda was nibbling on her clit and pussy lips.

- Hello girls … Linda heard Johnny said. — You make love?

- Yeah…
— I wanna join you … he added. — I’ll fuck Linda first …

Linda took a look at him. His dick was a really good piece of meat even though it was brown. She was glad it would soon blow her pussy.

Johnny came close to Linda. His cock was already stiff. He knelt on the carpet behind her buttocks. His tongue is licking her ass hole. He is caressing the round spheres of her sexy butt. Her warm pussy was in front of his nose. His tongue is licking the split of her ass.

- Your pussy is nicely decorated … he said. — So many jewels’re on it?

His tongue touched the tiny jewels on her vagina. He stroked her pussy hair. His tongue reached deep into her hot hole. Fine stimulation captured her horny body. She reached on a pleasant orgasm. Her nails bore Angela’s thighs, which were very close to her.

- Lick my pussy Johnny … she was screaming. — Lick it, a lot …!
— That’s what I do … he replied. — I lick your hot cunt very nice!

At the same time Linda stimulate Angela with a plastic penis. Fine orgasm permeated through Angela’s body. She tapped Lind’s thigh while enjoying sex.

Johnny is caressing Linda’s pussy. He touched the jewels on her cunt.

- My dick’s ready for screwing … he said. — I wanna to screw you, now …!
— Screw me, Johnny … Linda was screaming. — Destroy my pussy …

His stiff dick broke into her hot vagina. Johnny took a look at his penis. A large limb stuck between her pink pussy lips. It is skating up and down slowly in her hole. Her sexy butt is swinging beautifully. Huge black cock pierce her hard. Sweet orgasm caught her body. She cried hard in hot sexual ecstasy.

- Break my cunt, Johnny … she screamed. — Fuck me hard …!

His hard cock is doing up and down in her hot hole. She felt that he would soon come to an orgasm.

- I’ll suck your cock! She said. — I like it, my love…
— Okay … he answered. — You both will suck my cock!

The girls put Johnny to sit between them. Linda is kneeling in front of him. She is nibbling his balls and thighs. Angela caressed her cock very nice and she took it in her mouth. At the same time Linda was licking his cock and balls.
— Nice suck … he said. — You’re both good …

He was imbued with fine stimulation. Angela is nibbling his dick top, and corona. She pushed the cock deep into her throat. Johnny reached on a wonderful orgasm. His cum sprayed over Angela’s mouth and face. She licked jam from the top of his penis.

Linda took a seat close to Angela. She licked the sperm from her face. She kissed her on the mouth.
Michael came into the living room. He was excited about the scene he saw there.
— Hi … he greeted them. — You’re very busy?
Linda stood up and walked toward him. Michael hugged her around the shoulders and kissed her mouth.

- How’s your wound …? She asked.
— Well …

She noticed that he changed the bandage on his shoulder. She realized that Michael looked perfect. His naked body is strong and athletic. His eyes were gray, but warm.

His hands were touching her tits. He kissed her neck while she tapped his cock.

- I wanna make love … said Michael. — Go and kneel on the couch …
— Of course, my dear … she replied. — This is my favorite position …!
Johnny loved Angela on the couch. She stroked his stiff dick.

Linda iss kneeling on the couch. Her beautiful pussy was all exposed and ready for sex. Michael knelt on the floor behind her. He kissed and nibbled her ass. Linda was infused with sweet excitement. He touched her pussy with his fingers. His tongue was licking cleft of her buttocks. He pushed his fingers into her pussy.

Her hot body was covered with hot sex drive. Michael aroused her with his fingers. His tongue is licking her pussy. He is nibbling her clit and pussy lips.

- Fuck me, Michael … she said. — I wanna feel your dick.
— Sure, honey … he replied. — I’ll fuck you soon!
Johnny is screwing Angela on the couch. She took a seat on his lap nicely positioned on his penis. His cock is piercing her hot pussy deep. She screamed easily influenced by sex.

Michael stood up. He is jerking his cock which was already stiff. He touched Linda’s pussy with fingers of the other hand. He was already infused with lovely arousal. He pushed his stiff dick into her hot pussy.

- Fuck me, Michael … Linda moaned. — Tear up my cunt …
— I’m going to fuck you hard, dear … he said. — I’ll fuck you very hard!

Linda curled her ass like a dick screwed her pussy. Her body was imbued with a nice hot stimulation. Her mourning has caused severe sex.

Johnny was heavily screwed Angela as she kneeled on the couch in front of him. His dick slides deep into her pussy hole. Fine orgasm caught her body. Her butt curled nicely to the rhythm of sex.

- Fuck me, Johnny … she screamed. — Fuck my hot cunt …
— My dick fucks you hard … he added. — It’s deep in the pussy!

Michael fucked Lind in the doggy style as she kneeled in front of him on the couch. He holds her in his hands around her hot ass. A pleasant orgasm permeated through her body. She screamed loudly enjoying sex with him.

- Screw me, Michael … she sighed. — Fuck my hungry pussy!
— Of course, my dear! He answered. — I fuck you nice …

His dick done up and down in her hot pussy. He patted her round butt while fucking her. His body was imbued with a strong stimulation.

- Don’t reach on an orgasm …! She sighed. — I’ll suck your dick ….
— It’s good, love … he replied. — Suck my dick nice …

Linda got up and kneeled on the carpet in front of Michael. His hard cock is in her hand. A pleasant stimulation had invaded his body. Linda licked and tossed his dick glans. She jerked off his dick gently with her fingers. He was holding her hair in his hands but gently. Soon she swallowed his stiff dick in her mouth.
She was ready to do anything for Michael. Not just because she was on her task. He is a very handsome guy and a very good lover. She loves him like a man.

His cock went deep into her throat. Besides, he pushed it into her mouth even more. She felt that he would soon reach to an orgasm. Her tongue touched his penis tip. She chewed it well, and he ejaculated in her mouth. Sperm leaked to her lips and face. She licked the jelly of his cock, that was already relaxed in her hand..

- I’ve to go … she said. — I’ve already been here too long …?
— Why … he asked. — You can stay at my house!
— I’ll come back to you soon! She added. — I just want to change my dress …
— Okay, honey … he replied. — See you tonight…

He kissed her. His strong hands squeezed her. He is caressing her beautiful tits again.

Linda went to the bedroom to dress up. Michael took a seat on the couch and took cocaine.

Johnny is screwing Angela on the couch. His stiff cock stimulated her nicely. Her butt is writhing in rhythmus of sex so much.

Linda called a taxi on her mobile phone. She put on her sexiest clothes from last night. It is already a noon time, and she has to go.


The taxi took Linda to her hotel. Soon she found herself back in her room. Now she can relax in solitude and security. Her new friends, gangsters are away. She has to decide on her next steps.

She took a look in the mirror. On her throat could be seen a few brown bruises. She revealed her sexy tits. Both were marked with blue bruises. She noticed the fingernail marks on her shoulders. The skin was lightly scratched. A bit of dried blood could be seen on the wounds.

Night and morning spent in Michael’s house came to her mind. The whole sexual act presented in front of her eyes. She had a lot of sex with her new friends.

Her body is naked. She turned in front of the mirror. There are several large bruises around her pussy and thighs.

She took a better look at her body. Her thighs were sucked all around her pussy. In addition there are a few bites around the hole. A little dried blood was visible on them.

She looked back in the mirror. Her buttocks were marked with large bruises, especially on the ass. Her body was sucked all over. They gnawed and sucked her when reaching on an orgasm. Their nails were sticking to her skin. She could imagine the power of orgasms of her friends. She believed that she had done the same to them.

She gently touched her pussy, which was a bit sore and painful. The pain comes from the hot sex, which she had.

Ass hole was painful. The pain originated from the anal sex she had with Johnny. He pushed his big dick hard into her small ass hole.

She went to the shower. Cold water has long splashed to her body that has completely refreshed her.

She wiped her naked body in front of a mirror. A reflection of her figure was very sexy. She combed her hair fine.

She sat down at a table with a laptop. Peter was waiting for her e-mail. She wrote a few words to him.
Dear Peter
I met two boys, who might be suspects. I spent last night with them.

Waiting for your call.
Spider x

She was reading a book on the couch, but soon she left it. Once again she remembered the time she spent in the house of Michael. Stiff cocks of the two boys came to her mind. She would like to have one of them in her pussy now and the other in the mouth. She would like to make a sandwich pose with Michael and Johnny.

Her hand was under her panties. She stroked her clitoris with her fingers. She concluded that Michel was a sexy young guy. Johnny also, even more beautiful than him. It was so nice to have sex with them, why not.

Her fingers were deep in her pussy. She moved them up and down enjoying the sex. Sweet stimulation permeated throughout her body. She sighed and groaned very sexy, while she reached on an orgasm.

Her cell phone rang. She took it out of the bag.
— Hello … she replied.
— Hello Linda … she heard Peter speaking. — Congratulations!
— Thank you Peter …
— You did a great job! He added.
— I’ve taken fingerprints at Michael’s house! She said.
— Well …

- I made a photo of a gun … she added.
— Well … he said. — Officer Jimmy will visit you soon …
— Yeah …
— You can talk to him … he added.
— Well …

Linda was lying on the couch. She took the book to read. Cell phone rang again.
— Hello … she replied.
— Hello Linda … she heard. — I’m Jimmy …
— Well …

- I have your number from Peter… he added.

- Okay…
— Hi … Jimmy said. — I know about you …

- Yeah…
— I want to see you … he added
— We can meet in the hotel bar … she said. — I’ll wait for you!
— Okay …

Linda wore nice clothes to attract her new associate. Jimmy will come any minute. She wanted to make an impression on him.

She left the room in a good mood. In the hotel bar was quiet. Only a few people were there. She took a seat there and waited for Jimmy.

The waiter gave her a drink she had ordered. She had a whiskey on the rocks thinking that Jimmy might look.

Jimmy came quite quickly. Linda saw him at the door of the bar. He was tall and handsome guy.

Jimmy saw her sitting at the bar. A slight smile showed on his face. He sat down at her table.

- Here is the disk with photos of fingerprints … she said.
— Okay …

- Photographs of the revolver in Michael’s house … she added.
He took the envelope with the disc. She believed that it would lead to a new vision of this difficult case.

- What kind of gun is that? He asked.
— Remington …
— I will develop the photos … he added. — I’ll send them to Peter …

The waiter came with the new drinks. He put the glasses on the table in front of them.
— Do you feel safe to be with gangsters? Asked Jimmy.
— Don’t worry … she added. — I’m used to it …!
— I wish you a good luck! He said.
— Thank you …

They clinked glasses. Soon they were like old friends. She noticed that he was very handsome guy.

- Cheers … he said.
— Cheers …
— Where do you go in the afternoon? He asked.
— On the beach…
— Can I join you…? He added.
— Why not …

Jimmy left her. Linda returned to the hotel room. She tried to call Daniel on a mobile phone.
— Hey, Daniel … she said.
— Hello … he replied. — Who’s that …?
— Linda …

He was silent. She wondered what he was thinking about her now.
— I’m so sorry … she added.
— You bitch … he replied. — Don’t call me anymore …
— But Daniel … she added. — You’ll understand …?

It was no more connection. She realized he had turned off the call. She became sad because she wanted to talk to him and explain everything, but he did not listen, and stopped communicating.

Linda could not imagine Daniel’s swollen face with patches on it. He was most likely hurt but now she must forget him.

She put her cell phone in the bag. She is ready for the beach. The taxi brought her to the sea side. She walked barefoot on the warm sand.

Today, the beach is not crowded as usual. Some swimmers swim very far from the coast. She left a bag on the sand. The day was hot and sunny. She undressed on the hot sand. Her sexy body remained whole naked. Some other people on the beach were also completely naked.

She walked to the sea between the people on the beach. Some young men watched the gaping eye on her sexy body. She soon went into the sea. Sea water was not so cold, but warm as much as it pleased her.

She remained in the sea for a long time. Water is refreshing her body perfectly. She enjoyed swimming along the beach.

After swimming she returned to the warm sand. The sun’s rays were even hotter now. She is sunbathing naked with a book in her hand.

Jimmy came through for some time. Her naked body impressed him very much. He stripped himself completely naked.

He lay down on the sand beside her. Linda noticed that his body was perfect and strong.
— What a beautiful day … he said. — Sun nice glow!
-Today’s very hot … she added. — More than usual.

They went into the sea together. The freshness of the water was pleasant. They swam for a long time next to the beach.
— The water’s really clear here … Jimmy said. — So fresh …
— Sure …
— Sea surface’s very blue today … she added.

Sea water refreshed their bodies. Linda realized that she loved Jimmy. This discovery has aroused her. Jimmy attracted her very much.

After the bath they were lying on the sand for a long time. Jimmy was close to her. His hand touched her skin.
— You’re so attractive girl! He said.
— Thank you …
— Are you afraid of the gangsters …? He asked.
— No …
— Are you in love with Michael …? He added.
— It’s a professional relationship…

She realized she had cheated him. Her thoughts were so taken with Michael all the time. She realized that she loved him in a way.
Jimmy took her hand and kissed her on the mouth.
— You’re beautiful … he said. — I cann’t control myself?
— I like it…

They walked to a secluded part of the beach. The place they found was completely hidden with trees and shrubs. Some other couples were kissing or having sex in the vicinity.

She wants to make love to him. Jimmy is so handsome and strong young man.
They lay naked on the grass in a warm embrace. Jimmy is kissing her mouth. He was caressing her sexy tits. She was infused with sweet excitement so much.

She found his cock. Soon it was stiff in her hand as he caressed her. She wants the dick in her cunt soon.

- Jimmy, I love you … she said. — I wanna have sex as soon as possible.

Jimmy has already been initiated. His cock was hard and swelled. Linda realized that his dick was good size, who would soon screw her. It will go deep into her hot pussy.

Jimmy was lying on the sand on his back as she was above. His dick is already pretty stiff and ready for sex. She shoved it into her pussy. The cock slid slowly into her hot hole.

She was very pleased. Jimmy is below. His gorgeous eyes look at her and his penis pushes her.

- Fuck me, Jimmy … she said. — Fuck me for a long time …!

- Sure, honey …

- Screw me deeply, my love … she added. — My pussy is hot …!

Soon he pushed the whole dick into her hole that broke her. Her butt is swinging beautifully in rhythmus of sex. Jimmy is holding her gently on her tits.

She was trapped with hot excitement of sex. Sweet orgasm permeated through her body. Her sighs were loud and very sexy. Her nails were digging into his shoulders.

- Very good, Jimmy … she said. — Keep your orgasm …!

- Why …

- Don’t ejaculate … she added. — I wanna screw more …

A pleasant orgasm grabbed her body. Her screaming was really hot and erotic. His so stiff dick screws her cunt.

- You fuck me nicely … she said. — Your penis goes deep indeed …!

- Thanks love…

- My pussy is so stimulated … she added. — It’s so humid and hot!

He touched her vagina and felt the slime under the fingers. Her cunt moistened all over her thighs.

- You’re so horny … he said. — You’ve got so hot pussy …?

Another sweet orgasm permeated through her body. She dug her nails into his shoulders. Strong ecstasy overcame her. She groaned very sexy while his cock screwed her.

They make the figure of sixty-nine on the sand. She licked his balls. Her fingers caressed his buttocks. His body was permeated by a pleasant stimulation. His dick was in her hand, which she caressed easily.

She took the dildo out of the bag and forwarded it to Jimmy. He stimulated her with the plastic penis. The dildo has reached deep in her hole.

- Lick my balls Linda! He said. — I like it very much…

- I’m licking it nicely … she added. — Your balls’re so sexy!

He nibbled her thighs easily. He licked the splint from her ass while she was penetrated by a beautiful sex drive. He pushed his tongue into her ass hole. Another nice orgasm overcame her. She bitten in his thigh, and a little blood appeared on her skin beneath her teeth. — Blow my dick,

- Linda … he said. — I’m so horny …!

- You’ll ejaculate soon … she added. — I’ll take your cock in my mouth …

- Okay, honey … he sighed. — I cannot wait any more?

She pushed his dick in her mouth. Her tongue caressed his glans, while her teeth trickled at it. Jimi is licking her pussy. His tongue pierced her hot hole. He slipped his finger into her ass hole and did a soft massage of it.

- Your ass is so sweet … he said. — It is surrounded by beautiful tattoo of violets?

- Lick my ass, Jimmy …! She added. — I love it …

Linda changed her place. She let Jimmy to lie down on the sand. They make a figure of sixty-nine. She is leaning on him with her tits around his stiff dick.

Her soft tits caressed his penis. Her fingers are touching his nuts. His body was infused with fresh incentives. He loves this kind of sex that much. His dick was in her mouth, which was a nice stiff and thick. She sucks it while her teeth squeeze the glans and crown of the dick.

Jimmy reached on an orgasm. His cum filled her mouth and sprayed over her face. Finally the dick remained wrapped with her hair.

Linda cleaned her face with her fingers and pushed them into her mouth. The taste of sperm excited her because it belongs to Jimmy whom she loves. His eyes were fixed on her all the time. She is doing something unusual for him.

-Your cum’s so tasty … she said. — It’s a little sour …?

- Really …

- I like that … she added. — Especially if it belongs to someone like you?

They remained sitting on the sand. The day was warm and beautiful. Their love is breaking out. She enjoyed the company of this handsome young man His kisses are beautiful and having sex with him is awesome.

It was already evening when Jimmy took her to the hotel. He stopped the car in front of the door.

- Do you want to come with me …? She asked. — To my room …

- Why not …

She introduced him to the hotel room. He sat on the couch. She brought the coffee that he liked.

Jimmy hugged her in his arms and kissed her mouth warm. His hands were caressing her bulging tits. She took her shirt off. Her sexy tits, beautiful round balls, were now naked. He kissed them a lot.

Jimmy was already horny with sweet stimulation. He wants to make sex here on the couch. He was nibbling her nice tits while his tongue touches the jewel attached to one of her nipples.

- I wanna screw you … he said. — Here …

- Why not … she agreed. — I wanna good sex with you again!

They were already true lovers. Sparks of love revealed in their eyes. Now their bodies are in a firm embrace. She took off her cloth. Her sexy body on the couch were all naked. His hands are caressing her hot skin.

His dick, which was in her hand, was jerked up. Jimmy kissed her mouth. His hands were touching her body all over.

Jimmy is lying on the couch. His cock was already well stiff. His head was wedged between her thighs. Her horny cunt was in his mouth and he licked it.

His tongue was scored in her hot pussy. He caressed her buttocks. Nice stimulation permeated throughout her body.

- You lick my pussy fine! She said. — Chew on my clit a little!

- Of course dear …

He did so. He is nibbling her clit and pussy lips. Her hot body was imbued with fine stimulation. He caressed her butt with his fingers.

Fine excitement trapped her body. His dick was again in her pussy. He is licking her hot hole nicely. Sweet orgasm permeated her. Her loud sighing was very sexy.

Linda moved her body and made a figure of sixty-nine with Jimmy. Now she sucked his cock that was already stiff in her mouth. His dick will screw her pussy soon.

Jimmy is licking her pussy and ass hole. His tongue touches the cleft of her buttocks. She is already very hot. Another pleasant orgasm overcame her body.

Linda pulled the dick out of her mouth. She admired it for a while. The penis was pretty stiff and thick.

- I wanna you to fuck me, Jimmy … she said. — Fuck me hard and long!

- Of course, Linda … he added. — My dick is so stiff now!

She settled on his body while he was lying on his back. His cock slipped easily into her wet pussy. She held Jimmy’s shoulders as he kissed her mouth.

Their love escalated and mixed with beautiful sex. Linda was sure that Jimmy likes her a lot. His cock was deep in her hot pussy. Her round butt was swinging in the rhythmus of sex while his dick made up and down very quickly. Her hot body was infused with sweet excitement.

- Your dick screws me nicely … she sighed. — It goes deep into my cunt?

- Of course, my dear … he added. — I’ll screw you so much …!

Her sexy butt is spinning more. Sweet orgasm overcame her. Her screaming and sobbing was loud and hysterical. Jimmy stroked sexy ball of her buttocks. He kissed her tits while her tongue was licking her nipples.

Sweet excitement permeated throughout her body. Now they had the climax of love and sex. Their bodies were completely squeezed next to each other. Her sighs were loud and so hot. Her nails pierced his shoulder. Strong trance grabbed her body.

- Fuck me, Jimmy … she stammered only. — Harass my pussy …

- Yeah honey…

- Your dick screws me lovely … she sighed. — It goes deep into my cunt?

- Of course, my dear … he added. — I’ll screw you so much …!

Her sexy butt curled up even more now. Sweet orgasm overcame her. Her screaming and sobbing was loud and hysterical. Jimmy was stroking sexy balls of her buttocks while he kissed her tits. His tongue was licking her nipples.

Sweet excitement permeated throughout her body. Now they were at the peak of love and sex. Their bodies were very tight to each other. Her sighs were so loud and sexy while her nails pricked his shoulders. Strong trance grabbed her horny body.

- Fuck me, Jimmy … she stammered only. — Harass my pussy …

He tried to keep his orgasm because he wanted to fuck her a lot. Her sexy butt swinging nicely while his cock is doing up and down in her pussy so much.

Finally she came down and knelt on the floor in front of Jimmy.

- I wanna suck your cock darling … she sighed. — I wanna it in my mouth now.

He took a seat on the couch in front of her. She fondles his balls and thighs while her mouth sucked his dick. He then pushed it into her mouth that went deep into her throat. Jimmy held her hair gently.

She felt that Jimmy was tuned to the warm stimulation. Her tongue was licking his dick’s glans and the corona while her fingers caressed his nuts. The hot orgasm took his body and soon he ejaculated.

His dick is in her hand. It splashed the sperm over her tits, which she really liked. It is a wonderful jelly of her lover.

She licked the tip of his penis and tasted his sperm she felt in her mouth.

- Your tits’re so hot … he said. — With sperm on them?

- I like the jelly baby … she said. — My tits’re really sexy with that?

She smeared the sperm over her tits. He hugged her with both hands.

- I’ll not wash tits for sometimes … she said. — Sperm will remind me of you!

- Thank you Linda … he said. — I like that!

They were left lying on the carpet in each other’s arms. She was pretty relaxed in his warm embrace. Those two were so nice couple.


Michael’s house was in darkness. One civilian car is parked on the road near it. Two police officers were sitting there in civilian clothes. Fred was on the wheel and his fellow Luka on the seat beside him.

- He’ll come out soon … Luke said. — It’s getting late …?

- Of course … Fred added. — He’s going to meet his friends.

Michael left the house and sat in the car. The officers saw the car leaving. They began to follow it on the road.

- We’ve to be a good distance to it … Luke said. — All the time?

- Of course … added Fred … — He’s not supposed to notice us!

Michael was driving fast. Police officers are behind him. They were trying to stay away from his car all the time.

- Where’s he going? Luke said.

- In the disco … added Fred. — Probably …?

- It’is ten p.m. … continued Luke. — The right time for nightlife!

Michael stopped in the parking lot of the “Violet Sound”. He got out of the car. The policemen stopped the car at the same parking lot but away from him.

Linda was in the “Violet Sound”. Her clothing is transparent and sexy. Her sexy tits were pretty prominent as she was sitting in a bar with a drink in front of her. Soon Michael joined her.

- How’s your wound today? She asked. — You look much better.

- Well … he replied. — I bandaged it!

- And your face … she looked at him. — It is nice again …

- Yeah, honey …

- This place is better than “Pink Love” … she added. — Music is good …?

- We cannot go there anymore? He said. — After the fight there …

One young man and a girl joined them at the bar. Michael introduced them to Linda. The name of the young man is Willy and his girlfriend is Mary The couple took a seat at the bar next to them.

Michael took Linda to dance. He kissed her while she was in her arms. He felt her lips on his one. His tongue was getting deep into her mouth. She was pressed against his strong body. Her sexy tits covered with light silk were touching his chest. His body was imbued with a pleasant lust as he kissed her so much.

- I love you, Linda … he said. — So much…

- I love you Michael … she added. — You’re so sexy …!

Willy and Mary were dancing near them. He kissed her. The couple was squeezed into a warm embrace.

Johnny and Angela entered the “Violet Sound”. They took a seat at the bar near them. Johnny’s face was still swollen with injuries on it.

Linda danced with Michael. He kissed her neck while holding her squeezed in his hands. Her firm breasts were pressed against his chest. The music is slow and romantic. He kissed her mouth, while she was pervaded with sweet lust. His hands were caressing her back.

- Your tits’re very hot? He said. — They touch me nicely …

- Yeah, honey …

She clutched tightly to his body. Michael was a good partner in sex. She felt elated in his hands. His strong body attracted her a lot.

They come back to the bar. Johnny and Angela were already sitting there. Linda realized that Angela was extremely attractive woman. She looked more beautiful than on the day when she met her.

- “Violet Sound” is good … said Angela. — The atmosphere is friendly here?

- I like it here … added Linda — Especially music …

Rounds of drinks are coming to the bar. They are all drinking whiskey.

- Do you wanna come to my house … said Willy. — All of you …

- Why not …? Johnny accepted.

- Let’s finish the drinks … Michael added. — It’s very happy here …

Mary came to Linde and grabbed her by the hand

- Let’s dance …! she said.

- Okay … accepted Linda. — Music’s good …?

Linda realized that Marry is a nice looking girl. She is blondish and slender. In addition she is very sexy with good tits.

They walked onto the dance floor. Marry hugged her gently. Linda felt her hands on her shoulders. Marry is kissing her. Her tongue went deep into Linda’s mouth. Her tits are touching her. A pleasant lust permeated through Linda’s body. She realized that Mary is very hot girl. She clutched her tightly to the body.

The girls were dancing to slow music. Linda felt Mary’s lips on her neck. Finally, Mary took her hand and led her into the corner of the discotheque. They took a seat on the couch. Linda found herself in her arms. Mary unbuttoned her blouse and her sexy rounded boobs were completely naked.

- You’re very beautiful … said Mary. — Especially your boobs!

- You’re so sexy …

- I like you … said Mary. — Very much…!

Linda felt Mary’s hand under her mini skirt. Her toes gently touch her thighs. Mary caressed her pussy hair and kissed her so much. Linda was affected with sweet stimulation. She loved Mary in some way. Blonde, sexy girl is holding her in an embrace of love.

Linda spread her legs a little more. Her cunt was completely naked as she was without a panties. Mary’s fingers were digging into her hole. She caressed her hot pussy nicely.

Linda showed her beautiful tits. Sexy, round balls are now naked in front of the girl’s eyes. Linda realized that Mary’s breasts are very sexy. She caressed them a lot. Sweet orgasm grabbed her hot body. Her sighs were very sweet. Mary’s pussy is under her fingers. She was not wearing any panties.

- Linda, I love you … said Mary. — I want to lick your pussy …

- Thanks…

It was high time to leave the discotheque, because midnight had already passed. They will make a nice party in Willy’s house.

Michael was driving while Linda was sitting beside him. The others were driving in front or behind them.

- How was your day? He asked.

- I was on the beach … she added.

- Alone …?

- Of course.

Fred was driving behind Michael’s car. Luke was sitting next to him. They were far enough away, so Michael could not notice them.

- They’re nice guys …? Luke said. — Six of them …

- Of course…

All cars parked in front of Willy’s house. The whole group entered the house together.

Fred was able to park the car further away from the house. Criminals will not be able to see it.

Luke stayed in the car while Fred went to explore a little around the house. He crept through the garden. The dog, which was attached to the chain saw him. The angry animal was barking a lot but could not reach Luke. Those in the house did not pay attention to the noise created by the dog.

He reached the window of the illuminated room and looked inside. The living room is full. Michel and Linda dance He hugged her in his strong hands and kissed a lot. Fred realized that her bare breasts are so sexy. Her ass was fine featured.

They took a seat on the couch and armchairs. Willy was standing in the bar, pouring drinks for them.

Fred stayed at the window watching them. The dog stopped barking. The garden was quiet now.

The company in the living room was cheerful. Linda was clutched in Michael’s hands while dancing with slow music. Her blouse was completely unbuttoned. She could feel his fingers on her bare tits. His lips touched her neck. Sweet excitement overcame her hot body.

- Oh, baby … she said. — Touch my nipples …

- They’re beautiful … he added. — Your nipples’re so prominent?

- Thank you dear…

Willy and Mary sat down on the couch. Willy spilled some coke powder on hand palm. He brought his hand under the nose of Mary. She was the first to breathe. Then he took drugs.

Johnny was sitting on the couch with Angela on his knees. He kissed her tits. Her blouse was unbuttoned and her sexy breasts were beautifully presented.

Michael took Linda to the couch. He kissed her mouth as he caressed her tight boobs. Nice excitement permeated throughout her body. She took off her blouse and her breasts appeared naked and visible to everyone. Her body is incredibly sexy. She is imbued with the sweetness of a hot sex drive.

- Michael, caress my tits … she said. — That’s very excited!

He thrust his tongue deeply into her mouth. Her mini skirt pulled up and her naked pussy showed up between her thighs. She helped him to unbutton his pants. His cock was already up and she took it in her hand.

Penis grew under her fingers. Michael kissed her a lot. His fingers were petting her pussy nice.

Linda pushed the cock slowly into her hot pussy. Soon it began to do up and down in her wet cunt. Her sexy ass is swinging a lot.

- Oh, Michael … she sighed. — Your dick screws me nice!

- Of course, my dear … he replied. — I’m going to screw you hard!

He held her around the waist. Nice stimulation was spilling through her hot body. Her sobbing was temperamental. Sweet orgasm soon overcame her.

Officer Fred was watching them through the window. He could not believe his eyes. The company in the room makes a nice orgy.

Johnny is doing sex with Angela. She is sitting reversed on his lap. He holds her around her sexy butt while his dick screwed her pussy hard. Her hot body is imbued with a pleasant stimulation. Her sighs are very hot. His fingers are touching her sexy tits.

- Screw me, Johnny … she screamed. — Break up my horny pussy!

- I screw you, nice … he added. — Your pussy is so hot!

Johnny makes sex with Angela. She is placed in the arms of her inverted body. He holds her around her sexy butt while his dick screw her pussy hard . Her hot body is imbued with a pleasant stimulation. Her sexy sighs echoed in the room. His fingers are touching her sexy tits.

- Screw me, Johnny … she screamed. — Break up my hot pussy!

- I screw you nice … he added. — Your pussy is so hot!

Willy is doing sex with Mary on the couch. She kneels in front of him. Her sexy butt and pussy are nicely exposed to his eyes. Willy pushed his cock while Mary was captured with a pleasant excitement. Sweet orgasm permeated through her hot body. She felt a strong effect of having sex with Willy.

- Fuck me hard, Willy — she screamed. — Torture my pussy!

- I screw you so hard … he added. — Your cunt is really hot …

Linda undressed her mini skirt. Now she was left completely naked. Her amazing, sexy body has shown in front of everyone. Some of them have opened their eyes watching her.

She kneeled in front of Michaels and giggled his balls and thighs fine. His dick was stiff in her hand and she took it in her mouth. His stiff dude pushed deep into her throat while her fingers caressed his nuts.

Michael could feel her tongue on top of his dick. Her fingers were touching his balls. Beautiful stimulation held his body while he held her firmly on her shoulders.

- Don’t ejaculate, Michael … she said. — You need to screw me so much more!

- All right, darling … he added. — I’ll extend my orgasm!

Linda was kneeling on the couch while Michael was behind her. He screws her in a doggy style. His cock is sliding into her cunt in front of his eyes. He enjoyed hot sex with her while his cock penetrated through the beautiful pink pussy lips. Tiny gold jewelry shine on her vagina.

Linda was hit by a hot sex drive while his tight and stiff dick broke her pussy. His fingers touched her clitoris. He stroked her cunt lips during sex. Beautiful excitement overcame her. Soon she reached on a warm orgasm. Her screaming was very temperamental and loud. Michael screwed her really hard and long.

- Michael, scew me … she moaned. — Screw my hot pussy …
— Your pussy’s so greedy … he added. — It was nice decorated with gold!
— Thank you, baby …

Her bulging butt was spun in front of him so much. His hard cock is nice sliding in it.
Michael dipped his finger in the mouth. He pushed it on easily in her ass hole. Linda already knew what he wanted to do. He will do anal sex with her.
— Do it easy, Michael … she screamed. — This will hurt me …
— I’ll do it easy, Linda … he added. — My dick’ll screw you easy?

As Linda had sex with Michael, she looked at the window. At that moment it seemed to her that someone was on the other side of the glass. She had been looking long over there. There was indeed someone there, she realized. She immediately concluded that it could be a cop. She wondered how he could be so careless.

Fred noticed that Linda kept her eyes on the window for a little longer. He soon realized that she noticed him. What if someone else from the company spotted him. He soon moved and hid behind a wall. He was convinced that she would not betray him to her friends.

Soon he crept through the garden toward the fence. He heard the barking of a dog behind him. The animal had noticed him moving in the bushes. The group in the house remained calm and busy with sex. They continued to do a nice orgy in the living room.

Fred came to the car. The officer Luke was sitting behind the wheel listening to music on the radio.

- Hi Fred … Luke saw him open the door.

- What’s happening…? Luke asked.

- They make an orgy … said Fred. — Really nice orgy …!

- Go and watch them … Luke added.

- No … he answered. — I’d rather take a nap a little?

- Okay … Luke said. — You can take a nap … I’ll be watching them …

Luke opened the car door and he crept through the garden. The dog was behind him, but he did not mind. He knew that the animal was firmly tied to the chain.

Finally he arrived at the living room window. His eyes go wide open and his heart starts beating. In the living room orgy was going on. Johnny and Willy changed partners. Johnny was with Mary now. She was kneeling in front of him on the carpet and she was licking his balls.

Mary moved to the couch, and she knelt in front of Johnny. His huge cock will soon screw her in a doggy style. She loved that pose very much.

Johnny was standing behind her sexy butt. He slowly pushed his cock in her pussy. His view on sex was perfect. His black cock is piercing her pink pussy lips. Mary was hit by a sweet stimulus while his stiff cock screwed her hot pussy. He touched her clitoris and boobs with his fingers. A powerful orgasm has penetrated through her body.

- Oh Johnny, push your stiff dick … she screamed. — Push it hard …

- Yeah, my dear … he replied. — I’m pushing my dick very hard!

Linda realized that Mary is a good fucker. She could see Mary having sex with Johnny. She was very sexy and hot girl.

She did sex with Michael. Her hot body is imbued with a fine excitement. His dick is moving up and down in her pussy very fast. Her sexy butt swaying to the rhythm of hot sex.

Michael wants to do anal sex to her. He replaced his cock in her ass hole. His dickhead hurt her because it broke her anus.

- My cock is screwing your ass fine… he said.

- Oh … Oh … she sobbed.

She could not answer, as his cock pushed her hard. It reached deep into her ass hole. Michael was infused with a nice stimulation. He loved this kind of sex.

Linda moved. She knelt on the floor in front of him. His stiff dick is in front of her eyes. She wanted to make him a sweet oral sex. She smacked his thighs and nuts.

Michael was happy He loved Linda very much because she was his amazing sexy girlfriend. She wants to suck his cock. He soon pushed it into her mouth. His dick reached deep into her throat. A nice, warm feeling permeates through his body. His cock is in her mouth. He is caressing her hair fine.

Linda is licking his dick. She chewed on its top and corona. His dick is so stiff and thick.

- You suck well, Linda … he said. — Really good!

She could not answer because the dick closed her whole mouth. It reached deep into her throat. She felt that Michael would soon reach on an orgasm.

Michael felt her tongue touching his penis glans. Her teeth are nibbling it. His hot body was infused with the sweet stimulation. Soon he ejaculated. His cum filled her entire mouth and spat on her face and eyes. She is licking her lips. Then she swallowed the jelly.

- Thanks Linda … he said. — It was really good!

- I like you, Michael … she added. — Sex with you is pleasant!

- I know that … he said. — Your pussy is so hot!

They rested on the couch after sex. She was nice hugging in his arms. She realized that she likes him so much.

Luke, who was behind the window in the living room, no longer wanted to watch the orgy. He decided to leave. As he walked into the garden, the dog felt it. The animal is barking after him. Fortunately no one in the living room did make any response.

Soon he reached into the car. Fred slept in it. Luke had tried to wake him up. Finally Fred opened his eyes.

- Fred … he said. — Go and watch them …

- What …

- It’s your turn now … added Luke. — They can do something bad to Linda?

- She likes screw … he replied. — She’s one of them?

- Alright…

- Anyway … Fred added. — I’ll go there …

Fred crept towards the house. Luke heard after a while, how the dog was barking. Fred was already in the garden he realized

Fred stopped in the garden for a while. He waited until the dog calms down. A dog barks stopped after a short time. Fred continued to move between bushes.

The dog was barking again. The animal pulled off the chain, but nobody in the house paid attention. Finally Fred arrived in front of the illuminated window of the house. He peered through it. Beautiful orgy was going on in the living room.

Linda sat on the couch in Michael’s arms. Mary came to her. She took her by the hand.

- Come with me my love … she said. — You’ll like my style …

- Of course …

Mary hugged her around the waist. She took her to another sofa where she sat. Linda took a seat in her lap. Mary kissed her on the mouth. She stroked her beautiful tits. Her fingers are petting her hot pussy.

Linda loves her so much Mary is a sexy blonde.. Her tits are round and tense. Her tongue went deep into Linda’s mouth. Linda is affected with a pleasant excitement. She caressed Mary’s tits that were sexy and soft. She chewed on her nipples.

- I love you, Linda … said Mary. — I watched you screw with Michael?

- Alright…

- It turned me on, a lot… she added. — You’re a beautifull, hot cunt!

Fred peered through the window. He was so amazed with the party in the living room. They are screwing each other so much.

Angela seats in Michael’s lap. She kissed him on the mouth.

- Your dick will stiffen quickly … she said. — In my fingers …

- It’s already stiff … he added. — I’ll fuck you soon!

He held her naked body in his arms. His hands were caressing her sexy tits. Her tongue was deep in his mouth. His body is permeated with beautiful stimulation. The dick was growing under her fingers. Soon it slid into her hot cunt. Her sexy butt rolled nicely. His cock was doing up and down very fast in her hot pussy. Hot excitement overcame her.

Willy and Johnny were still sitting on the couch. The young men were both naked. Willy sprinkled a bit of cocaine in his hand. He brought drug under Johnny’s nose to take it.

- Yeah, good stuff … he said.

Willy took it afterwards. He enjoyed drugs relaxed on the couch. Johnny hugged him. He kissed his mouth what Willy loved. Two of them were good homosexual couple as long. Johnny found his cock and stroked it. Willy kissed him really hot.

Willy was imbued with a pleasant sex. He caressed Johnny’s cock, which grew under his fingers.

Willy bowed his head down. He sucked Johnny’s cock and stroked his balls. Fine stimulation is seeping through Johnny’s body. Willy licked his nuts. His fingers caressed the cleft of his ass.

- Take my balls fine! He said. — I like it…!

- I’m going to suck your dick … added Willy. — Deep in my throat …?

He took Johnny’s cock in his mouth. It was built under his tongue. He sucked it and touched his balls with his fingers.

Hot excitement caught Johnny’s body. His stiff cock was doing up and down in Willy’s mouth. He was holding him with both hands around his shoulders. Willy can feel the nails pricking his skin. Sweet orgasm penetrated through Johnny’s body. His sigh was very temperamental.

- You suck well … he panted. — You’re a really deep throat Willy!

Willy could not answer. Johnny’s cock clogged his mouth. His sperm spilled on Willy’s lips and face. Willy was cleaning the face with his fingers. Then he swallowed sperm.

Linda was lying on the floor mat on her back. Mary is up. They made up the figure of sixty nine. Mary is licking her pussy. Nice excitement engulfed Linda’s horny body. Mary is nibbling her clit nice. She pushed her tongue deep into her hot pussy.

- Honey … said Linda. — Your tongue really satisfies me!

- Okay dear …

- It’s caressing my hole nice! She added. — Deep in the cunt …

Linda stimulate Mary with a vibrator. It’s a big black dick that slides deep into her hot pussy. She is licking Mary’s pussy lips and chew on her clit. Her fingers caressed her sexy butt.

- Honey, push that dick hard … screamed Mary. — I’m going to reach on an orgasm!

- My dick’s deep in your pussy! Linda added. — I’m licking your pussy lips!

- Nice … said Mary. — I can feel it …

Mary has reached on an orgasm first. She screamed loudly wrapped up with a strong sexual impulses. Linda’s hot body was in her arms. Mary was biting her thighs very much. Linda sighed a lot. Nice orgasm permeated through her body. Finally she felt pretty relaxed.

- Well, Mary … she said. — Your tongue stimulates me a lot?

Mary moved and knelt around Linda’s head. Linda touched her pussy and dragged her fingers in it. Pleasant excitement flowed through Mary’s body. Linda is turning her fingers in Mary’s pussy.

Linda soaked finger of the other hand. She shoved it in Mary’s ass hole. Mary was imbued with a hot sex. Linda has done massage to her ass hole. At the same time she was petting her pussy. Nice lust grabs Mary’s hot body. Immediately she reached on a sweet orgasm.

Mary screamed loudly as she bitten Linda’s thighs. Severe pain gripped Linda. A little blood appeared on the bight on her tight.

- Stop Mary … she screeched. — It hurts …

- I’m sorry honey … replied Mary. — I cann’t control …

Mary stopped biting her thighs. Linda was feeling a little better now. Mary found her hot pussy and licked it again.

Fred did not want to stay in front of the window any more. He realized that Linda has done a good job in the living room. She can endure this group alone without his help. Fred felt so tired and excited. He wants to get back in the car.

The dog was barking behind him a lot. Fred is moving through the bushes in the garden. The company is in the house remained silent. They are so busy with their hot orgy. Nobody pays attention to the dog barking.

Angela took a seat in Michael’s lap. They had a really hot sex. His cock screw her deep in the pussy. Cute stimulation was pervaded through her horny body. Her screams were very hot and sexy. Powerful orgasm caught her body. She kissed him very much.

- Honey … she screamed. — I love you …

Angela got up and kneeled in front of Michael. She licked his balls. Her fingers are caressing his thighs. Fine stimulation overcame him. His stiff dick was in her hand. She is licking its tip. Soon his cock filled his mouth and slipped deep into her throat.

- Suck my dick, Angela … he said. — Make it nice for me …

She just looked at him. His cock was deep in her throat. Her fingers are caressing his balls. Nice stimulation is affecting his hot body. He felt her fingers on his nuts. Her tongue caressed his penis top. Pleasant orgasm permeated through his horny body. He ejaculated in her mouth. His sperm spat on her face and hair.

Angela is licking her sexy lips. Michael was relaxed next to her. She was cleaning her face with her fingers. At the end she swallowed all the sperm.

- Your cum makes me feel sexy! She said. — I like to feel it in my mouth …!

- Thank you Angela … he added. — You suck really good …?

Michael took a seat on the couch. Soon he found himself in Johnny’s hands. Johnny kissed him on the mouth. A beautiful lust spread through Michael’s body. Johnny was touching his penis. He was caressing his nuts. Michael took Johnny’s dick, who quickly got up in his hand. Fine stimulation caught Johnny’s hot body.

- I’ll suck your cock … he said. — It’s already stiff …?

- Thank you dear…

Michael is caressing Johnny’s body. Johnny lowered his head. He sucked Michael’s cock. His teeth are nibbling his balls. Michael was infused with the sweet stimulation. His dick is so stif and attractive. Johnny stroked his balls nicely.

Michael was caught with a nice sexual drive. Johnny pushed his dick into his mouth. He sucked it nice. His teeth are nibbling the glans and corona.

- You look so sexy with a dick in your mouth! Said Michael.

- Yeah honey…

- My dick perfectly fits your mouth? Added Michael.

Johnny could not answer. Michael’s cock filled his entire mouth. It went deep in his throat. Sweet lust overcame Michael’s hot body. He feels Johnny’s fingers on his balls. His tongue touches the tip of his cock, while his teeth easily bite it. Hot orgasm defeated Michael. His cum sprayed over Johnny’s mouth and face. Johnny licked it very sweet. He swallowed the sperm with relish.

- It was really good … said Willy, sitting with them on the couch.

- Your sex is great! He added.

Linda is doing sex with Mary on the floor carpet. The girls lick each — other pussies. Linda can feel Mary’s tongue deep in her hole. It is moving and caressing her hot cunt.

Strong agitation took Linda’s body. Her hot scream resounded through the room. Mary scratched her thighs while she was enjoying sex. Her scolding pained Linda, but she did not refuse her. She pushed her tongue deep into Mary’s pussy. She stroked nicely her clitoris with her fingers.

Beautiful stimulation ran through Mary’s body. She reached on a hot orgasm. Linda’s tongue still caresses her hot hole. Mary is screaming loudly. She bitten Linda’s pussy, which seriously hurt her.

- Honey …. she sighed. — You’re so good at sex …

Johnny sat on the floor next to the girls. They were seized with a nice stimulation. He wants to join them in a sex party. He caressed Mary’s sexy boobs she liked. He was kissing her buttocks. Mary was affected by hot excitement. Her scream was so temperamental. Sweet orgasm caught her lustful body.

- Ah … she sighed. — It’s so good …

Linda shook Johnny’s dick. It was stiff under her fingers. He found her pussy. His fingers slid into her hole. Nice excitement passed through her body. He knelt behind her. His stiff cock slid into her hot pussy. Her sigh was so hot and loud. Johnny was pushing on his cock more and more. That went deep in her pussy.

- Oh … said Linda. — Your cock’s so swollen …?

- Okay, honey …

- And so sturdy … she added. — It screws me hard…!

Linda felt his cock deep in her pussy. In same time Mary is licking her clit and Johnny’s dick. She is stroking her hot tits and nipples. Her body is permeated with beautiful stimulation. A hot orgasm overcame her. Her screaming is so hot and hysterical.

Linda protested. Mary had stopped biting her pussy. Her tongue was again licking her hot hole.

- Your pussy’s so sweet … she said. — Like melon …?

Johnny is screwing Mary now. His stiff cock moves very fast in her hot hole. She is caressing his balls. Series of sweet orgasms captured her hot body. Her sighs are hysterical and very hot. Her fingernails hurt Linda’s shoulder a little.

- Honey, screw me a lot … said Mary. — Tear my hot pussy …

- Sure honey …

- Fuck me deeply … she added. — Your cock’s so stiff …

All the others gathered around them. Their sexual virtue is at its peak.. Mary is affected with sweet ecstasy. The series of hot orgasms took her body. Her screaming and gasping is very loud.

Willy and Michael took Angela with them. They want to make a sandwich sex with her. Willy is lying on the couch. Angela knees between his legs. She took his stiff dick in her mouth. Beautiful stimulation flows through Willy’s body. Angela is sucking his cock and caressing his nuts.

Michael knelt on the couch behind her buttocks. He stroked her sexy butt. His hand found her wet pussy. Angela is sucking Willy’s dick at the same time. Michael pushed the fingers in her hot vagina. He turned them easily in the hole. Nice excitement penetrate through her body. Michael touched her wet pussy. His fingers are petting her hole.

Michael is shaking his cock behind her sexy butt. It grew stiff soon. He pushed it slowly into her wet pussy. Soon his stiff cock screwed her in a doggy style.

Now Angela was in sexually sandwich. She is sucking Willy’s stiff dick. At the same time Michael is screwing her. She loved this style very much.

- Oh honey … said Michael. — Your pussy’s so hot …!

- Thank you dear …

- And so wet … he added. — I’m going to fuck you hard!

- Fuck me hard … she said. — Tear down my insatiable hole …!

Michael’s cock is deep in her hot pussy. Favourable stimulation is running through her body. She is shaking Willy’s stiff dick. Her teeth gnawed his glans easily. Hot sex stimulus took Willy’s body. Soon he ejaculated and filled whole her mouth with the sperm. Some of the jelly squirted in her face.

Angela is infused with beautiful ecstasy. Michael’s stiff dick screws her pussy for a long time. Her scream are very sexy and loud. The series of hot orgasms caught her lustful body.

- Oh Michael … she sobbed. — Your dick screws me perfectly …!

- Okay, honey …

He pushed his stiff cock deep into her hot pussy. She was screaming hot with hot sex. Her whole body trembled as his stiff dick blew her.

- Oh… Oh… she sobbed. — Screw me honey…

- Oh yeah my love…

Johnny is doing hot sex with Mary. She kneeled in front of him on the floor. His strong body was trapped with sweet stimulation of sex. He is pushing his stiff dick hard into her tiny hole. Her pussy can hardly withstand the thickness and length of his huge limb. Only the loud screaming and groaning can be heard from her mouth. Finally the powerful orgasm overcame her hot body. Her sighs were very temperamental and sexy in the room where they all had sex.

Johnny stood up. He wants Mary to suck his cock. She knelt in front of him on the floor. His stiff dick is in her hand. She shook it very hot. His body was hit by the fine lust of sex while she licked his balls. Finally she took his huge dick in her mouth. It barely entered her lips.

- Suck my dick honey… he said. — I like it…

She could not respond. His stiff cock slipped deep into her throat. She sucked it gently.

Linda took a seat behind Mary. She kissed her ass. Mary is imbued with hot stimulation. Linda is caressing her sexy tits.

The hot lust spat Johnny’s body. Mary’s tongue is caressing his dick top. Her teeth touch it a little.. Nice orgasm caught him. He ejaculated in her mouth. Sperm polluted her lips and face. She swallowed it with pleasure.

Michael took Linda to the bedroom. After a while he fell asleep. She remained lying in bed. Her thoughts were occupied with her task. She believed she might find something interesting in this house. She must wait an hour or two while others fall asleep. Then she will go look into the living room. She had to be very careful in this house.

The time has passed slowly. Linda was turning in bed trying not to fall asleep. Michael was sleeping near her. The house was completely silent.

Linda realized she was late in the night. She was awake for a long time. Is that the right time to go, she thought? Michael was sleeping. She wants to look for in the living room. She believed that everyone else is sleeping now.

Outside it was still dark that can be seen through the glass window. Day will break out in a few hours. She had to go into action immediately.

She got out of bed. Her body was all naked and attractive. She wanted to stay naked. Her nudity has already helped her once with Johnny. She took the bag in her hand. The bedroom is quiet and dark. Michael was sleeping peacefully.

She opened the door a crack. The hallway was dark. She crept toward the living room. The house was completely silent. All the lights were out. She realised that it is an appropriate time for investigation.

She was investigating furniture sections. A small flash light is in her hand. It illuminated drawers. Soon she found a revolver. The gun and bullets were hidden in the fabric in one of the drawers. She immediately made a picture of the gun with her little camera. Now she had something important for the police.

Linda was so persistent in her work. There are many fingerprints on the furniture. She has photographed some of them. These fingerprints could be interesting for research.

Suddenly she heard a noise. Immediately she hid behind furniture. The light illuminated the living room. Mary and Angela pointed to the door. The girls were all naked and very sexy.

They took a seat on the couch. Mary poured cocaine on her fist. She offered it under Angela’s nose that took drugs. Mary took a breath after her.

- Willy told me about Bob … said Mary.

- Really …

- He’s the head … she added.

The girls enjoyed the drug. They sat one to another. Linda is hiding behind furniture near them. She believed that they will not detect her.

- Is not Bob very reach …? said Angela.

- Of course … Mary answered. — Willy was in his house.

- How old is he …? Angela insisted.

- About forty …

- How did he look like …? Angela asked again.

- Tall and handsome man …

- Is he married …? Angela insisted.

- He lives with a young, beautiful women … Mary replied.

She hugged Angela in her hands. She kissed her on the mouth. The girls were now in the sweet embrace of love. They loved each — other very much.

Linda is still hiding behind furniture near them. Occasionally she peered at the girls. Mary stroked Angela’s bulging breasts. Her head is between her sexy balls. She chewed on her firm nipples.

The girls are wrapped in a strong sex drive. Mary touched Angela nipples with her tongue. She caressed her hot pussy.

- Your pussy’s already wet … said Mary. — You’ re so hot girl?

- I already reached on an orgasm… Angela added.

Angela caresses Mary’s breast with one hand and with the other touches her pussy. Nice stimulation overcame Mary’s body. Her sobbing was so hot.

Mary bowed her head down. Her tongue touched Angela’s clit and pussy lips. She is licking her hot vagina.

- Oh my love Angela … she sobbed. — You’re so sexy …

- Thank you honey … Angela added. — I love you…!

Mary lies on the couch on her back. Angela knelt around her head. The girls formed the figure of sixty-nine. They lick one — another pussy.

Their sighs reach to Linde behind the furniture. She realized that the girls were seized with a strong sexual desire. One of them has reached on a hot orgasm. Her screaming is hysterical.

- Honey, I love you … Angela said. — Your pussy attracts me a lot!
— I love your pussy, Angela … added Mary. — We love each other …?

Linda is scared and so excited. She is still crouched behind furniture. From time to time she watched the girls. They enjoyed sex a lot. Strong agitation seized their hot body. Their moans were so hot and loud.
The girls made sex on the carpet. Angela is down. She grieves Mary’s clitoris. Sweet stimulation flows through her body. She slid her fingers into her hot hole.

Mary is up. She is licking Angela’s pussy. Her teeth are nibbling her rise clitoris.
— I love your boobs …! Said Mary. — And your body …
— Thank you dear…

- Your body’s amazing … Added Mary. — So sexy …

At the same time Linda was hidden in the living room. She could not move or show up. If girls notice her, they would easily suspect her. She could not take more risks.

The screaming and groaning of the girls echoed in the living room. They were louder and louder. Girls are biting each other’s thighs and pussies. Their bodies were affected by a strong sex drive. Their screaming and sighing was so hysterical.

Linda was scared hidden behind the furniture. She can not move or do anything but wait. Every moment one can enter the living room and find her.

Soon the girls stopped to do sex. They took a seat on the couch. Mary took some cocaine out of the box on the table. She gave Angela to breathe it out of her hand. Then she took cocaine. They relaxed on the couch enjoying the drug.

Finally the girls left the living room. They turned off the light behind them. Linda remained alone in the dark where she was very frightened.

She remained in the living room for another hour. She wanted to wait until the girls fall asleep again. Finally, the house became again silent and dark. Most likely everyone is asleep now. Linda decided to sneak back into her bedroom.
She opened the bedroom door a crack. It was pretty quiet inside. Michael was asleep. She crept through the room to the bed.

Her movement woke him. He saw her naked in his presence. Fine sexual impulse pervaded his body. He wanted to have sex with her. She could not deny it though she was very excited and tired. She realized that she should accept sex with him.

- Linda, come … he said. — You’re so sexy …
— Thank you, baby … she replied. — I love you so much!

She had to please him even though it was so difficult to surrender to Michael. He wants to have sex. She was so scared and excited. But she had to have fun if she wanted to get his trust.

She took his dick which was relaxed in her hand. She shaked it for some time. His dick grew stiff in her fingers. Soon it will screw her nicely. She likes to have sex with him. Michael is a very good lover and a handsome man. Her sex with him was usually very sweet and thriving.

Michael lay down on his back and she was up. His stiff cock slowly slid into her pussy. His hands caressed her protruding boobs.

- Screw me Michael … she said. — Screw me hard …!
— Yeah baby … he replied. — I’ll do that …

She kissed him on the mouth. Her hands hold him on his shoulders His fingers caress her sexy boobs.. His tongue is deep in her mouth. Hot excitement is flowing through her body.

- Your cock is so cruel … she said. — It screws me very well …!
— Sure, honey …
— Your cock is so long and thick … she added. — I feel it deep in my pussy …

She is riding on his stiff dick. Michael smiled. He is happy with her kind of love. A fine sex drive has caught her. Her sighs are sexy and loud. A sweet orgasm permeated through her hot body. Her screaming are loud and very hot. She felt that Michael was infused with a hot stimulation.

Her fingernails stabbed at his shoulders. She loved him so much. His dick is so stiff. It is sliding in and out in her hot pussy fast. She is affected with a series of hot orgasms. Her hot body was hit by a powerful ecstasy.

- Oh my love … she screeched. — Fuck me hard …
— Okay, honey …
— Fuck me deeply, my dear … she added. — Stab my hungry cunt …

Finally she came down. She relaxed in his arms. Michael was so pleased with her. He loves her for sure.

He was imbued with pleasant excitement. Her hand is touching his dick. She shaked it. His hands were caressing her hot body while she licked his balls. The strong sexual urge caught his horny body. Her tongue is licking his penis tip. Her teeth squeeze it. He soon reached on a hot orgasm. His sperm sprinkled on her mouth and face. She licked jelly on his lips. His sweet cum filled her mouth. Soon she swallowed it.

- It was so good … said Michael. — Sex with you is remarkable …!


Linda woke up. She realized that it was late morning. Michael is sleeping beside her. She took a look at him. His naked body is really powerful and strong. His face is so beautiful and childish. She wants to kiss him now. Than to have a hot screw with him.

She went to the shower. Cold water refreshed her dull bodyShe left her for a long time spraying over her. She was thinking of having sex with Michael later.

She wiped her sexy body in front of the mirror. There are several dark bruises on her. A sizeable mark is even on her face.

Who could do this? Most likely Angela. Linda loved her the most.
She went to the living room wrapped in a towel. Good coffee will help her.

The house was quiet. Coffee was up to her taste. She took a seat on the couch. It was high time to go to the hotel. Peter is waiting for her e-mail. He used to call her only after he had received it. It was a sign that she was alone in the room.

She heard a noise in the hall way. Johnny walked into the living room. His body was completely naked.

- Good morning, Linda … he saluted.
— Good morning … she replied. — How’re you?
— Al right …

She was watching his dick that was huge and long. It was hanging and dangling in front of his body down in between his legs. A sweet excitement permeated throughout her body.

He poured a cup of coffee and took a sip. It was up to his liking. He took a seat on the couch beside her. Soon she found herself in his arms. He took off the towel from her body. Her sexy figure revealed in front of his eyes. He kissed her tense boobs.

His big dick is in her hand. She shook it fine. Strong agitation caught Johnny. His dick grows stiff in her hand. She bent her head down and kissed it.

She was imbued with sweet sexual drive. His big cock was between her sexy boobs. A sweet stimulation overcame her hot body. She held her boobs with both hands. His stiff dick finely slides between them.

- I wanna to ejaculate on your boobs … he said. — They’re so nice round and soft!
— Later … she added. — First you need to screw me …

She is sucking his cock. Her tongue is licking his dick top and corona. Johnny is trapped with a strong sexual desire. He will soon get an orgasm.

She pulled his dick out of her mouth. He lay down on the couch on his back. She settled on his body. His cock slid easily into her hot pussy. Her body was soon affected with hot lust. His stiff penis slightly hurt her pussy while fucking.

- Don’t reach on an orgasm, Johnny … she sighed. — You’ve to fuck me so much more!
— Sure, Linda … he replied. — I’ll screw you so much …

She really liked to have a long sex with him. His cock filled her whole pussy. In addition Johnny was a nice looking young man. His enormously big dick makes him very sexy.

She was riding on his stiff dick. Her sexy ass is rocking on the rhythm of sex that they did. His dick is slipping fine up and down in her hot hole. Nice orgasm permeated through her horny body. She dug her nails into his chest.
— Oh … he screamed. — It hurts a lot …
— I’m sorry, love … she replied. — I’ve forgotten …?

Linda is pervaded by the sweet lust of sex. His hard cock is screwing her so much. She felt it all over her pussy. A new sweet orgasm permeated through her sexy body. Her loud screaming was very temperamental.

Johnny is happy with her sex.. She kissed his mouth. Series of hot orgasm overwhelmed her. She is seized with a sweet ecstasy. Her sighing and screaming echoed in the room. Johnny is holding her around her waist strongly.

Angela walked into the living room. She saw them having a screw on the couch. Linda is imbued with a strong sexual impulse. Her butt is swinging a lot in front of Angela.

- Johnny, fuck me hard … she screeched. — Fuck my hot cunt …
— Sure, Linda … he replied. — I screw you really hard!

Angela is kneeling on the floor near them. Her body is all naked and sexy. Her hands are caressing them.
— Johnny … she said. — You’ve to fuck me …
— Okay, honey …
— After Linda … she added. — You’ll fuck me so much?
— Of course, baby … he replied. — I’ll fuck you fine …

Linda took a seat on the carpet. She was excited by the sex with Johnny. Now Angela wants to have sex with him.

Angela took Johnny’s dick in her hand. Her fingers shake it. His body was infused with a hot sexual lust. She is licking the top of his dick.

Johnny lied down on his back. She came up. His cock slowly slid into her pussy. Her hole was already wet and ready for sex. Angela is infused with sweet sexual lust.

- Push your dick hard, Johnny … she sighed. — Break my hot hole …
— Yeah my love…
He pushed his dick in her pussy very hard. She wanted him to fuck her even harder.

Michael came into the living room. His sexy body was all naked. He took a seat on the floor near Linda. She realized that he wanted to make love to her.

The other couple had sex on the couch. Angela is riding on Johnny’s dick. Her hot body is trapped with a strong sexual stimulus. His big dick breaks her pussy hard. Her sexy ass is curling nicely with sex.
Linda realized that she must leave. Peter was waiting for her news. But she can not deny Michael who squeezed her into his arms. He is kissing her mouth. His hands are caressing her tense boobs.

- I wanna to screw you, honey … he said. — You’re so cute…
— All right, love … she accepted. — I have to go …

Those who were on the couch made strong sex. Angela was screaming very loudly. Hot orgasm took hold of her sexy body. Her riding on Johnny’s cock is very hot.

- Fuck me Johnny … she screeched. — Fuck my hot rose!
— I’m fucking you hard … he replied. — My dick’s deep in your hole!

Willy and Mary came naked in the living room. They took a seat down on the carpet. He hugged her sexy body.

Michael had sex with Linda. She is lying on the carpet. Her legs are on his shoulders. His stiff cock is piercing her hot pussy. Pleasant orgasm permeated through her body. His stiff cock slid deep into her hole.

- I love you Michael … she said. — You screw me so hard!
— Yeah honey … he replied. — I love your pussy so much!

She reached on a hot orgasm. Her screams were sexy and very loud. Her fingernails were pricking his shoulders.

Willy and Mary make sex on the carpet. He lay on the floor. Mary is up. Her sexy ass flies very hard. Her riding the dick is surprisingly sexy.

Angela is permeated with beautiful ecstasy. Her cries are hysterical. Series of hot orgasms are streaming through her hot body. His cock stretched deep into her cunt.

Johnny was permeated with the sweet excitement of sex. Her riding on his stiff cock is very hot Her tits are stretched very much.. His hands are caressing them gently.

- Can you suck my dick, honey? He asked. — I’d like it so much …
— Why not …? She replied. — Let’s do it …

Michael had sex with Linda on the floor. They had sex in the form of sixty-nine. Linda is up. She is licking his balls. Her teeth nibbled on his thighs. Michael is licking her pussy. He pushed the tongue deep into her hole. Fine stimulation goes through her sexy body.

She caressed his cock with her tits that she drew between her two sexy balls. Michael is infused with sweet sexual urge. His stiff dick is in her mouth. She licked the glans and corona. His cock stretched deep into her throat.

- Suck my dick, Linda … he said. — You do it very well…
She could not say anything. His cock clogged her whole mouth. It has reached deep into her throat. Michael reached on a hot orgasm. Sperm spilled over her lips. She licked the dick top. His cum filled her mouth. She swallowed it with a smile.

- I wanna go … she said. — I wanna relax in the hotel …?
— Okay … Michael added. — I’ll stay here?

Linda stood up. Now she was ready to leave. All the others are doing sex next to her. Mary is still riding on Willy’s dick. Her sexual virtue is very impressive.

- Hi Linda … she heard Johnny say.
— Hi … she said.
— What did you promise me? He asked.
— Oh honey … she replied. — I remember now …!

Johnny wants her to suck his cock. Now is the right moment. Angela is still riding on his stiff dick. Her virtue is so original and sexy.

- Do you want to ejaculate over my breasts? She said to Johnny.
— Exactly …

Angela moved. She took a on the floor. Linda kneeled in front of Johnny lying on the couch. She stroked his penis with her bulging boobs. His stiff cock slid between her sexy balls.

Johnny keeps her tense tits with both hands. His stiff cock is moving between them. The scene is amazing. Johnny is infused with lovely stimulation.

Linda took his penis into her mouth. She is nibbling its peak and corona. An attractive incentives overcame his body. His big cock is deep in her throat. Johnny will reach on an orgasm soon.
She pulled his dick out of her mouth. Now it caresses her tits very sexy. Johnny ejaculated over her sexy tits. Linda is pleased with his sexual success. She smeared jelly all over her jutting boobs. Dry sperm will remain on the skin for sometimes.
— I’ill not wash my tits, Johnny … she said.
— Yeah honey … he added. — Leave the sperm on them to remind you of me.

- Your cum will stay here a lot longer! She said.
She showed her tits covered with sperm. Soon he touched them with his fingers.
— Thanks Linda … he said. — I love you…

Michael followed her to the door. She called a cab. The others still had sex in the living room.

The taxi took her to her hotel. She was again in her room.. Her thoughts were still after a hard night she had with her new friends.

She took off her clothes and left her naked. The reflection of her body in the mirror is now different. Her face is pale. Her hair was matted with dried semen. She combed her hair in Willy’s house before she went. Her neck was marked with large bruises and bights. Her friends really sucked it very much.

There are many signs of the nails on her shoulders. Traces of dried blood are visible around them. It was a terrible night she understood. Her tits are marked all over. The tattoo of the heart is well visible on the right breast. She glanced at her pussy. There are sucking and bite marks around her hole. Her thighs are sucked and marked a lot.
Her pussy and clit were so sick of sex and bite. She found numerous bruises and bites on her buttocks. Her friends sucked her everywhere.
She looked at her pussy tattoo. Beautiful violets surround her tensed clit. Her sexy look entranced her again.

Cold shower refreshed her body. Pool water splashed on her for a long. Now she could relax after a hard night at Willy’s house. Her new friends are away. She wants to be alone for a while.

She wiped out in front of the mirror. Then she combed her hair. Once more, she looked at her figure in the glass. The excitement of her body now is surprisingly sexy. Her face is no longer pale. Again she looked healthy.

She was wearing tiny red panties. Her sexy look gives her strength to fight. She had something that she could use in her job. That is her incredible sexy look.

She decided to write an e-mail to Peter. He never wanted to contact her first. She had to be alone and safe to communicate with him.
To: Officer X
I met a man named Willy. I have pictures of fingerprints and revolvers.
Spider X

Peter liked to receive email rather than phone calls. She relaxed on the couch with a book. Cell phone ringing warned her attention.
— Hello … she replied.
— Hi Linda … she heard Peter speak. — I received your e-mail.
— Nice to hear from you … she added.
— You’re doing a good job … he said. — Take care, Linda …

Talking with Peter was as short as usual. She relaxed again on the couch. The book is in her hands. She tried to focus on the story that she read.




Pero Metkovic
Pero Metkovic

Written by Pero Metkovic

I have published four books on Besides, I'm interested in inventions. I have Croatian protection for a new kind of computer. I write lyric.

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